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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. I use it for certain games but I grew up on sticks. If you havent used one regularly dont expect some massive improvement over night, sticks take a lot practice . Tekken is one is use it on because I play wavu wavu characters and find it easier. What system are you playing on and did you have a particular stick you were looking at ?
  2. Just wanted to thank everyone for the replies. @sblfilmspretty much nailed why I am sticking through it. Me leaving puts my co workers in some hardships so just gonna stick it out for the last 3 days. They still haven't set an time aside to take care of anything. I spoke to a current employee that was a manager about it and he said "come Friday, drop your shit ,tell them thanks or eat my ass and walk".
  3. Warning Rambling post ahead So iam pretty sure my current employer wrecked me to a perspective employer about a month ago and I could see the job going slowly getting more toxic afterwards. So about 2 weeks ago I took a day off and and met with another company . That afternoon my job calls and informs me that I will be traveling across 3 states to assist in getting a job that is very far behind up to speed. I was more or less told go or find another job and I was to leave within the hour as it about a 12 hour drive and I needed to be on site at 7am the next day . I go and get the job caught up and on my way home the other company offered me the position. They offered me about 10k more a year to start and an actual work life balance that my current job will not. I took it and told them I need to give my current job notice which they had no issue with. Problem is that my current job has been getting more antagonistic as the 2 weeks go on. They keep asking who I am going to work for and I keep telling them I am leaving the industry to find something else but they wont let it go. They are sending me to the worst sites and on top of that they have me scheduled on sites for all the remaining days and we need at least 1 day just to return company vehicles and tools. I also several projects that need to be hand off to someone else or they are gonna go belly up. This Friday is my last day and I told them that at noon I will be dropping everything off and I am out but they just keep ignoring it. I am trying to be they better person here but at this point I should have just said fuck it i am out. Ramble over
  4. MMXXII by Deus Vermin Black Death Swedish Death is not normally my cup of tea but this isnt to shabby.
  5. Actors are trying to revive it on another streaming service
  6. I lift between 3 and 5 pm 3 times a week. My current job much like @Fizzzzle has me moving all day normally about 7 miles a day. New job will see me office bound so Il be going back to my treadmill on my off days.
  7. Buried Deep In A Bottomless Grave by Witch Vomit
  8. Thats a real beauty right there, i normally dont care for steelbooks but I had to have that one.
  9. Correct , if someone dogs a crashbar, people will exit through door or walk by and never notice it. At least 5 or 6 times a year I take calls for this issue. "My access control is broke and people can just walk right in" and ill show up and show them its been dogged open or its the door closure is out adjustment and the door closes 99.9% of the way but the latch gets hung up. I also really hope if this is was the case that what ever poor soul didnt check the door or dogged it open doesnt take it as their fault because lord know the arm chair commandos of the world will.
  10. There is a very real addiction of buying firearms and for a lot of those people the identity is the cover for that addiction. In fact its almost a meme that if you are around people who are in to firearms that there is a good chance some of them are buying guns and keeping it a secret from their wives or girlfriends. There is a billboard not far from my house for a jewelry store that says something like "Buy her this ring and you can finally tell her about the guns you have been secretly buying". Obviously its a problem no matter what the cause and I am not downplaying your response, just adding some nuisance to the conversation.
  11. I am also pretty sure my current employer threatened a competitor with a law suit If they poached me. I applied to the competitor for a similar position and they were calling me 3 and 4 times a day for a week to come interview. I interviewed and was told they had never had someone with so many stellar references, and that I was more less guaranteed the job. My company found out and called the owner because they are supposed to have some kind gentleman's agreement about poaching. Now they wont return my calls or emails and my company is acting like nothing is going on.
  12. Laid off once but received 4 months severance pay and health insurance. I got fired once because I called the owner out on a company wide conference call. Early in covid he decided rather then lay off people he would cut wages. He was cutting wages on hours already worked , I reminded him why he cant retroactively change pay and he he was required to give notice of wage changes.
  13. Paul Rudd , Danny Mcbride or Zach Galifianakis seem like guys who dont take themselves overly serious and are generally nice people. If I could choose some one who is dead ,I think a single night on Sunset Strip with Lemmy in his heyday would be the stuff of legends, if you could actually remember it the next day.
  14. Wells Fargo staged 'fake' job interviews for Black people, women in quest for diversity WWW.WRAL.COM Joe Bruno, a former executive in the wealth management division of Wells Fargo, had long been troubled by the way his unit handled certain job interviews.
  15. To kind of answer this , I am have a severe reaction when it comes to dairy. If I drink a small shake or have a large glass of milk, its projectile vomit time. I had the same issue with breast milk. The solution was Goats milk for me. Buying it now is 10x easier then in the 80's. My parents essentially bought black market goats milk from a SE Asian family that ran grocery/bodega store.
  16. Gotcha I thought he was using it as a way to poke fun of the right, ah well good riddance to bad rubbish then.
  17. Same and the films as well. Really kind of disappointed in myself cause growing up if someone had told me we would get all this content I would of had a stroke.
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