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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. They are over priced for what you get. A comfortable well built office chair is heads and shoulders above a gaming chair. Gaming anything is almost always over priced junk.
  2. I do this as well. There is something so heart breaking watching them struggle so slowly.
  3. Dark , I guess. The line between dark and light differs so much from person to person. There is something I enjoy about watching a situation deteriorate or watching a character break . The Witcher 3 Bloody Baron quest,The Walking Dead S1,Souls series,The Last Of Us,SH2,Stories Untold, and TWAU.
  4. Do employers in CA do randoms like they do in the US or is it more laid back?
  5. Nothing new here http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/RockstarSpouse/20100107/4032/Wives_of_Rockstar_San_Diego_employees_have_collected_themselves.php
  6. I impressed that your employer was able to convince you that the albatross around your neck was really a gold star medal.
  7. The problem is they are not being compensated and of course they don’t get any insurance or benefits. As consumers we need to advocate for these guys even if it means a price hike.
  8. Pikachu is the winner feel free to fight to the death though @Pikachu @HGLatinBoy
  9. Anyone interested? If more then one person is then its off to Thunderdome to fight for it.
  10. Has it been pointed out that those first 2 picture are not the actress in 3rd? First 2 belong to Belcim Bilgin
  11. Watched a couple of B and C tier Horror films This film has 3 things going for it. A great soundtrack,Tom Atkins, and an unconventional ending for the time. The plot is Meh . ,the special effects are down right terrible,and the writing is feels like it belongs in a outer limits knock off episode. I would rate this as Carpenters worst work. 3/10 A Film Noir /fanatsy horror about a detective ( Scott Bakula ) who is helping a widow (Famke Jannsen ) . The special effects are nothing special but are serviceable and everything else is just kind of middle of the road quality. Its an interesting mash up of genres that work well together. 5/10
  12. You beat me to it, Fred knocked it out of the park.
  13. Jesus what a shit show, I like to give MS shit but the Xbox live infrastructure is light years ahead of Sony.
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