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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. I’ll take megadimendional if it’s still available
  2. Its a great game and for me would likely be a 9 but the stealth sections are not that great and mar everything else.
  3. I assumed this was the biography of the early years of JFK and Jackie O, fuck it never mind my earlier post.I was really hoping we would get to see how JFK deals with Cuba and the Bay of Pigs with his spider powers.
  4. Visuals- This game is a real looker,I would be hard pressed to find a better looking game. Gameplay- I havent been real impressed with previous entries and this one is no different.It plays pretty much the same.Gather resources,make ammo,kill bad guys is the basic loop. The actual traversal is slightly worse feeling.Crofts model feels very stiff when jumping more so then before its always felt like the engine wasnt build for jumping around,its clunky. Story-From what I ve played ,dont expect a miracle,its serviceable.
  5. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/sd-me-twitch-shooting-20180911-story.html Seems it was just a BB gun.
  6. Stupid question but are their taxes going up to pay for the garage or because the garage will raise the property value and taxes?
  7. Welcome to Nightvale for weird shit This American Life Stuff You Should Know
  8. Its hard to explain without sounding pretentious but its a slasher film that you cant watch like your typical slasher. The film is nightmarish decent into dreamlike story that is driven by the visuals and soundtrack.The plot is bare bones and yes it is kinda of a snooze fest. It feels like your getting a peak in to someone else bad dream.
  9. It feels like the TTK ruined some of the mechanics as far as balance is concerned. If they changed just the TTK the game would feel so much more stream lined.
  10. @DPCyric World War Z Its a good book with one hell of cast Max Brooks as The Interviewer Steve Park as Kwang Jingshu Frank Kamai as Nury Televadi Nathan Fillion as Stanley MacDonald* Paul Sorvino as Fernando Oliveira* Ade M'Cormack as Jacob Nyathi* Carl Reiner as Jurgen Warmbrunn Waleed Zuaiter as Saladin Kader Jay O. Sanders as Bob Archer Dennis Boutsikaris as General Travis D'Ambrosia Martin Scorsese as Breckinridge “Breck” Scott* Simon Pegg as Grover Carlson* Denise Crosby as Mary Jo Miller* Bruce Boxleitner as Gavin Blaire* Ajay Naidu as Ajay Shah Nicki Clyne as Sharon* Jeri Ryan as Maria Zhuganova* Henry Rollins as T. Sean Collins Maz Jobrani as Ahmed Farahnakian Mark Hamill as Todd Wainio Eamonn Walker as Xolelwa Azania / Paul Redeker / David Allen Forbes Jürgen Prochnow as Philip Adler David Ogden Stiers as Bohdan Taras Kondratiuk* Michelle Kholos as Jesika Hendricks Kal Penn as Sardar Khan* Alan Alda as Arthur Sinclair Junior Rob Reiner as "The Whacko" Dean Edwards as Joe Muhammad Frank Darabont as Roy Elliot* Becky Ann Baker as Christina Eliopolis Parminder Nagra as Barati Palshigar* Brian Tee as Hyungchol Choi / Michael Choi* Masi Oka as Kondo Tatsumi* Frank Kamai as Tomonaga Ijiro John Turturro as Seryosha Garcia Alvarez Ric Young as Admiral Xu Zhicai* Alfred Molina as Terry Knox* John McElroy as Ernesto Olguin Common as Darnell Hackworth* F. Murray Abraham as Father Sergei Ryzhkov* René Auberjonois as Andre Renard*
  11. I understand what you mean now. There is a drag mechanic that is currently not in the beta which should help. I prefer the older style of revive myself.
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