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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. No real performance issues but there are metric ton of bugs. I play conquest,domination, GO,and break through and they are very active. On the weekends I’ve spent upwards of 5 mins waiting to get in games but usually it’s 2-3 . I am loving it but it’s very much hardcore mode of previous BF series. Also having good people to play can drastically alter the fun, if you get stuck with a shit team it can ruin the game an instant. Graphics feel like a step back from BF1,textures are muddy and character animations are janky. i can only recommend it if your die hard fan , if your not I would wait a few months for some updates and patches. i would also say that in my time playing the BF series on both consoles, Xbox players are better players and better teammates. PS players are some of the worst.
  2. I have fallen for this game,no spotting makes harassing the enemy so much fun.The SMLE and the Gewehr are blast.I am on the last Mastery for the Gewehr but its bugged so I am waiting for a patch. The TTKs are out , Big KEV has faster TTK then the Automatico under 10 meters,its due to be nerfed. EDIT: The TTK will never feel right on consoles unless they up the servers from 30 to 60.
  3. Same here but if a player has to do side mission to be able to advance the story due to XP levels can they really be called “side missions” ?
  4. The removal of change of power level make it more fun for me.Its not a bad mechanic just a mechanic thats not for everyone. I cant sat I agree or disagree with this because I dont know if the loot tables are static or not This happens all the time in open world games its just jank that come with the style of game.
  5. I think the gaming public is on the same page as D1P. Its a good mix of great game to great game bad controls.
  6. A lot of the side quest give gear and weapons as a reward, if you go in at a higher level then the rewards are worthless. The game also throws enough gear/item/weapons at you combined with the skills you can get that the auto leveling never hinders you from completing the quests. Your never going to take enemies down that are more a few levels above you, the wait to use it isnt long. Games have had level restrictions on gear for ever its a non issue. Cant say I have that issue and I never use lock on so I cant really comment on it This has happen to me, the guards seem to have a weird aggro range also there is nothing saying "you are not allowed here" so you kinda just wander into the area and you get mobbed. My mercs show up on the mini map and as red icons when playing far enough in advance I can avoid the higher level one.
  7. 8 ohms under 75ft your fine using 16 up it if your 4-6 ohms speakers
  8. I am sure some will disagree with me but if your gonna drop $1500 on PC equipment I would buy a new power supply unless you recently purchased it. Old Caps get worse over time,filtering get worse,they also are less efficient and can run hotter. General rule of thumb for me is manufacturer warranty -1 year on power supplies.
  9. Correct they are not worth the price to be used as gaming CPU, they also tend to worse when it comes to gaming.
  10. Newer GPU's use it as well, its fine for graphical use but not so much for CPU use.No current MOBO supports it.
  11. 9700k Mobo of your choice 16gb or 32 gb of DDR4 Your power supply needs to have to 8 pin connectors You want new RAM, your running old gen
  12. Baring Teeth Transitive Savagery by Baring Teeth An unholy merging of Nasum grind with The Body.
  13. So DICE screwed with Conquest again Aircraft respawns are as follows: If tickets are even, 90s If you're down 50 tickets, 70s If you're down 100 tickets, 45s If you're down 200 tickets, 45s If you're up 50 tickets, 90s If you're up 200 tickets, 105s Also the more your team is losing the faster you capture flags
  14. SMG's dont need a buff, the game just needs to bring guns like the KE7 in line and offer a mid range replacement to SMG's and medics should be in good spot.DICE does a really bad job of putting classes in to range lanes and trying to balance around it.
  15. I just put a few hours in with a more open mind then when I played the beta. I am enjoying it more then I thought I would. I first played GO and it was total meat grinder on offense. It was almost enough to turn me away. After a few rounds of conquest I started to hit my groove. My big issues After so many days played in BF1 the some of the maps dont feel good. They might be to big. Medics really lack for mid to long range combat options. Cant hear enemy footsteps Gun sound effects are very muted Secondaries need a bump in damage Other players are still morons of the highest caliber and the TTK really pushes a camper play style.
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