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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. Unless I am misunderstanding you any digital purchase you make is your to keep and re download regardless of service.
  2. I thought I had a good idea of how much these guys make but holy shit this outrageous .
  3. Started my October Horror Bava at his best.Its not scary by most horror movie standards in fact outside of a few scenes its kinda kid friendly and its all about the Gothic atmosphere. 7/10 The Devils Rejects This is the exact of opposite of kid friendly. Its horror that instead of watching the exploits of victims as the killers pick them off 1 by 1 from the shadows , the viewer is almost an accomplice and so much shown in daylight. There isnt a single main character to root for as the "good guys" are bad and the "bad guys" are down right vile. 9/10
  4. Holy shit am I enjoying this game but whos bright idea was it not to include a qualifying lap. If the 1 spot gets an early lead in short multi-lap race everyone behind them jockeying for position can put you in a spot where all you can do is hope the 1 spot screws up which almost never happens at higher levels.
  5. Apparently there are some items and weapons that can only be gotten by purchasing pizza rolls from Totinos. The ultimate version should be renamed to “ The almost but not quite Ultimate, you still need to binge some shit tier snacks and your still not gonna get everything version “
  6. Phobiate by BINAH French Death A New Kind of Horror by Anaal Nathrakh
  7. 4k Max settings 4MSAA Just shy of constant 60fps Game is a looker and runs like a bat out of hell.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Predator-Z321QU-bmiphzx-Technology/dp/B07BDQNDKY/ref=pd_gwm_simh_0?pf_rd_s=blackjack-experiment-1&pf_rd_t=Gateway&pf_rd_i=mobile&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pd_rd_wg=udf7W&pd_rd_r=FMGG8YQ8TRDG4AK3STA5&pd_rd_w=sxs13&pf_rd_r=5HWCDBRT54RWCH4VW469&pf_rd_p=db8e741f-3a25-4908-9938-1cabe21e7102&pd_rd_i=B07BDQNDKY or can someone recommend one in this range?
  9. Well then, Ill need someone to hold back my seething rage..
  10. Umm isnt the Birds of Prey a female team or is there something else?
  11. What is the cause of the freakout for the uninitiated ?
  12. I just beat Spiderman and now Ill be playing some BF1 and starting Megadimensional Neptunia courtesy of @Keyser_Soze
  13. I think thats still the old engine.The new one wasnt suppose to debut until Stranger Things. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/06/25/telltale-retiring-engine-for-unity/ https://www.pcgamesn.com/the-walking-dead-final-season/telltale-games-engine-unity
  14. Its a shame really Some how they managed to take a game that no one in a million years would have thought to take and make into a an adventure game and it turns out really good and no one buys it
  15. This was written this year and kinda shows how bad it was at TT https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/20/17130056/telltale-games-developer-layoffs-toxic-video-game-industry
  16. If you dont want to watch the video Tweaking attrition: Devs want to nudge attrition in the right direction but still want it to be fully part of the game. More ammo on spawn. More max ammo capacity. Ammo tweaking will be weapon specific (not all weapons may be affected, some more than others). Medpack on spawn. Improving visibility: Adding a haze to the background to make enemies stand out. Fine tuning lighting in specific locations. Death experience and pacing: Devs agree with the community that current death timer made the game feel too slow. Devs want highs and lows moments in the game, but find that the high moments are not high enough (this is partially caused by soldier downtime). They want moments of pure chaos. Tweaking "bleeding out" timer, you are not punished anymore if you decide to hang on, respawn timer will be reduced accordingly. Audio immersion: Fixed the audio bugs which contributed to make the game too silent. Audio should feel like war once again. Time to kill and time to death: Trying to find that sweet spot to cater to both players who love it or hate it. From the data, players have learned to move closer to cover to avoid getting killed too easily. Certain weapons stand out (more effective at most engagement distances), "won't name specifics *cough*STG*cough*". Those are gonna be tweaked to "bring them into the fold". Confirmed Netcode issues in regards to Time to death, "you receive more damage than you should be in one update, which is due to packet loss, netcode, delays and high rate of fire weapons". Currently looking into fixing this. Vehicles (Tanks): Beta testers felt that the tanks were too slow/heavy and not offensive enough against infantry, but dev says the more agile/anti-infantry tanks weren't in the open beta, as well as anti-aircraft vehicles. Devs were happy with the tuning on the new turret system on the heavy tanks, but plan to make the turret turn faster on the medium and lighter tanks. Light tanks will have a "very fast" turret turning speed. Devs want the tanks to be the "dragons of our game", once they show up on the field, "everyone should relate to that". If you see a friendly tank, you should push alongside it, if you see an enemy tank, you should cower in fear. Heavier tanks are robust, hard to take down, but slow, less effective against infantry, more effective against other vehicles, and the opposite is true for lighter tanks, more agile, used to kill infantry, harass and flank. Tweaked systemic damage (such as canon disabled or track disabled), they want to reward players who chip away at tanks without necessarily destroying them, but don't want to penalize tank drivers too much, leaving them with nothing to do. Added turret damage which slows down turret turning speed, as well as engine damage, which cripples its movement. Vehicles (Airplanes): Beta feedbacks tell that the difference between the two fighter planes was too great and people didn't like it. Devs are taking step to make them much more similar and better than they were in open beta. Overall players found fighter planes not agile enough. Not being able to acquire ground targets as easily as in previous titles. Players most happy with the BF 109 plane, but devs say even that one wasn't were we needed it to be. Tweaked visibility for pilot and gunner, extended spotting range. "We want planes to participate in the ground combat". Dev excited about the broader spectrum of vehicle classes in BFV, says it was a bit lacking in BF1. Talking about anti-aircraft tanks, such as the Flakpanzer and Valentine MK 1 AA, they have "tons of canons and tons of bullets flying through the sky". Next episode within two weeks.
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