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Everything posted by Rodimus

  1. This is going to be good box from Japan.
  2. I wouldn’t get too distracted with it playing off real carts. Expect a firmware that would allow playing games off the sad card like all their other fpga consoles. This looks cool even has a dock for tv. $200 is steep but I’m interested in the rare consoles the losers like the lynx, game gear, neon geo pocket and wonder swan. this is Kevtris again and he is really good at this stuff.
  3. So SEGA is porting over the least popular Monkey Ball and hitting the content but adding sonic as an unlock able to forget. I’m upset but maybe not so much to pick up but I’m price sensitive.
  4. That seems about right. Question is Barr leaning on Murdoch or kissing his ass?
  5. I haven't played this game before. I should play this remake. I still haven't plays the Crash N-sane trilogy and CTR or Spyro remake.
  6. I'm looking forward to the haptic feedback in the controller. I still need to get a 4k Bluray player but if I don't pull the trigger before the PS5 I hope to play them on the PS5.
  7. I hear people are boycotting Blizzard.Also some group offered the Hearthstone winner the prize and entry to their tournament.
  8. iTunes is still a music jukebox. All the syncing and movies, tv shows, and podcasts are out on mac.
  9. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/08/atari_architect_quits/ Update it is looking worse and worse. They also promised updates all summer but didn't once and when confronted on Facebook they said info coming soon again.
  10. not my type. I'm into chicks not dicks.
  11. No, I'm saying these guys are doing the least to wear a shirt. They really want to show off their guns and not how the shirt looks on them.
  12. This is a whole bunch of dudes that wish they weren't wearing shirts.
  13. I had a cat like this one in high school. Cute and great job picking a rescue.
  14. @ShreddieMercuryRising just play Link to the Past.
  15. Not yet. I’m going to finish Castlevania 2 next.
  16. I beat Links Awakening on Switch. It was a fun game but really felt the dense and the puzzles where heavy. Fun game. Anyone who plays this and hasn’t played link to the past should follow up with link to the past.
  17. Link Between Worlds is a good game but it would be disingenuous to play before link to the Past. Also link to the past is the blueprint that the later Zelda games used. Link to the past is the refinement of the original.
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