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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. FWIW, even my Aussie does great in our roughly 600 sq. ft. apartment. He goes to daycare to burn off lots of energy while I'm at work (30,000+ steps per day on average, according to his tracker collar) but he also is naturally very mellow; he has the energy to burn, but isn't antsy or anxious. This is all to say, I think that if you possibly can make it work, you will absolutely love having a dog, even in an apartment. Dogs are the best!
  2. The GOP talking point of a single entry point seems to have done the job; we spent two pages bickering about it instead of focusing on guns.
  3. If it had gotten everything all right from the start, I wouldn't give a shit that it's such an old document. But obviously, given how many times it has needed to be.....amended.... it ain't perfect. What a piss poor excuse from this guy.
  4. If it's anything like where I currently work, they may just (correctly?) figure they have an unlimited number of people who want to perform the job; turnover may be assumed?
  5. Question for everyone: What are some of your favorite resources for financial advice and information, retirement planning, investments, etc.? In my new job starting in about a month, I'm actually going to start having money left over at the end of the month , plus my new employer will award stock as part of my compensation package, as well as 401k matching, bonuses, etc. I'm completely ignorant about a lot of the vocabulary, programs, costs/benefits, etc. when it comes to financial matters because it just has never been available to me, but I don't want to waste the opportunity. I assume corporate will have some information but I don't want them to be my only source since they of course have their own agenda, like everyone. If this is too broad of a question I can try to narrow it down a bit.
  6. A friend of mine works in a hospital and regularly sees the homeless come in, need a toe amputation, be put up in the hospital for a few days, get sent back out onto the streets and told to keep the wound clean and dry , and then is back a few weeks or months later for progressively severe amputation (multiple toes, below-knee amputation and finally an above-knee amputation). All of these surgeries cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, rather than e.g. spending a thousand dollars after the first surgery to put them up in a hotel for a couple weeks. Obviously to say nothing of the cost to the human being of needing an above-knee amputation. Shit's depressing.
  7. I finally started playing Grand Theft Auto IV in earnest. I've had the game for years, of course (came out in 2008, probably bought it in 2011 or so). I'm only about 2 or 3 hours in but it feels like all I'm doing are taxi missions so far. I guess it's building up.
  8. Calm your tits and shoulders, bro!
  9. Just counted in my head and I remembered 7. Might be 8 or 9 but 🤷🏻‍♂️ . I understand the impulse to say sex isn't that important, but I would guess that it's one of those things that's easy enough to say when you've had it and know that first-hand, but wanting something desperately and not getting it can be maddening. Whether that's sex, a new job, a particular relationship, etc.
  10. Conan O'Brien. Grew up watching his shows and currently listen to his podcast. He seems like a genuinely kind, smart, and humble guy. An ex-girlfriend met him once as part of her job (she worked in publicity for a Broadway show in New York City and Conan did a remote segment at their show) and confirmed this.
  11. I've also never been fired. Sorry to hear that you got fired though, that sucks. Sounds like they don't have their shit together and were screwing you over, so... Long term you'll be better off for sure, but I'm sure the uncertain future sucks right now. Hang in there though, something better will come along soon!
  12. You're making me think I should sell my 2007 Prius.
  13. I tend to try to keep it right around 70 year round. In the summer I'll probably turn on the AC when it hits around 75-80 and in the winter turn on the heat when it hits 65 or below.
  14. The band that sounded the least like themselves live (which maybe qualifies as "the worst") was The Mars Volta. I saw them while they were playing a festival near Seattle in around 2005 or 2006 (along with Wolfmother, Postal Service, and RHCP) and their songs were nearly unrecognizable live. At one point, someone actually threw a bottle of piss at the lead singer and they left the stage before the end of their set.
  15. This is clearly part of the Democrats' ongoing war against babies, like abortion and eating them.
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