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Everything posted by mo1518

  1. This happened to me last night, exactly! First I tried to avoid the tunnel and go around the mountain, but the game failed me for trying to take the safe route around. Second time I go in, it fails me cause I got too far. Third time I hopped off closer and the tough girl who has survived on her own for a year dies to a tipped bike 😂
  2. So the scenes showing the beginning of the outbreak in the city - this was supposed to be a playable section, right? And they just cut out the gameplay, strung the cutscenes together and called it a day, right? Cause they are way too disjointed to be anything but.
  3. I ended up buying it. This is pretty great - only played for a few hours, but I cleared my first nest area at a sawmill, at night, which was a mix of incredible tension and a lot of running for my life. I'm obviously quite bad at the game still, and have no weapons or tricks up my sleeve, so I'm looking forward to whatever skills and tools will make a mission like that a bit more interesting. One thing I do not like so far is Deacon. I take it he's meant to be some charming rogue, but without any charm he just kinda seems like an asshole. I'm hoping things improve as the story progresses, but I can't remember the last time I so swiftly and instinctually disliked a game's protagonist this much.
  4. That was really entertaining. At least some good has come out of this dumpster fire.
  5. This is where I'm at. I'm sold, but I might wait a little bit to see if there's a surprising sale somewhere in the next month, and in the meantime I'm going back to assassin's creed odyssey to chip away at its dlc. That said, I'll probably cave and be playing it before the weekend is over.
  6. I heard this is like the recent mad max game mixed with zombies and the last of us. Truth to that? I loved mad max, so that comparison alone makes me think I might be the target audience for an underappreciated gem that's rough around the edges.
  7. I'm with you on this. The Egypt setting was incredible, and despite the dumb story I couldn't stop playing it. In Odyssey the story is way better, the characters are better, the combat is improved but I just didn't find the environment as interesting, and that affected my desire to play it more than I thought. It just felt like the world was quite generic compared to origin's very different regions and cities.
  8. I still have my gameboy, I love it! I swear that thing and the night light attachment is what turned me into a niteowl.
  9. It was very much more of the same, and I was pretty burnt out on the game at the time having just finished getting the platinum trophy and doing all the things. I probably should have waited a bit to play it. It does add some cool new abilities to the skill tree. I'll probably try and finish it off.
  10. I didn't finish the first batch of dlc either, but I also wasn't particularly enjoying it. This, however, looks more in line with the wilder second DLC in origins, which I loved. The game gets better when it gets weirder.
  11. I bought an internal ssd, put it in a $15 USB 3.0 shell and plugged it into my ps4. Works great, cuts load times down to nothing for games like the division and destiny.
  12. Sorry to hear about your son, your family has been through so much in so short a time. But hopefully the recovery process can start now that you're settled in Oregon. Wishing your family the best, take care of each other.
  13. The gun skins are a strong holdover from titanfall 2, where some of the rarer skins were real feats to unlock. And that was fine for titanfall 2, but in a game like this they're super underwhelming as battle pass rewards. I still love the game, but the battlepass is a bummer. It doesn't do anything to spice up the game, you've just paid to periodically unlock some lackluster rewards in a real rough xp grind. In fortnite people complain that the challenges task you with playing the game in a style that goes against the main objective (winning) and collect silly objects or land at various places, but the plus to that system is that you can log in once or twice a week, do the challenges and max out the battlepass before the season ends. With apex the grind is real, it's asking you to play two hours daily for the duration of the season to get to the end of the pass. That's... exhausting.
  14. This morning I finally finished the last achievement I was missing in Into the Breach, unlocking the secret squad of mechs (which are very cool). I love this game so damn much, I wish they'd do a sequel or some dlc, but I can't wait to see whatever these guys decide to do next.
  15. I got every chatterbox piece on the first try, didn't know they weren't guaranteed - now I feel better about my luck. I was super pissed cause I went and got all the parts for the liberty and felt so smart having a d50 in my stash ready and waiting... Except it's a purple d50, and the blueprint requires a yellow
  16. @atom631 I didn't upgrade my bench until I hit WT1 simply because I couldn't see the option on the screen. It was there, but because of the transparent ui and small font I didn't even know it was an option until I read a post mentioning upgrading the bench. I just assumed I'd get better blueprint a later 😂 Did a bunch of missions last night to get the chatterbox exotic smg, and I'm glad I did. It's just a really fun gun to use. I was doing those missions on hard with randoms, and the enemy difficulty in this game is really weird. For one mission we had a full group of four, and everything was bullet spongey and situations could get out of hand if someone went down. It was a good challenge, but maybe a bit on the annoying side. Then the other two missions were just me and a single other player, and we breezed through like nothing. I get that it scales up to match the extra players, but it doesn't seem like it's balanced quite right.
  17. I made it to WT4, and the end game is great. Lots of loot, constantly getting good rewards and progress - they really nailed the loot in this game. You can do anything - grind the hardest mission available to you or just go exploring and walk down a dark alley - whatever you do, there are rewards for it. Really lets you just enjoy the game the way you want to play it, but all the high end / more efficient ways of gearing up are there for those that care. If I had a complaint it would be that I don't see much reason to switch away from healing Chem and my turret. I try to put the turret away and experiment, but every time I've do I've switch back pretty quick. Haven't had ammo for my signature skill yet, so not sure if those are cool or not. This is a ridiculous bug, they better get a fix for this quick. I do like that it's a whole new set of perks to level up only once you hit end game.
  18. Very nice, thanks. I've missed playing the odd game of splatoon here and there.
  19. I don't think the onion article is requesting anything, it's just funny commentary that a ton of people probably relate to - the game they had a ton of fun with over the past month is getting harder as people get better. I can definitely see both sides to it, and it's obviously hard to come up with a solution in this stuff. If there were two tiers, Kiddy and Regular, you'd have a ton of people making new accounts just so they could go stomp around in the kiddy pool and wreck the noobs anyways lol. It's not fun to get stomped, but you have to learn to improve somehow. And if you take away all the easy kills from the vets by segmenting off the noobs, they'll just bitch too that now their tier is too hard.
  20. There isn't any sort of skill-based matchmaking in this, or fortnite, though people have been clamoring for it. You'd think it would be in the games' best interest - it's hard to build an audience if every new player gets stomped into submission before deciding this isn't for them. Especially fortnite, where the pros are not only better with the guns and know the map intimately, but the difference between a pro builder and a casual is obscene - they're not even playing the same game.
  21. Man, I still love the game and play it every few days, but there are some true gods in there just obliterating people these days. It was inevitable, but it's still a bit deflating to run up against them. I do still manage to eke out a win here and there, but nowhere near the 20-25% win ratio i had back at launch. It's still the most fun I've had in a BR game.
  22. If it's like the new 3ds with the bonus analog nub and two(?) exclusive games, I will ignore this. Maybe they'll even lock SNES games to it again. If it's a significant power upgrade I'll be interested, but I have my ps4 for that kind of stuff anyways. Hmm, I guess what I'm trying to say is it's tough to form an opinion without any details
  23. The official Google controllers have their own wifi to connect directly to Googles servers just to help eliminate input lag, which is an interesting idea. Instead of controller - box - servers, it's just straight to the servers. As far getting 4k hdr lag free into your TV through a chromecast... I guess we'll see.
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