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Everything posted by mo1518

  1. Year 1 Armor: dismantle away, it's purely cosmetic. I deleted all of it except the raid gear. Year 1 guns: I still use all the old raid guns and a few other favourites. Midnight coup is still the best hand cannon going. But you can always get them back from the collections, so no big deal, delete them all.
  2. Anyone got opinions on Surviving Mars?
  3. No wipeout is a crime. The demo of wipeout 1 I got in CD form from a game magazine is basically what sold me on the playstation in general, it was so damn cool. I wonder if they mainly included the first games in series (despite having superior sequels) is due to this being a nostalgia device more than a selection of the system's best games - they could never actually release that version of the PS1 classic.
  4. My plans for the night mainly revolve around finding clothing to recreate gene wilders outfits from blazing saddles. Which is to say I'll probably be in a two hour long gunfight after I accidentally loiter near a pedestrian for too long.
  5. I do find scaring the living daylights out of shopkeepers to be one of my favourite past times. Kick door in, "Jesus!"
  6. Well, as poor as my first impressions were, the game definitely has its hooks in me. Currently sitting at work watching the clock and daydreaming about returning to the wild west. There are rabbits that need hunting and innocent bystanders that need hogtying.
  7. This one drives me nuts. You just can't expect to have your weapons from one moment to the next, and the real question is why wouldn't you want them? Are they removing them simply so my character doesn't always have a bow slung over his shoulder for appearance's sake? Frankly, I'd rather that be my choice.
  8. Thank you. I couldn't understand why square wasn't reload, and nothing else except emptying the gun seemed to work. Hold O? Wtf?
  9. I think he's right about that, but I don't know for sure. I brought a deer in to camp and tried like three times to give it to the cook, nothing worked. Talked to him, hit donate, there's the deer. I didn't pay attention to if the crafting materials are banked with him or whatever.
  10. You have to take the saddle off your old horse and put it on your new horse. There's an entire mission that serves as tutorial for that
  11. Finished what I hope is the tutorial section. Love the environment and the story so far, but holding X and looking at the scenery while some outlaws spout exposition isn't exactly what I was hoping for out of the gate. But I'm sure it'll pick up once I'm free to do what I want, which is of course to lasso everything and everyone.
  12. It really is. Both redrix and Luna are grinds, but these quests have made me enjoy crucible in a way I haven't since early D1. I'm 74 matches away from redrix and it's been a fun quest with a cool reward that I can't wait to get my hands on.
  13. Just a heads up - that quest is just one step in a kinda hardcore crucible quest for the Luna's Howl handcannon. Maybe Google the whole thing to see what you're getting in to before committing a bunch of time to it. Good luck if you do go for it.
  14. First time Odyssey pulled me out of the animus to chat with the two ladies in current day I felt a little bit guilty mashing circle to skip the conversation and re-enter the animus, but then I went back to killing goats and humans with my poison spear and moved past it. Appreciate the team's hard work on all the lore and stuff, but it is really not interesting.
  15. AC4 is my favourite pre-RPG style asscreed, and you can see the roots of origins in its open world. The dlc for it was also good. I'm interested to play the AC3 remaster to see if I still like the old style or if origins/odyssey have made it too outdated.
  16. Weapons help, sure. Armor doesn't. To generate orbs with your super, multikills with roaming supers are best. Never waste your super on a single enemy, hold it until you'll get at least two guys. If you're a titan, wear the crest of alpha lupi chest piece, then you get an orb for every enemy you kill, even if you only kill one dude. If you're a real good shot, precision golden gun will make two orbs per headshot kill.
  17. I platinumed ff12 recently, and I thought I'd done everything in the game, but I didn't even know that fishing was in the game, crazy.
  18. You can stack perks to get bonus damage - I apply poison and then the predator shot and the poison damage lets me one shot enemies that would otherwise survive. As for skills, hero shot in the stealth tree is ridiculously overpowered. I run that, shield removal, healing and poison.
  19. I'm lvl 21 I think. And yeah, red dead hype might drag me away - I already bought the odyssey DLC so I'll be back eventually. I think I played Origins for like six months when it was all said and done, doing all the DLC and getting the platinum. I'm sure odyssey will be the same. As for conquest stuff, yeah, just a good source of gear and xp, I think. They're short and pretty fun, I'll probably keep doing them. Last one I played I was fighting a captain when a random mercenary joined the field, that was pretty tough.
  20. Got to Athens. This place is enormous, it's crazy to think that if this was made a few years ago the whole game would have been set in just this city and maybe the surrounding region, now it's just a small part of the whole game.
  21. It is that simple. Whether you get a one light increase from a low tier powerful engram or a ten light increase from a big one, progress is progress. You never get something lower than your max light level - if you have something holding you back, that sucks, but keep playing and you'll eventually get it. It takes no thought or planning, just play and you grow in power. As a bonus, prime engrams can drop along the way, acting as a extra buffer against bad luck and again, letting you play whatever content you want and still gain levels. Masterwork Cores are a pain, absolutely, but you can buy a few off spider very cheaply every day to infuse your favourite guns. It's not the end of the world if you can't use your favourite gun for 24 hours or less while you wait for spider's inventory to reset. Again, infusing sucks right now, but it's not like you can only infuse something once per week like house of wolves. Dreaming city at sub 540 was challenging and mysterious and exciting in a way destiny patrol areas have never been, except for maybe those yellow bar knights in the cosmodrome back when you first started the game. You say it's slow going, I say that was some of the most fun destiny has ever been. I love bitching about destiny, but you have to give credit where it's due, this system is a pretty good setup for hardcore and casual players alike, giving everyone a clear path to their goal - play what you like, chase the tougher stuff if you want, don't do things you don't want to do. Whatever you do, you get rewarded for the time you put in.
  22. They do have that in Destiny. Each raid encounter has a chance to drop a curated "God roll" masterwork weapon - the hand cannon is D2's fatebringer. Do Petra's bounties to chase the masterworked versions of the dreaming city weapons. Crucible and gambit both have specific, powerful guns to chase. Nightfall strikes all have their own specific loot to go after as well, and you can play any activity to get that activity's loot pool. The general world loot pool is boring and you see it the most (edge Transit), the good stuff is in the activities. Now exotics? Ugh. I've gotten two of the new exotics, both armor, both useless to my playstyle. I like rare guns to hope for, but this is getting a bit silly.
  23. I would agree for the most part - if you're talking about powerful drops that give a big boost to your light level, then yeah, getting two helmets in a row can be a real bitch, or only needing a class item to hit max level and no way to guarantee you get one. But removing random rolls and being able to get everything easily made year 1 boring as fuck. RNG on RNG can be a dick, but it's definitely more interesting. That said, it's still the most rewarding leveling system bungie has implemented - if you love strikes and only play them exclusively, prime engrams and the weekly/daily rewards would eventually get you max light. It lets you play the game the way you want, rather than a checklist of things to do. Want to ignore all the weeklies and just play crucible for the redrix quest? Still making progress. All that other stuff is there for the people who want to do everything, and it's certainly faster that way, but this is the loosest "just have fun" system so far.
  24. Just got brought into the present day as Aya or whoever she is, and I'd totally forgotten this was a thing It's nice that it's rare and seems packed with lore stuff for people to read if they're into that stuff, but it was straight back to Greece for me.
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