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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I wonder if Randy is so impressed by the sleight of hand that he'll just let it slide.
  2. God, in such a garbage week, readintg through twitter reactions to this news has been so satisfying. The people going on about how they will continue their boycott...
  3. Sure glad we let this chode wave his dick across the universe by letting him launch his car into space forever.
  4. Hyperbole. People realize in very broad strokes what you'll be doing in general, but there's so much wiggle room in "third person stealth action" that it could mean Phantom Pain or it could mean Hitman. Knowing the most broad of strokes isn't enough to get interested for me.
  5. People aren't confused about the very basic notion of what you'll be doing in this game, although being weird and coy about it certainly isn't doing Kojima any favors. People are more confused about what in the blue hell any of this is about and in a larger sense why they should care. I don't need to see a bunch of weird outlandish shit to get interested in a game, I need to see why I want to actually get this in my hands as opposed to watching a supercut on youtube and saving $60. The special Kojima sauce is something that makes great gameplay even better, it's not enough to slog through a mediocre game for, so I need to see where the rubber meets the road on this before I'm going to commit, and showing my a bunch of barely related mind fuckery aint gonna do it.
  6. I mean how many times do you press the button that electrocutes you before you stop? Even rats figure that out quickly.
  7. People keep saying that, and I've been waiting for this turn for so long that at this point I'm confident that it's just not going to happen. I mean we've got this dipshit who almost certainly will make it to the Supreme Court, Roy Moore who came within a hair's breadth of becoming a senator when he has a known history of chasing teenage girls, and a man with a long well documented history of being a piece of shit is the god damned president.
  8. Look, it's pretty clear that until we can round up every rapist and person guilty of sexual assault and launch them into the sun that it's just plain hypocrisy to NOT elect one to the Supreme Court. Duh.
  9. I hope they bring the kid to his sentencing so just he can be flossing in the background.
  10. Kal El is from Kansas in the same way that Arnold Schwarzenegger is from California. Also everyone in DBZ is a fucking moron, so that tracks.
  11. Two things here. One, let's not pretend there isn't a whole rash of other admitted as holes without an entire political party behind them making a resurgence of late. Two, let's not pretend the GOP doesn't have a literal platoon of eager, young chodes that would slit their mother's throat to be a supreme court justice who haven't probably raped someone. It would take them minutes to replace Kavanagh with the next eager lickspittle Democrats couldn't pin this to, and yet they won't.
  12. The Joker has been dissected, examined, re-imagined, re-invented, and portrayed so many times I could not possibly give less of a fuck about him as a character anymore.
  13. When, not if, this guy gets on the bench, I move that when anyone on the CEB makes some statement to the effect that sexual assault accusations "ruin your life" they be perma'ed.
  14. God, I remember when a certain banned user argued on the old board that Superman had ALWAYS been a christ figure since the day he was created... Sometimes I miss not having the old archives and sometimes I think it's for the best.
  16. ...are you seriously suggesting that the 80's and 90's were somehow better about people being rampant dicks to each other? Has our collective short term memory really eroded that badly?
  17. Yeah, Ye Olden Days were sure known for their civility and people not being horrible dicks to one another. Oh, wait, it was the exact opposite of that.
  18. For Amazon. What does Amazon get out of this? They get to have a bunch of defunct product listings that aren't available for sale and a bunch of higher priced options that are?
  19. Plenty of racist pieces of shit out there working for brown people. The money is green and they get to to bitch about shit like affirmative action and all sorts of other stuff to help themselves feel superior.
  20. Civ Rev was streamlined in the best way possible because I almost never lost.
  21. I don't know how we're defining short here. Journey is maybe 90 minutes, but a lot of games mentioned here are 8+ hours. If you're looking for truly short experiences, here are some of my recent favorites: Downwell Donut County Devil Daggers The Fall Jazzpunk OlliOlli SUPERHOT Renegade Ops Into the Breach Rocket League
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