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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. You expect opportunistic bigots to exercise nuance? These are the same idiots who yell at Koreans to go back to China and take their flu with them.
  2. I'm thankful that my family and friends made it through the shitshow that was 2020 largely intact. A few losses but somehow managed to avoid the rona.
  3. Mental illness might be a bit strong. I for one have managed to do 100% of my job to the exact same degree without going into my office and just working in the field, and I’m trying to not go back in as much as possible. Not because I’m super worried about getting sick although having kids too young to be vaccinated that’s certainly in the back of my mind for them. Mostly I'm saving an absolute fuckton of money not having to pay for daycare every day and if I don’t have to come in the office to get the same amount of work out of me why bother?
  4. I love when motherfuckers compare their child fucking as “a Romeo and Juliet” situation. Romeo killed himself. Follow through.
  5. When, if ever, are people going to stop throwing red meat to the chud outrage machine? Have these people not caught on yet? There's no number of human sacrifices that are going to make these assholes not hate you and somehow view you as legitimate media.
  6. Love to be out here leveling buildings in order to destroy... *checks notes ...some fucking computers. Anytime someone wants to talk about the strength of IDF intelligence, I want them to reconcile that with the decision to level a building being used by the international media in order to destroy, at best, some computers. Does Hamas not have iCloud or something? Were they loaded with dank RTX cards that they'll need to get in a lottery for now? I've made better tactical decisions in Starcraft and my entire strategy in that game is just to hear the words "nuclear launch detected."
  7. It’s a shame Woody Harrelson’s dad died in prison, McConaughey would have been the best shot of I’m actually getting that pardon.
  8. Yeah, absolutely. You can jam a million people into a city and have them never get together, so a virus won’t have a chance to spread. You can have 100 people in a city and if different groups of five or more gather close together frequently, then it’s going to get most of them. Density isn’t necessarily going to mean they all commingle all the time.
  9. For $500 million that boat is as ugly as shit. I bet his wife divorced him the first time she saw it and realized he spent half a billion dollars on something Micro Machines would pass on for being too lame.
  10. Nice! Now back to waiting for RTX cards to be affordable to someone that isn’t lesser nobility.
  11. Besides even if we get unbelievably lucky and they indict the fucker and even if DeSantis goes full chud, it just means he can never realistically leave the state. Good luck running for president then, no rallies, no events, no nothing. The moment he steps on a plane the flight can be grounded and he can’t thread the needle and drive only through friendly states.
  12. Do they still sell ICB in aluminum bottles or has that gone the way of the dodo?
  13. Are you going to buy me some Eat n Park or do I have to put out for that?
  14. Is he talking about less than 1% per transaction or less than 1% in total? If it’s the latter he’s basically saying that he’s only going to move in crypto that’s smaller and less known then immediately ditch all of it when it takes a foothold and establishes a value. Captain motherfuckin planet over here.
  15. I hope it's true, because you know that idiot terf can't keep her foot in her mouth long enough for it to matter and then we'll get to enjoy the process of watching her get shitcanned again.
  16. While we're on the topic of horse racing and ignoring the anime lady part, Pocket Card Jockey for the 3DS was awesome and they should make another.
  17. Yes, we flew and sailed blindly because we didn't know what the hell was there. We didn't have satellite imagery to see what there was, outside of hot air balloons we didn't have good aerial views of things. No one blindly flies a plane in a random direction to discover some unknown land anymore because there are far better ways of getting that information. If there were intelligent alien life buzzing around in our lower atmosphere, they would have access to technology we can't possibly imagine and there's basically nothing that they could learn from that they couldn't learn other ways. If they're capable of getting here and flying in our atmosphere, they're certainly not stupid enough to think they wouldn't be noticed, so what do they possibly have to gain? Besides, even if we ignore the part of interstellar travel that gets you to FTL, it doesn't change the fact that the speed and movement of these objects often defies material physics, so they would also somehow have to figure out how to not interfere with pesky things like friction.
  18. To be fair, they look that way most of the time because they have to put some poor bastard in a rubber suit.
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