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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. What a pointless sentiment. Everything that everyone accepts has some sort of “collateral damage”, nothing on this earth has an entirely positive outcome for one and all. People happily make this trade off all day and every day.
  2. So there are things that are less weird on the page and more weird with human beings, like white ass Morpheus appearing dark skinned and African depending on who is witnessing him. Like do you keep that? Do you have a black actor with the white actor’s voice because it’s less confusing on the page because he had the spooky outline dialog bubbles? There’s some transgender stuff that’s odd as well if I recall correctly.
  3. It will be very interesting to see what gets changed and what stays given different attitudes at the time of writing and now.
  4. Sometimes I wonder if the people who run gofundme feel any sort of weird regret or remorse for the fact that they are now making massive profits off an easily avoidable parade of human cadavers. I know it was never the intent behind the site, but god damn.
  5. Huh. I can understand not knowing about the slang but it doesn’t seem like that weird of a logical or geographical leap from regular oral.
  6. Wait, had never heard of the euphemism or didn’t even realize the act was a thing that happened?
  7. I think we can agree that the individual cops aren’t necessarily to blame as much as policing in general when it comes to these problems. Police hate dealing with DV stuff and they’re largely not equipped to handle it. They have poor options and very few resources so they try and do as little as possible.
  8. I get it, I really do, but honestly at some point you get compassion fatigue. Sure part of me understands that these are badly mislead human beings whose suffering is no different or less tragic than that of my own friends or loved ones. I’m not operating under some delusion that they are lesser than me or I am somehow superior as much as I was just fortunate enough to be born into circumstances where I wasn’t lead down that path my entire life. I’m also not foolish enough to believe that there aren’t plenty of god damned idiots on my side who actively believe in things that are just blatantly untrue an unsupported by any combination of facts. At a certain point though, you can’t keep pushing the boulder up the hill without going mad. I’m standing on top of a mountain of corpses with a bunch of people who are telling me that in fact the corpses aren’t real while they have both feet firmly planted on the body of the last person who died telling them so. I can’t expend any more effort on people like this, not when they have a veritable army of people behind them urging them forward as the unsung heroes of history. What good is the truth against that? The only thing left to do is chuckle.
  9. Completely ignoring guilt or innocence, if there was an angry mob shouting outside my house all the time because they thought I killed someone, I’d probably do my best to disappear too.
  10. “Something is easier to bare if it doesn’t impact you personally” is worthy of being printed now?
  11. Glad you and the family are alright. I remember riding out hurricane sandy and just hearing the wind and rain all night.
  12. Hefty Larry went toe to toe with Madds Mikkelsen and it was incredible. He could pull this shit off no problem.
  13. Kind of a terrible headline given that the article even mentions that aviation still uses leaded gas.
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