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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I have to assume the “run flawlessly” bit is less to do with having a disc drive just work and more to do with it not being a wide open back door to fuckery with piracy:
  2. I really enjoyed Night in the Woods on my switch, I don’t really feel the need to replay it or go for the higher fidelity.
  3. I imagine you could establish a fine for any mobile ecosystem that allows it to exist on its native app store. You won’t 100% kill it, but if your audience is entirely people who jailbreak their iPhone or side load things on their android devices, you’re killing 99.9% of the audience.
  4. Logistically banning alcohol is dramatically more difficult for a whole host of reasons. Making your own alcohol is absurdly easy in a way that growing your own tobacco for smoking is not.
  5. I’m a weirdo that still mainly buys physical games. I also bought the disc version of the PS5 as it would be my blue ray player.
  6. You’re kind of making my point for me… Starfield and Redfall are games they’re buying instead of making, their entire contribution to those games is cutting a check. There’s no information on Fable or Outer Worlds other than they exist so releasing before the end of 2023 is unlikely. Indy is another purchase, who knows how far off Perfect Dark is. That basically leaves Hellblade 2 in a world where the acquisition doesn’t go through.
  7. I’m not saying they can’t or won’t bounce back, in saying that they’ve been in a slump for a bit while their competitors largely haven’t. Even if you consider Nintendo to be creatively bankrupt for churning out the same franchises endlessly, you can’t claim that they haven’t largely made extremely good versions of those things in a way Microsoft hasn’t been able to do. Even if this E3 is big for Microsoft and even if those announcements are all big hits on release, that still means their big plays are a year or so from landing at best.
  8. I think it would be foolish to remove Destiny from multiple platforms, it isn’t a system mover in and of itself and you’re cutting off a huge portion of your revenue stream for no real reason. Besides, removing Bungie from the flow of multiple console releases impacts one game every half decade as opposed to everything being put out by Activision/Blizzard. The FTC also did recently stop the Random House merger so it’s not impossible to believe that this somehow could be stopped as well. Pointing out that other, worse mergers have been allowed doesn’t mean we should collectively throw up our hands and say fuck it, it means those shouldn’t have been allowed in the first place and you have to stop the bleeding somewhere. They spoke about this recently on Waypoint, I don’t think the focus purely on CoD is warranted, and I think the acquisition is a larger symptom of Microsoft just not being able to land a solid hit in a good long while. Much like Facebook cannot seem to innovate its way to relevance and just buys up and comers, Microsoft has been spinning its wheels a lot lately. Forza has done well enough, Halo isn’t what it used to be, and then there’s what, Grounded? State of Decay? Another Gears eventually? They seem to be unable to create a huge success of their own, so they just want to buy their way in to having one by default.
  9. Are you outside of the US, because I watch Chainsaw Man on Hulu. Also there are countless cute girl slice of life anime I’d recommend to non-anime people before I’d dream of recommending Chainsaw Man which is actively antagonistic to the viewer.
  10. “Just fine” is a relative term when they clearly stand to make more by releasing it on steam and letting them keep a cut than by purely leaving it on their own storefront.
  11. I have zero hope, but god damn what a nut it would be…
  12. Have you never been on the road before? People drive like lunatics, they’re not all high.
  13. It’s easy for valve to be in the right when every competing pc distribution has failed to capture any decent chunk of the market. They don’t need Microsoft to pledge a ten year deal with them, they can basically make Microsoft kiss the ring if they please. What are they going to do, make a windows store exclusive and lost countless sales?
  14. This seems like yet another musk boondoggle so I haven’t been paying attention beyond the broadest strokes, but at any point has there ever been an explanation as to what this brain chip actually does? Outside of killing chimps?
  15. How is THIS the one fucking instance in the entire debacle where people finally get to climax?
  16. Inscryption Until Dawn Miles Morales Bloodborne Mundaun Castlvania Collection Elden Ring Evil Dead Yakuza Kiwami 2 Splatoon 3 Hitman 3 Resident Evil 3 The Quarry Frog Detective 2 Frog Detective 3 Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R Metroid Dread Great Ace Attorney Chronicles ——————————— RE Village Shadows of Rose DLC This is bittersweet in a lot of ways. Shadows of Rose, if Capcom plays it straight, can easily be seen as a farewell to the Winters for the time being as it places everything in a nice place where you don’t feel like they left the threads hanging needlessly while also leaving enough space to continue on with Rose from here. As someone who genuinely enjoyed Ethan and found him one of the more charming RE characters of the past fifteen years or so, this is a bummer. It’s doubly disappointing when this also almost certainly bodes the end of first person RE games. RE7 was exactly what the series needed and it made the hoary old series come to life. With the success of RE2’s remake, Capcom seems perfectly content to bury this new style of RE game and continue pumping out RE4 clones of varying quality until the hit another wall creatively. So far the worst they’ve done is RE3 remake which was simply decent, but we’ll see how far this road takes them again.
  17. Inscryption Until Dawn Miles Morales Bloodborne Mundaun Castlvania Collection Elden Ring Evil Dead Yakuza Kiwami 2 Splatoon 3 Hitman 3 Resident Evil 3 The Quarry Frog Detective 2 Frog Detective 3 Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R Metroid Dread ——————————————— Great Ace Attorney Chronicles I am a huge Phoenix Wright mark, I’ve played all the games, most of them several times, and it’s one of the few series I will buy day one without hesitation. If you’ve ever played one of these games, you know exactly what you’re getting and the series has overall done an exceptional job of giving people exactly what they want. The only criticism I would have is negated by this being a compilation of the two games, the first of the two games in the series just… ends. All the other Ace Attorney games, even though they have an overarching plot between them, at least have a cohesive game specific plot, but the first Great Ace Attorney feels exactly like a halfway mark and it would be incredibly unsatisfying to have just that as a single game. The new characters are fun and charming, puns are just as bad as they’ve ever been, the cases are just the right amount of comically absurd, and everyone talks themselves into a corner where they inevitably confess to everything.
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