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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. The thing about celebrity voice casting is people will treat them like a celebrity. Pratt went on tons of talk shows, Jack Black went around in an awkwardly tight Bowser costume, things like that. People found out about this movie or were reminded about this movie because of the people involved, denying that is foolish. No one is booking Charles Martinet on Stephen Colbert. Now, you can argue endlessly that the extra money needed to hire these people is not being recouped enough to justify the investment, that’s a different story, but they are getting bang for their buck.
  2. Putting firm flesh inside of your body and feeling it fill you up until you’re satisfied? Sounds gay.
  3. Let me be clear, I’m not not the side of “US does nothing” because I don’t have feelings about the sides here, I just have stronger feelings about the US’s ability to not make it worse.
  4. I played the demo for a while. For me the gameplay is only satisfying in the sense that you’re Robocop and you’re comically blowing people away as they explode into gigantic puddles of gibs. Enemies will basically stand there and wait for you to line up a shot. It’s kind of mindlessly fun for a bit but I imagine it would get real stale real fast.
  5. I’m no c suite executive, but why is it shortsighted? I doubt anyone is going to quit or look for other employment over free game pass.
  6. Watched it last night. I liked it, but felt it was a little thin overall and that the ending sort of throws the rest of the movie into question. At sone point it all kind of just crumbles on itself. It’s still a good watch and Wilde’s performance is really captivating, but the core premise just doesn’t hold together.
  7. Landholding of the Vassalage of the Fiefdom of the Demense of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
  8. I loved It Follows but Under the Silver Lake was… an ambitious failure. We’ll see if he can not pull a Richard Kelly with his career.
  9. Musk saw the Delorean take an arrow and strand Marty in the old west and thought “No. Never again.”
  10. The only YouTube shorts I’ve ever watched are from NileRed where he does shorter chemistry experiments versus his long form content. I don’t get funneled into YouTube nightmares often because I basically never let the algorithm picks what’s next. My “recommended” videos are a weird mishmash of crap including having a real hard on for lawn care videos. I do not give a single shit about how many lawns your rescued for free as a sob story.
  11. Not to start shit, but why? I almost never use DoorDash/Uber/whatever but a local pizza or Chinese place? Sure.
  12. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! Bayonetta 3 Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (GBC) Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Link’s Awakening (Switch) No More Heroes 3 Nier Replicant some decimal or another Stray Immortality Fear & Hunger The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ——————————— Resident Evil 4 (2023) This is a weird one because I really loved it and thought it was excellent throughout, but I also can’t think of a single thing it does better than the original outside of graphics. It’s a fun reimagining of the original, it makes enough changes to not be a rote retread and balances things to be more in line with modern games, but it doesn’t quite come off the same. Years from now when I have a hankering to play RE4, I’ll probably reach for the OG before this one. That said, it’s a hell of a game. Great action, great fun, great atmosphere, literally if it wasn’t being compared to one of the best games ever made I’d say it was perfect.
  13. Good lord clicked on this to read the latest post and I honestly thought I was accidentally reading a years old post. We’re STILL talking about TLJ? TLJ works as a fascinating mirror of the person critiquing it. If anyone ever has shit to say about the physics of TLJ while they sit contentedly watching a skyscraper sized worm living in the vacuum of space somehow sustaining itself on a diet of hapless spaceships, then they a fool.
  14. Museums, like libraries, to some are sacrosanct. Indiana Jones is considered the good guy for stealing shit because it belongs in a museum. Most people didn’t know or didn’t care how the sausage was made. There was a while back in high school where I thought it would be cool to own a real human skull and I would look up places and how much they cost, etc. Never once did it cross my mind that it was highly unlikely whoever’s skull was for sale knowingly offered it up before they died, and once that option is off the table there’s really no good ones left.
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