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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. I literally had no idea this show existed until the other week when Sam Elliott was the guest on the WTF podcast. I feel like I'm somewhat well-versed in what's popular in culture but then I find out about a show like this which is one of the most watched shows in America and just finished with it's 4th season and makes me question just how aware I actually am.
  2. What complaints have you seen? I've seen a few parents say the film is saying kids should disobey their parents, but they are obviously missing a lot of nuance from the message because it's definitely not saying that.
  3. I've heard speculation that Chapek doesn't doesn't value Pixar because their movies, outside of Toy Story and Cars, doesn't sell the same amount of merchandise as those from Disney Animation. Which is why the last few Pixar flicks have been exclusive. Could have some truth to it but funnily enough Turning Red is about to sell a shit ton of red panda plushies. Hell, even I want a plushie now.
  4. I'm poor as fuck and move somewhat often so currently I have a single mattress lying in the corner of my room that functions as my bed.
  5. Tell me you don't spend much time online without telling me you don't spend much time online.
  6. This is easily one of Pixar's best within the last decade. I feel like they've been starting to become a little too beholden to that "Pixar formula" but this one feels very fresh and as a unique and stylized aesthetic. And from someone who grew up with an overly-controlling mom, this movie has a great message.
  7. Michael Mann is one of my blindspots, oddly enough. Heat has been on my to-watch list for well over a decade at this point, just never got around to it for some reason.
  8. I totally got him mixed up with John Hurt. I was confused because I thought he had already passed away a few years ago.
  9. Saw it last night and it was pretty solid! It manages to somehow both feel like a more realistic take than the Nolan movies, while being way more comic booky. Gotham hasn’t been this visually compelling in years. Now that I’ve seen it I can’t stop laughing at the idea of someone taking their SO who is creeped out by Paul Dano to see The Batman. He really dodged a bullet there.
  10. I had seen half of the first season before but I recently got back into it. Started from the beginning and finished season 1. The show definitely kicks it into a higher gear somewhere in the second half of the season. My jaw was dropping at where the show was going with some of its concepts. The last episode of the season was pretty fucked up in such an interesting way.
  11. My middle school years were a bit more embarrassing but in high school I started getting into some good shit that I'll still revisit periodically. Some of the best stuff has themes that hit differently now as an adult. The Suburbs may be my favorite album by them for personal reasons, but Neon Bible was the first album by them that came out after I started listening to them. I was super hyped for this one and it fully lived up to expectations. It has a larger scope than Funeral in both its themes and sound and maybe that's why I prefer it. I was so pumped when I was able to pick up the last remaining "Superman cover" that was at my local CD Warehouse. It still holds up and it's opened itself up to me more now that I'm older and gone through some highs and lows. Because this albums contains both. Unfortunately I have to skip John Wayne Gacy as an adult. It's a great song but since I started working with children it hits way differently. Merriweather Post Pavilion came out half a year before my 20th birthday, so it just barely qualifies as a teen album for me. But I would be remiss if I were to leave out one of my favorite albums of all time. I still will go through phases every few years where I'll put this back into regular rotation for a couple months. Loved it back then, but I vibe with it on a deeper level now. I got into Radiohead in 2004, and at the time the wait for the fabled "LP 7" felt like an eternity. There was so much speculation by fans leading up to it. And it totally delivered. There are Radiohead albums I prefer over this, but it's maybe their most listenable. Saw them live on the In Rainbows tour just two months shy from my twenties, a fitting way to say goodbye to my teens.
  12. I will always have a huge soft spot for There's Nothing Wrong with Love but Keep It Like A Secret is an undeniable classic. I saw them live back in '08. Not the most exciting band to watch play but they sounded good at least.
  13. What's really difficult about the trans gaining momentum compared to same sex marriage is that far fewer people are trans. Or, at least, far fewer people are open about it. And in some areas you really endanger yourself by coming out. It just isn't Why do so many trans kids, particularly trans girls, want to start transitioning at an early age? Because the earlier a trans girls starts taking E the more likely that she will "pass" when she's older. And "passing" isn't just about vanity. Those who can pass don't face the same dangers for those of us who clearly don't. It is something in the back of my mind every time I go out in girl mode.
  14. I wouldn't say it looks cheap, but I still would prefer them to shoot Tatooine scenes on location rather than the volume. The end result is that it makes Tatooine look far more sterile than it did in the movies.
  15. It feels especially cruel that this happened in Atlanta. The city loves to claim Black Panther as their own because it was filmed there, and this is how the director is repaid? Just plain shameful.
  16. I’m not saying he would have been right wing, just would have been one of those old comedians such as John Cleese who complains about what you can’t say these days. He was already doing that in the 90’s so it wouldn’t be a stretch.
  17. I hope whoever came up with his lightsaber creating the Disney+ logo gets a huge pay bump.
  18. But that was still the trajectory he was clearly heading towards. I used to like it back when I liked angry self-righteous comedy like Bill Hicks and David Cross. It’s not really my thing, personally. I now find Carlin’s later day period to feel more like a preachy Ted Talk than a comedy special. Some of the stuff was ahead of it’s time I suppose I just don’t get much from it today.
  19. 3 is fine, I wouldn’t call it bad. But it’s a Weinstein movie that had the gall to take shots at Harvey Weinstein, so that’s made it age well in 2022.
  20. I don’t know if there’s a long-running horror franchise that’s as consistent as Scream. There’s not a single bad movie.
  21. Also, not to bum anyone out, but if George Carlin was still alive today he would totally be one of the more outspoken voices against cancel culture. His You are All Diseased special has... not aged well.
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