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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. Movies can be successful without leaving a lasting cultural impact. We’re not talking about whether it was a financial success, obviously it was. But whether it made a cultural impact. There’s a bit more nuance here that some are missing.
  2. lol this board use to always argue that Avatar made no cultural impact even though it made a lot of money. And now suddenly, when it serves purpose of the argument, it did! Funny how that works!
  3. Did Rise of Skywalker resonate? Did the three Hobbit movies resonate? Those movies all made a billion or close to it but that was more to do because the franchises they were part of were beloved, but not necessarily the movie themselves. Captain Marvel is part of the large Marvel franchise and was the first female lead film which gave it a lot of hype that helped propel its success. But I don't know anyone whose favorite Avenger is actually Captain Marvel. I think people like it fine, but nobody walked away actually loving her which wasn't what Marvel wanted. If Captain Marvel made a billion dollars without being connected to a larger franchise you'd have a better argument.
  4. Speilberg directs his action scenes like musical number and directs musical numbers like action scenes.
  5. I'm sorry but I literally said it's women who I know who were disappointed in the movie, including myself. The tweet poking fun at Captain Marvel was from a woman. It feels weird having men explain this to me like I don't know this or something, no offense. That's why I don't feel like carrying on this conversation any further. It's not coming across well for me. Also, that Iman Vellani review is totally real lol Ms. Marvel's Iman Vellani Has A Letterboxd & It's Amazing - FandomWire FANDOMWIRE.COM We've found the Letterboxd account of Ms. Marvel star Iman Vellani and it's amazing. Check out some of the best movie reviews!
  6. Hey, I'm a trans lesbian so I get it! But for me it's a little different because I can't tell if I wanna be with her, or if I wanna be her.
  7. Look as a female fan of Marvel and Brie Larson it's a huge bummer that the movie isn't all that great. And I hate to admit that because the movie became such a target for misogynists that I truly wish it was good because I hate feeling associated with them in any shape or form. I know a lot of other female Marvel fans, both online and in real life, who feel similarly*. I feel like saying this is a "narrative" minimizes all of the women who were disappointed by how the first female-led Marvel movie turned out. I feel like our voices still matter here. We deserve better female characters. *I should note that these same women I know are also super pumped for Ms Marvel. We are hopeful and optimistic that Marvel will get this one right. EDIT: Those are my thoughts for now and I won't say anything more until we get closer to The Marvels. So for now I'm dropping it because there's no use in continuing this.
  8. Sometimes things can be successful but not necessarily stick around. Tiger King was super successful but nobody watched Tiger King 2, for example. Batman v Superman was also successful but not particularly well liked. So was Rise of Skywalker. I think today success has more to do with how well something is marketed and what came before it than anything else. The problem with Captain Marvel is that for most of the movie she didn't even know who she was. She didn't even become herself until the very end of the movie. It's such a poor structure for a movie that is trying to set up a character that we're supposed to love. And that's no fault of Brie. It took Marvel making three Thor movie before they finally found a version of the character that resonated with audiences. Sometimes you don't get it right the first time. But for these big expensive movies the stakes are pretty high for making sure they nail the character. But the rumor is that Brie isn't happy with how the character turned out and doesn't want to play her anymore. And that they may kill her off in the sequel which is why it's being billed as "The Marvels." I'm a little skeptical but am still really curious as to why they removed Captain Marvel's name from her own sequel.
  9. The movie did well because people were primed for the first female led Marvel movie. But nobody talks about it today because the character didn’t exactly catch on. Wonder Woman 2 was also highly viewed on HBO Max but just because a lot of people watched it doesn’t mean they liked it. (and for the record I actually kinda liked Wonder Woman 2, but my opinion is clearly outside the consensus here)
  10. Damnnnnn I’ve been knocked on here for pointing out that Captain Marvel as hasn’t connected with women fans like Marvel was hoping she would, but just putting it out there that I’m not the only woman who feels this way. Which is sad because I’m a huge Brie Larson fan! I’m really hopeful that Ms Marvel will work though. Edit: Wow, even the girl who plays Ms Marvel wasn’t a fan of the Captain Marvel movie
  11. The main reason I even pay for Netflix still at this point is that Seinfeld is such a comfort watch for me whenever I'm having a bad day. A wise acquisition on their part because there isn't much more that keeping me around at this point.
  12. Still haven’t watched the movie yet but I figured y’all would appreciate this.
  13. Their mid-tier plan is 15 per month, soon to be raised to 15.50. If there’s a way to save 186 a year I’m taking it.
  14. Netflix Will Prompt Subscribers to Pay for Users Outside Their Households in New Test to Address Unauthorized Password Sharing (EXCLUSIVE) VARIETY.COM Netflix will soon kick off a test letting primary account holders pay an additional fee for users outside their households. If I remember something correctly it was previously shared on here that they were considering it. Looks like something they will start rolling out in the near future. Won’t affect me but I haven’t been feeling Netflix that much in recent years. I’ve been getting into Tubi recently and I find their selection more fun, especially for horror and schlock. And it’s free. It reminds me of browsing Blockbuster back in the day, with the mixture of good, bad, and the wtf.
  15. The US Tried Permanent Daylight Saving Time in the '70s. People Hated It | Washingtonian (DC) WWW.WASHINGTONIAN.COM The number one complaint: Children had to go to school in the dark. It didn’t go over well in the 70’s and only lasted a year. A lot of kids were killed in traffic accidents as they walked to school in the dark. Why would the results be any different now?
  16. Solar noon should ideally be closer to actual noon. Having the sun peak sometime after 1 pm is weird.
  17. Between this and Turning Red we are really starting to see the influence of Into the Spider-Verse come through in other projects.
  18. And so many cis-girls are frightened when they have their first period because it's never discussed. My student was telling me she wished there was a movie like this before she had her first. And the complaint is that by depicting periods that its sexualizing young girls. I truly don't get it. It's the type of complaint that says a lot more about the person making it than anything else really.
  19. Winter evenings are the best. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. I am the shadows.
  20. I'd rather them do away with daylight savings altogether rather than make it permanent. But no more changing the clocks in an undeniable improvement.
  21. Indifference but I'll be polite about it. The person would have to be an active threat to the safety or the safety of someone I care about in order for me to feel something stronger than indifference. But even then it would be more like relief than actual joy. But that's just me speculating because I've never actually someone like that in my life die. I might actually feel elated if that were to happen, who knows. I'm certainly not a perfect person, but I'm always working at becoming better.
  22. It so lame conservatives are making a big deal about a movie depicting puberty. The average cis-girl has her first period at 12. That’s still a child and they should know about it by then. One of my students is fifth-teen and she was telling me that she wished more stories normalized periods. She said it only makes it scarier for children to not mention them. Another one of my students is ten, I’m assuming too young to experience what the movie is alluding to, and she loved it so much she watched it three times.
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