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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Start a gofundme campaign and we can give them a couple of pennies for unemployment.
  2. I feel like I mentioned this somewhere recently. Maybe they were watching! Oh yeah, in that thread someone was asking for a game like Descent that he couldn't think of.
  3. I don't think AIM ever had inline picture / media embedding. Trust me I used it long after it was dead.
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/updates/chatupdate Basically it seems like Discord now.
  5. Sounds like Maximilian Dood but instead of spending all his time playing Resident Evil 2 he played Spider Man.
  6. The movie isn't actually all that great. The reason to watch is pretty much for the fighting and Bruce Lee so if they don't get some martial arts expert for a remake then there's no reason to make the movie.
  7. I doubt it, they would have to re-animate everything unless they had originally animated the show in 16:9 then cropped it later. And if it's 4:3 cropped to 16:9 destroying the OAR then that would be a pretty shitty way to do things.
  8. Well some people like Friends and Full House but it's full of safe garbage humor while something like Family Guy, South Park or Chapelle's Show will push the limits and actually be funny.
  9. Does this worth with Amazon pay too? I just bought something expensive and the only finance option was to go through this 3rd party and it wasn't available if you chose Amazon pay. Then like a week later this happens.
  10. Reminds me of when a co-worker reminded a guest who was smoking at the pool that there smoking was not permitted on property and he made a big stink about it.
  11. Supposedly the dishwasher at the restaurant had a seizure, or he said he did. He said he woke up on the floor with pots and pans around him. I thought maybe the stuff fell on his head. Oh well!
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