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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I haven't paid enough attention to Ye to know what mental illness he's dealing with, and it's been almost 20 years since I've worked in a field adjacent to mental health. So I don't mean this about him specifically per se. But it is not uncommon for people with significant mental illness to say things they don't believe beyond what they're dealing with, things they don't believe, etc. I worked with many people who had bipolar disorder, psychotic depression, schizophrenia, etc., whose entire belief system changed depending on their very immediate state of mind, medications, etc. That's just... how it goes. Certain mental disorders very commonly involve conspiratorial thinking. Again I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Ye specifically but I think it's worth calling out that, "taking your meds suddenly makes you NOT hate the Jews," just is taking something potentially complicated and nuanced and distilling it down to something that really isn't how any of *all that* works. And until you know or have worked with someone for a long time and with whom you have a baseline, then experience them talking about how literally everyone involved in their care and in their life is part of a Masonic conspiracy to control them, and then have them acknowledge that's incorrect later on... it's really hard to appreciate.
  2. Trailer is out: The Ant-Man movies have both been pretty fun. I hope emphasis on the quantum realm in this one doesn’t mean that we miss out on the real world shrinking shenanigans and Michael Peña rants. Looks neat regardless.
  3. I don’t agree with this; there is evidence of other VA’s being paid $4K or less on games with bigger budgets and significantly higher sales than the Bayonetta franchise.
  4. With the new information that’s come out, Taylor’s initial story doesn’t hold up. But I’m always going to initially side with workers in these situations until evidence to the contrary becomes overwhelming. Especially since it seems like the initial amount she claimed she was offered was not out of the realm of possibility for meaningful VA work in the industry. Or, said better… this thread.
  5. Spoilers stink, but once you condition yourself to not give a shit about them, the internet becomes slightly more tolerable.
  6. Get a water cooling loop positioned above the GPU. When the fire starts it melts the tubing, leaking water will put out the fire.
  7. There was an incredible thread back on the IGN GCCB back in the day. When Ashley is standing above Leon and wearing a skirt, if you try to look up it, she covers herself up and says "you pervert," but you can see her underwear briefly. Someone posted about how on certain days throughout the month you could tell she had her period. Aaah IGN.
  9. Were we really expecting smart decisions to come from a WB house in this, the two thousand and twenty second year of our lord?
  10. Pittsburgh for all the monies Miami FG Hill Miami Herbert Colts, Giants, Jets Hill Broncos / Jets Walker / Hill
  11. Supervillains and superheroes have a weird symbiotic relationship in comics because you need characters who are borderline unerringly correct to combat other characters who must be stopped at all costs. There's that line from some comic where Batman muses that it's a good thing that Superman doesn't perceive himself to be a god because if he did it'd be fucking over. The smartest thing about Watchmen is the examination of what it would be like if one guy was actually at that level. Doctor Manhattan disrupts the auto industry because it takes him a moment to make batteries... meanwhile Aquaman has several close friends who could clean the ocean in an afternoon and they just... don't. I feel like the MCU is especially "bad" at this with characters like Captain America and Iron Man CONSTANTLY talking out of both sides of their mouth depending on what they're confronted with moment to moment. "Yay Cap, kill those Hydra goons!" "Vision doesn't get to decide to take his own life to save half the lives in the universe!" Come on now. As it pertains to Alan Moore, he's always interesting. It's always wild that the guy who did what he did with Marvelman / Miracleman gets bent out of shape when other people adopt his stuff. It's not a perfect analogy for sure, but it always comes to mind when this comes up.
  12. Yeah, the animation has really come a long way. It was always stylish but they've really upped it.
  13. I'm watching it, I just don't have much to say. The show still makes me chuckle, but it's suffering from Simpsons syndrome; it used to be a parody of spy schtick, then it pivoted to other genres, now it's just lampooning itself. Lots of people have regressed back to their early season selves. Archer doesn't have a disability anymore, Cyril is an insecure wimp again, Pam is in love (this is fine of course, but she hasn't been insecure about being worthy of love since season 1). The bait and switch with Ray's loyalty didn't work at all. Archer in therapy could have been interesting but ultimately kinda fizzled. Etc. I get that not every episode can be Stage 2, but it's still a shadow of itself.
  14. Haven't almost... all the DCEU heroes killed people at this point? I would imagine Blacadam has a higher body count, but Wonder Woman clicks a shitload of heads in the Snyder Cut, so...
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