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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. The age gap thing is more of a pet peeve in general, I don’t super care about it in MI. I also dunno that Tom Cruise has ever really had believable sexual chemistry with… anyone, but that’s a whole other thing. I only really bring up the character bit because I feel like Cruise has pretty frequently said that it’s the characters that make these movies work. I get that he can’t get out there and say it’s about stunts, gizmos, and style at the expense of everything else, but… it’s weird. Was it the last one where there was a bunch of alleged tension about Ethan almost killing a bunch of cops as part of his cover? Or like I’m supposed to care that Simon Pegg’s character, whose name I cannot recall, is selling the IMF or whoever on the notion that Ethan isn’t really his friend? The movies do a bad job at making me care about any of that! Or how many times can the IMF or the US government wonder whether or not Ethan has gone rogue? Just get back to yeeting people off buildings or jet skiing over lava or something! Or rather I COULD care, but the movie seems to want or expect me to without being fussed about actually doing that work. I think the Craig Bond movies, by and large, did this pretty well! So it’s not like it’s impossible (GOTTEM) to do.
  2. Sorry but no Wolverine trailer can top Grubb saying Wolverine was going for a “hard R,” that shit was hilarious.
  3. It’s interesting. I’ve said this in other places, but it’s fascinating / sad to see modern, queer puriteens get really up in arms saying “no kink at pride!” They use the same arguments, almost verbatim, that straight homophobes were making on IGN back in the day. So much of this is cyclical even when the history isn’t lost.
  4. A few thoughts. The stunts look wild, which should surprise nobody. Took a long time, but Tom Cruise is finally starting to look like a wax figure of Tom Cruise. Motherfucker is 60, Jesus Christ. Maybe he'll have a love interest at some point that is within TWO DECADES of his age. Despite there being 10 million of these movies, the only two names I remember are Ethan and Luther, it's wild that the humans in this series are so inconsequential despite the fact that they're always played up as being super important. We know almost nothing about any of them.
  5. @SaysWho? will be the judge of whether or not @SaysWho? is slippin'
  6. By sheer luck the first two bits of armor I've found in the world belong to sets that seem like they'll be super helpful, now I'm motivated to do nothing but find the full gear.
  7. Jumped into a random well / cave and found a piece of the... was wondering if that would make its way over. No clues as to where the rest of the kit is, but I feel like it's potentially less important this time around.
  8. Between this and Musk nuking old twitter accounts, it sure is a shitty time for media preservation as well as to have dead friends and loved ones who used these platforms.
  9. I know I've seen #4 for week 5, but it didn't come to me and wouldn't by the the due date, so YOLO
  10. I’m fine with AC continuing to sprawl but they need to bring back the mechanic from Bro where I can cultivate a squad of assassins who will magically leap from rooftops and out of shrubs to merc people when I snap my fingers as I slowly pimp walk down the street.
  11. Season 4 but it’s just a mashup of Nate getting pepper sprayed as he presents increasingly elaborate paper craft dioramas to women who were mean to him while the Benny Hill theme plays.
  12. I'm waiting for a Kickstarter expansion of an AC board game to pop, so I am objectively part of the problem here. Also... I was going to say morals before I clicked the thread, wo well played.
  13. Same, but saying nothing just doesn't pass the time the same way.
  14. oh no, the take of a Man of Steel fan, whatever shall I do...
  15. The weird stuff I was doing was having mostly female friends from grade to grad school who have almost all had at least one Nate Shelley in their lives they they had to tell to fuck off after saying no to being asked out multiple times, being told they picked their major so they’d be in classes together / went to the same college so they could go to college together, showed up at their work work, found them waiting outside their apartment building, heard they liked peach Snapple and then the guy showed up at work the next day with a bouquet of flowers and peach Snapples, etc.
  16. The fact that it’s relatable is bad! Dudes shouldn’t hang outside the job of their crush when they have no relationship! If you have a crush, just ask! If you don’t have the guts, work up to it while not just standing outside her job! I too was a coward when I was younger and asked someone to a dance through her friend, I’m not unfamiliar with being afraid to approach someone I have a crush on. But if I’d driven my car to her job and just hung out there it’d have been weird, her parents would have been right to tell me to fuck off. This isn’t that different, there are so many ways to have shown that Nate is actually a nice and respectful guy, this show missed the layup.
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