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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. With apologies for the shift in topics... I thought @CayceG should see this.
  2. Now imagine if we could purge all the abusers, fascists, and racists off these platforms...
  3. This is a conundrum for me. I ALWAYS forget to plug my PC in after the build is done... I mash power then shit myself when nothing happens. Then I remember to plug it in and I POST. Does that count? I could go either way.
  4. Sorry you’re going through all that, hopefully you and yours are hanging in there and doing as well as you can.
  5. They’re al going to get waxed, there’s no way the engagement lasts. Perhaps I’m wrong but I didn’t think that professional day traders have a much better success rate. My understanding was that most people in the game who end up making money make most of it from engagements, consulting, etc. This is all what I’ve read but I have no memory of the sources... what do I know.
  6. This seems impossible, long term. Don’t something like 95%+ of day traders end up getting washed? It’s difficult to accept that the failure rate is solely due to chance or a lack of starting capital.
  7. Watching you people day trade in semi-real time is like watching a financial snuff film. Ban this sick filth.
  8. So Edward Scissorhands gets it in with Winona Ryder... and then removes his son's hands? And gives him scissorhands?
  9. I honestly would have been fine with that. ME3 did such a good job with the character “fan service” by the end that what happens to the galaxy is generally not super relevant for me.
  10. So the perimeter sirens were going off again before Quicksilver showed up, which suggests that Quicksilver just ran in, as opposed to Wanda “making” him. That tracks with her talking to her kids about how you shouldn’t magic people back from the dead and seeming pretty genuinely surprised that Quicksilver was there. So... how do we think he got there? There seems to be something else going on beyond just what Wanda is doing herself, and the other characters talking about how Wanda never displayed power on this level seems to track with that.
  11. Yeah I had more fun with it this time around. The level design to get to the boss was a little weird, none of the game until that point really necessitated exploring the “fringes” of the map like that. Just optional areas, which I suppose means this whole are qualifies I made the assumption that Iosefka or whoever was bad based on her talking shit for me coming to her clinic and her tone changing at some point. I sent some asshole secret beast that kicked the shit our of me 5 years ago to her clinic instead of the church, and ran into an alien there later, so fuck both of those people. Onto Brynwnentshitburg or whatever next which is where Rom is IIRC.
  12. If the whole game is the ending, there shouldn’t be the option to pick a card, any card, regardless of your choices to that point, at the very end. I’d be interested to see how many people picked something that didn’t jive with how they’d played to that point.
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