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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Infrastructure projects are giving money back to the people ya goober
  2. There’s a surprising lack of chatter about it on BGG, which is kinda weird. I know the studio is mainly known for minis / terrain, I have no idea what their rules / game design would be like, and the designer only has this game to their credit on BGG as well. Hmm.
  3. I think ACIII’s homestead is much better realized than Valhalla’s settlement. Getting ACIII’s homestead filled out is problematic, but I think the characters and the space are much more interesting.
  4. I dunno that they could really “do” the Thunderbolts the way they did in the comic. Something like that would be really rad, I just don’t know how they’d go about it at all.
  5. Right? I feel like a bunch of people displaced by the blip that are interested in getting back to the sense of collaboration that existed after the snap happened could be really interesting! Instead it's a bunch of super soldiers who seem to have no idea what they're doing other than blowing some things up. Even if Sam and Bucky don't have access to Avengers tech and resources, this feels like something that Spider-Man could have Edith take care of on a Sunday morning? Between that and having one of the main set pieces take place in Southeast Asia while having functionally zero visible Southeast Asians on screen... I dunno. I really enjoy what we're getting but I can't help but wish that were getting something with a little more punch.
  6. I still feel the show is doing a really bad job at making me care about The Flag Smashers at all. Endgame and Far From Home work really had to establish how important the blip was and as fans, we’re obviously invested in not having half the characters be dead. Having one character be really invested in the Flag Smashers and everyone else seemingly having misgivings about Karli killing people is a weird way to set up the threat. I know the show is just as much about Sam, Bucky, and Nu Cap as it is the people they’re fighting but it feels really odd to me that they’re just kind of... there.
  7. Dude looks like he’s 15 and is exercising less control over his gun than I did over The Zapper while playing Duck Hunt.
  8. As always it’s worth noting that the overwhelming majority of gun violence is not committed by the mentally ill, and the overwhelming majority of mentally ill people are not violent. We need better mental health services but counting on them to catch people who would commit gun violence before they do so is like filtering your coffee grounds through a sieve.
  9. Assassin’s Creed games have ALWAYS been “bloated.” How many flags were there to collect in the original? II, Bro, and Rev were padded to hell also. I’d wager most people probably take 2 - 2.5x as long to get through something like Odyssey as they would have to get through Bro, but I don’t think the difference is just “bloat;” I think the newer games are much less repetitive than the old ones. Yeah, river raids and whatever the hell the battles in Odyssey were ended up being very samey but those events has a lot more going on in between them than the missions Xbob was referencing. I dunno, the Ass Creed games have never really been afraid to fuck around with stuff and to jettison things that don’t work... we haven’t had to play tower defense in a while. I think the latest three games have been very good and each have flirted with being something truly special. A little more focus, a few really interesting assassin set pieces, and I think they’d be right there.
  10. My favorite parts of articles like this are comments from the ohiogiuys of the world who go, “I knew it. Scientists are wrong all the time!” Also I’m stunned that the pic in the article is real and not something out of a modified Source engine. Yikes.
  11. I do love how so many of the pro basketball “era” discussions essentially start in the mid - late 80’s since that’s what most of the people talking hoops today, myself included, remember. Wilt, Russell, Kareem are just chilling over here as if the GOAT discussion is somehow a 2 way contest between Jordan and LeBron.
  12. Same guy that wrote the Invincible comic wrote The Walking Dead comic, so possibly?
  13. The only stumble in LeBron’s career was how he handled The Decision. That’s it.
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