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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I’ll be honest, in this case I am fine fudging the literal truth in public discussion because I don’t trust people to be able to split the hair or to draw the correct conclusion even when the thing is properly stated. Also, personally, the people I run into IRL who have said things like “Asians have higher achievement levels in math,” also say shit like, “black people are incarcerated at rates higher than other races” and it’s obvious that they think there are SIMILAR REASONS for both even if the language they use is cautious. So I’m fine throwing the baby out with the bath water here.
  2. I dunno. I think Captain Marvel is one of the first / only MCU movies not made explicitly for guys, and the discussion of the MCU online is predominantly made up of dudes. Before the movie was review bombed by trolls, it was one of the most anticipated superhero movies expected to come out that year. Yes, Captain Marvel is no Wonder Woman, but nobody really is, that’s a high hurdle to clear. I think the effect that trolls had on the movie’s perception cannot be overstated, and I think in general audiences really liked it and have received the character very well. It made more money than BOTH Guardians of the Galaxy movies… but you know, the main character doesn’t get over daddy issues by playing catch, so online dudes don’t talk about it.
  3. Looking for logic in the Force is like picking through a turd to find corn to eat. Even if you win, you lose.
  4. "Canon" is a malignancy from which the body of a fictional universe can never recover.
  5. I know absolutely nothing of how the Yakuza games are made… do they consult with Yakuza members during development?
  6. Facebook saying they’d charge for their services is the ultimate fucking bluff, lol. It’s like going all in before the cards are dealt, eat shit.
  7. I agree that in general, people don’t care about quality audio… but some of this is just physics, right?
  8. I had a 15 minute on for commute for a decade, that walk to work was easily the most dangerous thing I did. I had a 200 years stretch where I had to cross the street of an off ramp for 93 near Boston and people did. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Red arrow, meaning they can’t turn? I have the walk signal? I get honked at, people would bomb down the hill and slam on the brakes because I had the audacity to be there. I had cars back into me and hit me twice out of the Dunkin parking lot on my way, a garbage truck hopped a curb to go down a side street / avoid a red light down the block, ran over and killed a cyclist, kept driving, and wasn’t prosecuted because he “didn’t realize” he had run the guy over. Cities are so hostile to pedestrians.
  9. If we’re looking at human history as a blueprint for long distance travel and what happens at the tail end of it, why weren’t we colonized? I don’t doubt that people have seen and observed UFOs, I very much doubt that they’re alien or extraterrestrial in origin. There’s an extent to which the fact that Donald Trump was president and “Disclosure” didn’t happen that makes me skeptical that the government knows anything really juicy, but what the hell do I know
  10. I wish I had Access to his vaccine data but he keeps it in a Visual Source Safe. It would be FrontPage news if Pascal got away with it. Encarta, fuck this shit I’m out.
  11. Yeah, same. It's a roguelike, they don't want people to save scum, I get it. This problem was solved ages ago, not implementing any of those solutions here is just dumb.
  12. The fact that there's no kinda soft save system for a game released in the two thousand and twenty first year of our lord, where runs can be hours long, is fucking inexcusable.
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