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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Saw people protesting outside a Puma store today, with a couple youths wearing MAGA-style hats that said "Make Israel Palestine Again"
  2. Maybe they’d have been less willing to surrender quickly if they didn’t have to look at Washington’s jank ass wooden teeth, so I guess he has a point.
  3. It's not a good movie. As someone who really likes Syndey's Dawn of the Dead, it's disappointing. The whole "reason" they're sent into the city... This is the dumbest movie I've seen in a really long time. Guzman brings a buddy to the meeting with Tanaka who... just leaves. Why? @SimpleG has it right; horror movies thrive on people being punished for self-interested choices or being compelled to make bad ones due to their circumstances. This is just... everyone acting as stupidly as possible at literally every moment... for almost no reason. A zombie heist movie could have been cool, this executes all of its concepts in the stupidest, longest ways possible. I was psyched to see this, especially after the reviews online were generally positive. I really have no idea what movie they watched. It's not terrible, but it is absolutely bad.
  4. Honestly if we're assuming the existence of a higher power, and assuming that higher power is responsible for all creation, and we know that 99.999999999999999999999999999% of all creation would kill us merely by being present in it... I don't think we can safely conclude said higher power would give us the means to feel pleasure and also intend for us to use it.
  5. I don't know what to say, casting a white women as The Ancient One is literal whitewashing. Of course intent and storytelling are important, but representation matters as well. At that point the only Asian actors with speaking parts in MCU movies aside from Benedict Wong in that movie had been, what... Claudia Kim? It's a short list, and it was lousy casting. Tilda Swinton is rad, it's not about her. I kinda go back and forth on this. I think in movies, you're probably right, especially if it's a character that we haven't seen on screen before. There have been enough Superman movies where I personally think it's fine if someone wanted to make a black Superman movie now. Same with comics, if someone wanted to do the black equivalent of Red Son, that could be interesting. But if they cast a black dude as Daredevil or something the first time he was in a movie... I get why people would want to see the character represented the way they're used to the first time he hit the screen. This is the thing, exactly right on the money.
  6. The hyper wealthy are (I assume, I have done no research to back this up) in a weird area where their interests and knowledge tend to be very niche, and their lifestyle is just constantly reinforcing the uniqueness of their circumstances in ways that make it difficult to see outside of their immediate circumstances. This happens to a lesser extent in hyper focused communities where extreme wealth isn’t involved; I listen to TWiT and even though a lot of their panelists are incredibly well informed, it’s clear their interests don’t align with “mainstream” people adjacent to tech. Stuff like the initial obsession with the notch on the iPhone X or the current hand wringing about the bezel on the iMac, shit close to 0% of people who will buy those products will care about at all. Or we see it here when people interested enough in TV and movies to talk about them online are having conversations that the overwhelming majority of people who watch the same stuff will never bother to think about, let alone have. And I imagine that getting focused through the lens of being a multimillionaire, let alone a multibillionaire… I assume Bezos isn’t actively Scrooge McDucking when he builds the world’s largest yacht or obsesses about how to literally leave the world behind… it’s just that the affairs of the normals aren’t interesting to him. So yeah, it’s greed, but he’s greedy the way I’m racist… i just don’t have to think about it when I’m not made to. Do I think anyone has Bezos’ ear to say, “just give your employees healthcare, you fuck, you won’t even notice the pennies that are missing”? No probably not. And even if they did, is at as interesting to him as that boat or his spaceships? No, so I fuck it. It’s the same with people I know who, once they make >$X per year dabble with something like Postmates or Amazon Fresh and then it’s been 6 months, they haven’t entered a grocery story, and cannot imagine how they ever had the time… just on a bananas scale. That’s not to say he shouldn’t be in shackles and taxed damn near to death, he absolutely should. But if he bothered to think about it at all, I’m sure he mclumber’d his way through the logic… think about all the jobs he created making that stupid ass boat, or his dumbass rockets!
  7. The original anime came out in the US at a weird time. Assuming I recall it correctly… the manga in Japan had moved beyond that portion of the story so it was a dope animation of many people’s favorite part of the story released to date. When the anime came out in the US I don’t think Dark Horse had even started publishing the manga here, so it ended with how you experienced it, an enormous WTF.
  8. 3 movies and 1 other series, yeah. The quality is pretty variable, the general consensus is the original is best.
  9. I am current, it’s still the better part of a couple decades of her being the way she was. I didn’t write out my thoughts well at all.
  10. Yeah, that tracks. Whenever I re-read it, I’m always taken aback by Casca. In real time as a reader the shit that happens to her and her response to it are wildly… unfair? I don’t know how to say it. I get that’s the point to an extent, but it’s A LOT. Most of the other characters come to some way of confronting their trauma that involves at least the illusion of agency from their own perspective but the hand she gets dealt is just awful. And now with Miura’s passing, she won’t have her story finished and she’s been borderline vegetative since what… 1996??? Ugh. It’s not like Case Closed or Ranma 1/2 where the chase for “a cure” is some kinda macguffin that keeps a neverending story in a perpetual motion machine, there was no way that the story was going to end with her drooling. Ugh.
  11. The first time I watched the original anime, I got so absorbed that I forgot the “intro.” When the behelit stuff started happening I kinda remembered but the eclipse came out of nowhere for me. I wonder how things would have ended. More recent stuff suggests a “happier” ending than I would have imagined for most of the run. I don’t think it would’ve been sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, but… who knows.
  12. Every now and then I think about how ASOIAF’s Red Wedding is so memorable for what it did and how it changed that world. And then I think about the eclipse at the end of the Golden Age Arc and how it’s like the Red Wedding on acid. I really wonder what it would have been like if the whole presence of demons and the faye weren’t telegraphed up front / that arc wasn’t a flashback.
  13. The Catholic Church as an institution believes that sex is only done while married and with the intent to procreate, and they absolutely consider masturbation to be a sin. I understand that at a local level, churches and priests may disagree. But the Catholic Church itself is super clear on this.
  14. There are some flavors of Christianity that don’t think of “sin” in the same way that best was talking about it in the OP at all. But to the best of my knowledge, Catholic churches, Evangelical Protestant churches and Mainline Protestant churches, in general, consider masturbation a sin. That certainly doesn’t cover all Christians in the US, but it’s close enough for me to feel okay painting with a broad brush on this topic specifically.
  15. I’d assume that a non-trivial amount of her wealth comes from licensing rights and merch, so… I dunno about that? Once your brand is on sneakers you’re probably in dubious moral territory at best. Notch is… kinda the closest I can think of also. Weird.
  16. Brother, may I introduce you to Catholicism?
  17. Lust is a sin, masturbation is an expression of lust. There’s no way getting around masturbation being a sin without going through some weird ass mental gymnastics or being a cafeteria Christian.
  18. Smoking increases the risk of this pretty significantly and he’s a Japanese man of an age where him smoking wouldn’t be uncommon.
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