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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I just caught up with this show, and for as much as I really like it and this season, the Diggle stuff makes absolutely no sense at all. Is he going between worlds? Given what happened and what Sam said it seems unlikely that this takes place on Flash's earth. So weird.
  2. Corsair had DDR5 on sale the other day and I didn’t pounce since my previous attempts to get the FE were failures and I didn’t think paying up for the 12GB or other flavors of the 3080 had a good enough price / feature ratio. Alas.
  3. Had Best Buy credit in my account and the 3080 FE was available today… got it for <$500. Feels good man.
  4. Forgive some student loans as an October surprise you shit gobbling tentacle twats.
  5. It’s almost like there’s something different with 2022’s political climate compared to 2012’s…
  6. Supreme Court limits 2020 ruling on tribal lands in Oklahoma WWW.PBS.ORG The Supreme Court has ruled that Oklahoma can prosecute non-Native Americans for crimes committed on tribal land when the victim is Native American. Thanks I hate it.
  7. Yeah, to however long it takes her to be left alone with a sheet.
  8. Fucking of course they want a national ban, I don't understand why they're cowards about admitting this whole cloth. If your POV is that "life begins at conception," then carving out exceptions for rape and incest doesn't make sense. The only possible ones that might would be the kind of pregnancies that endanger the life of the mother, but I don't trust the party of "legitimate rape" and people who say aloud that women should regulate their intake of cum to appreciate any kind of biological nuance.
  9. I always forget he was so young when he died since he looked so rough at the end.
  10. This is a pro tier move we call pleading the fifth.
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