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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Played it for two hours friday night and managed pull myself away because of a almost 4 hour drive saturday morning at 5am for my Grandsons 3rd Birthday party. After that and the drive back, we arrived back home at 7pm jumped right back into Dead Space for another 3 hours and it was/is just fantastic. Can't wait to do another 3hrs tonight!
  2. i managed to NOT buy Callisto Protcol even though Dead Space is one of my favorite games EVER! Knowing this remake was coming so soon helped. I for some reason have zero want to even play it.
  3. FUCK YEA! I'm gonna piss off the neighbors tonight. 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos home theater on my 83" LGC1 turned up way up up up up. Really glad I'm gonna be getting in some Xbox game time too I really am. I need to damned near push myself to play these new consoles! My 2080ti / I7 9700k & Steam deck have been all I need letely easily. I just updated Dead Space so it's ready to go and staring at me on the homepage is Elden Ring & Dying Light 2 reminding me that i'm seriously behind the ball. Don't get me started on the PS5 games I have yet to play, I own every damned one of the "BIG" titles minus the New GOW. Really am excited to play DS tonight though and I haven't felt actual excitement towards a Game in a Looong time! Bring on: 1. Resident Evil 4: Remake 2: Diablo 4 ........and I'll honestly be good for a very long while.!
  4. Had to get it on a console and didn't care in the slightest but I chose the Series X . I wanted it on PC for the free Dead Space 2 but no biggie I'll buy it agin if I feel I need to.
  5. So excited for tonight!! Kinda bummed as I have a 7 hour car ride saturday {3 1/2 each way} for my youngest grandsons 3rd birthday. 7 hours driving for a 3 and a half hour party doesn't excite me much! I will get about 3 hours in tonight though you can be on it!
  6. Best OH SHIT moment that comes to mind was walking down the hallway in Resident Evil 1 and the dogs jumping through the windows. Then there is the "TWIST" in Bioshock but no spoilers here from me. Brilliant!! Bioshock i & 2 I'm sure will be getting a full remake the way things are going and I'm all for it!
  7. Well just bought Dead Space Remake on Series X for the were fact that I have to play something on the new consoles. Not a biased PS5 vs. Series X thing in anyway, I've just been totally ignoring them completely since I bought them! I know for a fack though that I will enjoy DS and can't wait to play and finish SOMETHING on the Series X. They let you pre load the game so that's nice. Plan on playing it late at night and pissing off my wife with the theater's Bass booming from this creepy dive down memory lane.......
  8. Just 3 days now. It's installed on the Series X just waiting for me to turn down the lights and turn the Home theater way up especially the two SVS PB-2000 SUB WOOFER...lol
  9. Softporn Adventure was my very fist computer game. It was VERY ADULT obviously!! Later games were Leisure suit larry in the land of the land Lizards. Great for a young 13 year olds mind. I played it on an Apple IIe in my garage. This is the early 80's There we no graphics as it was a word adventure. This was my very first dip into anything PC. We had an Apple IIe barrowed from my mom's Boyfriend {Step DAD if you will, he and she worked in a government building downtown San Diego} work and he was a huge influence in my interest in electronics mainly the computers and how and for what did. We later bought Chop Lifter, and Lode Runner for my first graphic games. Loved loved loved Lode runner. You could make your own levels and I made thousands of them, awesome game. All there were on a flickering green screen, AHHH the good ol; says! Going to the computer store was such an amazing experience. Games were all on large floppy disks and were very expensive if I remember right. I had a decent allowance growing up as we had many chores plus paper routs and mowing lawns. What an amazing amazing period that was. There was no returning something if it didn't run right either, it was all buy at your own risk. I also raised rats and sold babies to my local fish store for feeders. 1 apiece and that was good income. I had quite the enterprise going when I was young. Too bad it was all at the expense of school at which I decided quite early on was not needed in any way....lol It's when I got to play Return to Wolfenstein that the world of video games really hooked me. It was a fantastic video game and I played it after school and chores & homework ever single chance I got!
  10. This is an odd thought. DS1 is a fantastic game already. Unless your just not into games like this that this Remake will also be fantastic. Most anticipated game this year and it's just a few days away, VERY VERY excited!
  11. WOW REALLY?? Both ARE FANTASTIC with Eternal being a real GEM. Doom Eternal is a 10/10 for me with Doom 2016 being a 9/10, Eternal is just sexy
  12. Yup there's another game I bought Day one on the PS5 and never even fired it up after installing it! Anyway to contribute to this topic, I have been playing Super Mega Baseball 3 again. It's really a fantastic baseball game. I don't know what it's ratings are but I love it. I stop playing here and there on my franchise but always come back to it. It's easily a 8.5/10 sports game. Playing on PV/Steam, so mostly on PC but also some Steamdeck thrown in too.
  13. Really never considered PSVR but IF I DID i'd hope that GT7 was patched and not a completely new 60-70 game. I don't know this to be true but I have GT7 deluxe edition and I still haven't played it....lol
  14. So......... If it's least hours played on Sony consoles to gamers that have had the console at least 10 months I easily win
  15. I bought Mario Rabbits day one and never even booted it up! It's installed I can usually handle that part, it's the actually booting it up and playing the damned games that challenges me.
  16. Sony 2022 Wrap up: Sony Wrapup 2022.JPG - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM This confirms my fears that I have really really ignored my PS5 & Series X, but more so my consoles in GERERAL! I HAVE NEVER EVEN SEEN THIS BEFORE FROM SONY but received an Email on the 11th of January from SONY showing EXACTLY how much I have played on my Sony consoles ESPECIALLY my PS5! OUCH this hurts in that I have Spent quite Alot on my PS5. I have 2 controllers on a fancy charger along with a 2Tb SSD M.2 Mvme drive from Samsung at over 200bucks. I have ALL the big releases on Disc except for GoW: Ragnarok {It's crazy I even managed to hold off of that game too} and A shit ton of Games digital too. As you can see in the Picture I have only 44hrs on both Consoles and 37 of that was on the PS4 for god sakes! I KNEW I HAD Neglected the PS5 but 11 hours?? I'm glad I bought these consoles at retail prices even though it took over a year post launch. I always think I'll get around to them soon but it becoming quite clear that just isn't the case. I have played mostly on the Steam Deck and/or PC as I can say that yes I've slowed down my gaming, I still gamed quite alot on other devices. My Switch also has very little attention. I have an amazing 7.2.4 ALL SVS Ultra Speaker Dolby Atmos home theater with a LGC1 83" !! center stage hooked up to the PS5 and Series X and I even neglect that too! It also has 2 controllers one's a limited edition 20th anniversary. It also has the second 1Tb MS's Proprietary Drive in the back. Normally I would've bought the 2Tb but at over $300 buck even I said NOPE...lol 20230112_133031.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM 20230112_131748.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM I really hope 2023 is a fantastic and safe year for us all.....
  17. I'm fine if it's delayed all the way to 2024 as this is incredibly important to Microsoft's gaming outlook moving forward. This game simply can not fail. Halo was rightly delayed and was compensated for it. Yea it hurts, but it has to be a massive hit. This can not be a No mans sky release and fix daily. Nor can it be a Cyberpuck disaster. I'm one that has not played NMS but bought and played CP on PC 6 months later and LOVED it. I played and beat it never to boot up again but it was a really fun ride! I honestly haven't followed Starfield at all but I well aware of the importance to the MS brand and I hope it's Amazing! Sony's string of hits has placed MS in a pickle sort of and it will benefit us all as Gamers if this is a Missive success.....
  18. As someone old enough to have played the Atari 2600 version of ET and can easily say that is the worst video game I have ever played. That has held true to this day, That game was the most infuriating mess ever released and yes I know it's well documented as being so too. It's just I lived through that time as a young kid when you didn't have access to 1000's of games on any given day for pennies on the dollar. They were expensive especially PC games!! What a world we live in now huh?
  19. Finally fired up Diablo II Resurrected on PC. Yet another game I bought Day one. Actually finding it quite tough and I die a lot more than I ever remembered...lol
  20. I bought every game that had hype and or was well reviewed on both new consoles and played non of them...lol. I favorite game was Vampire Survivors or peeks sake! Best visuals I saw was the 25 minutes I played of the New Ratchet and Clank. I did play and beat the last God of War and managed to not buy the new one day one knowing that I wouldn't get to it for a long while! At least I'm learning.
  21. Yea buy now, I'll scoop up a PS5Pro as soon as there here but I'm sure that's 2024 earliest. They have only announced a separate disc drive so no slim or pro on the horizon. Honestly though I kinda wish I had waited for both the PS5 $ Series X! I have about 15 hours on the series X and less on my PS5 I just love new tech and thought I needed it. I have been happily playing along on my 2080Ti / I7 9700k PC and my Steam Deck. I don't even touch my Switch anymore either. I will be buying Dead Space on Series X though just to have a new game I know I'll want to play. I'm not a good example as to the value of either consoles, but If I were you i'd buy now and enjoy for the next 18 months minimum before we hear about new versions of either consoles! Hell they just started being readily available lol!
  22. lighting ring is amazing evolved! Electric bursts raining down from the heaven 2x a second, glorious!
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