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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Just grabbed Death Stranding Directors cut off steam for 23 bucks. Yes I know it's on Game pass but I've been wanting it along time now so I acted. It's downloading as I type this on my Steam deck. Also just downloaded Metal: Hellsinger from Game pass PC to check this game out, should be a blast. I loved Thumper and I know this isn't the same but there both rhythm games.
  2. Just grabbed Death Stranding Directors cut off steam for 23 bucks. Yes I know it's on Game pass but I've been wanting it along time now so I acted. It's downloading as I type this on my Steam deck. Also just downloaded Metal: Hellsinger from Game pass PC to check this game out, should be a blast. I loved Thumper and I know this isn't the same but there both rhythm games. I'll be playing that in a few minutes and playing Death Stranding the rest of the week and this weekend and beyond as I'm pretty sure it's a HUGE LONG GAME! I have always stayed away from media and spoilers for the most part beyond a review here and there and this game seems like a true jem and I'm excited!
  3. I keep telling myself the Series X and PS5 are pretty high end systems to not want to build a new gaming rig as badly. It doesn't work especially now that the 4080 and 4090 have been announced!
  4. Sucks about the no auto save glitch. I was replaying Doom Eternal and didn't realize I had the no respawn box checked. So so doing one of those purple key optional gate encounters I wiped out all the extra lives I had and then it put me at the beginning after like 15 hours!! I thought it glitched on me and tried again and died again at the SAME OPTIONAL ENCOUNTER. Then looked it up on google and saw that there's an option to not respawn after you lose all lives, DAMN IT! I have since then made it back to the last area in the game and am close to beating it! This was on hard, not the hardest difficulty but the next one up from hurt me plenty! I was livid the 2nd time boy!
  5. A series x is pretty much a High-end machine now-a-days too man. I know what you mean though as I have always prefered PC gaming but with a controller most games! I still consider my PC High -End though the plan these past few years has always been to replace it when the 4080Ti is readily available. That's still gonna be some time from now. So my I7 9700k/32Gigs DDr4 3200/Zotec 2080Ti is my "HIGH-END" machine. My next PC will be a BEAST! Starting to get itchy fingers though. Was checking out a $1099 3090Ti the day before yesterday....lol
  6. SO STUPID! I have this game BRAND NEW installed on the Series X and haven't even fired it up! I loved the first one!
  7. free on Gamepass pretty sure.....nevermind that was to 2K22
  8. DAMN!! I was just looking at a Evga FTW 3090Ti for 1099$!! I love Evga. This 2080Ti Zotac Amp edition I'm on now is the first GPU is a very long time that wasn't Evga. This is sad/bad news! They really seem like a good company. Crazy to think they were losing money at on their cards while they watched them then be sold for 1.5-2.5x what they sold for by scalpers.
  9. Score attack uses one character. I've only played TOUR mode so far. I did just shoot a -6 for 9 holes. Best so far. I have 2 eagles both where approach shots as I haven't reached a par 5 in 2 shots yet. I also just got a hole in one that was pretty sweet. Like I said it's Hot Shots golf with a few differences. There is no super spins shots, spiral flag shots, shit like that and that sucks. Hitting accuracy is quite easy, one thing Hot Shots always got right was though really cute it took skill to hit that mark to get those crazy spin type shots. This game is much easier to nail the perfect line and large hooks and slices around trees and those type shots are also not really in this game, not like past HSG games. It's been simplified quite a bit, not that HSG was complex but the more advance type shots in those games required you hitting perfect impacts and that was harder in those games. You can also use the Switch's Gyro to shoot and the sticks, I personally like the 3 click shot. Also the shot meter in vertical on the right and past HSG games it was always on the bottom! I'm still enjoying while watching a movie and it's 20 bucks so not alot to complain about!
  10. THIS! I do not know about the Apple version but I can tell you there is ZERO performance issues with this game. _____________________ I have now unlocked the first 3 people and my roster is almost all mine but one. I have to tell you I was a bit Taken a back when I sew the way the roster thing is used. No longer do you have one guy you level up and that's that or maybe pick one of a list of characters you have unlocked and play with him or her it's a 9 hole 9 person roster with each person responsible for their hole and their hole ONLY! WEIRD i'll give you that. Your given 4 wacky characters and 5 place holder like low level stand in's until you unlock enough players to fill a 9 hole roster. Eventually I'm sure you'll have many and you'll then have some you leave out and others your loyal to and use therefor level up every match. Each has a favorite club and areas where they shine like the rough, rain, etc, etc. Like I said I have now unlocked 3 so I now can place 7 out of the 9 needed and I have to have a holder guy that's bacic and can not be leveled. At first I was like place all my guys on Par 5's and to score more but quickly learned this isn't wise. AS OF TODAY my longest drive is just 197yrds. To begin with most are all pretty low level at this state in the game and there for reaching a par 5 isn't going to happen anyways so I have now learned to place my main characters in the par 4 slots to better my chances of at least par. Alot of par 4's cant even be reached yet even with my 7 guys. The CPU is playing really easy so far at this point too. All three boss battles I has I won in 3 holes strait with a called games. I did level up my roster a few matches more before playing the boss battles when they first became available as to be vetter course ready. This was maybe proven to be not needed at least as of yet because I easily won like I said, 3 strait holes in match play ending with 3 called games in just 3 holes!!If you like Hot Shots this game is a must its just like it with a new roster gimmick thrown in and I like it. I'm also not scoring birdies everywhere right now, pars are challenging enough on some holes. Like I said though the CPU is playing pretty easy so far but I'm really sure that will ramp up once I'm able to bring a full 9 character of my own choosing to each match. 8 out 10 Plays butter smooth, graphics are nice so are animations. I've played about 4 hours and I'd say 8 rounds of 9 holes and it's really a good fun game for switch and a MUCT own if your a fan of Hot Shots like I am and always have been! PS: I now have 7 unlocked characters and the cpu is playing a much more completive round. I really am liking this and Love the 20$ price tag!
  11. Big fan of Hot Shots Golf and this is priced pretty great. Can't find reviews as of yet though. Thinking of picking this up as I held off and didn't buy the new Mario Golf and I'm now glad I didn't. Sucks though as I want Platoon 3 as my next Switch title so trying to not just buy because It's there I'm set really gaming wise till the end of 2025 easily!
  12. Damn!! Better than mine that's for sure. That's game at 1440p // 120 all day with setting tweaking. My i7 9700k, 32gig DDr4 3200, Zotec 2080ti isn't what she once was but man is she still loyal an rock solid!
  13. Cant give enough praise to CDKeys.com for steam keys. I've saved a few hundred bucks filling my steamdeck!!
  14. Damn I want this on Switch. I just recently played about 45 minutes of Spatoon 2 and it was really fun. I have never played any of them before that. Must fight the urge though, I've spent what I could justify lately and well over that. Really trying to not buy anymore games at least for this month! It's hard and I want this game. My grandkids are here for a few days.......OH THE Wallet pull is real!!
  15. Just saw this IMMORTALITY on gamepass. I'm embarrased to admit the neglect my ps5 and series x has had. I have not touched either one since way before I even got the Steamdeck that now gets ALL MY GAMING TIME. I think the overwhelming overload of all that gamepass offers has alot to do with this as I play most gamepass games on my pc (well all really!) though it's the ps5 too so I do not know!! To get a sense of how much gaming I'm doing, it's taken me 4 weeks now to beat Doom Eternal on steamdeck and I'm still at it. IMMORTALITY Its unlike anything I've ever seen in a game and I'm really tempted to check it out, anyone here play it?
  16. I'm in complete denial about Summer ending. It's still hot as F&^K here in Medford, Oregon!
  17. I finally beat Dead cells or enough to actually see the credits roll! So up on the board I am going to finally finish Bloodstained this week and weekend and then move to Halo Infinite on Series X! Then it's XBC3!!
  18. This made me laugh out loud as I have Battlefield 2042 on Series x and haven't even played it yet...lol I installed it played one buggy laggy match and stopped. Going to wait till its all ironed out!
  19. a SDeck pro is enviable or #2 and it's exciting to see just how far handheld gaming can be taken. Reading that they were surprised by how well the 512gig version sold and using that data to build a truly beefed up version in the near future knowing that people out there will pay for a powerful well made gaming handheld. I think it's got a lot to do by just how long Nintendo has reined with the switch. Never even putting out a pro and still it's selling crazy like. This is a different kind of machine and it just feels Techy and high-end without breaking the bank! 1Tb model with an Oled screen sounds sexy.
  20. I'm Excited for you Haven't been anywhere near my PS5 or Series X now in months. This thing only made that issue worse. I'll get to them sooner than later as winters coming. I also just bought A miyoo mini v2 handheld. I can't stop, but I've been wanting one of them since I first saw it! It'll be here thursday!! Amazon.com WWW.AMAZON.COM
  21. The Hype is real !! I liked the thing right away, but now after having it in my hands a month it's just way better than I ever expected, it really is. I'm not emulating anything and I do not have windows on it but just my steam library has been just wonderful. Have been saving tons of money buying my games from CDKeys.com too. I have less than 200 gigs free total out of 1500 gigs between the internal and the sd card...lol
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