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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Yea me too! I have not bought a game anywhere other than Steam, Ebay, and/or CDKeys.com so that I have it on the SteamDeck. PS5 / XsX excluded ofcourse!
  2. No since in hiding it, Been gaming now {over} 40 years. We have 5 kids {Had, we lost our oldest to brain cancer} & 10 grandkids. Everyone loved Grandpa's gameroom pre fire! It's cool to have lived the complete evolution for the most part. From Lode runner / chop lifter on an Apple 2e in our garage, Commodore 64, Colecovision to Intellivision & Atari 2600. Saddest part is I still had all my consoles in working order some new in boxes never opened like Dreamcasts, Gamecube, Sega CD, & Genisis, PS1-3 [I had backups...lol] but the fire took all of that. I went from owning over 100 consoles and handhelds to now just PS4pro, PS5, Xbox 1X, Xbox SeriesX, 3DSXl, PSP Vita, Switch and a Steamdeck. From a garage full to just one very large box Sorry about derailing Battle Orges, it's just what I do. Back to BO folks I'm good now....lol
  3. Remember the onslaught of AOL discs in the mail?!!! My lord they pushed hard! You've got mail....LOL!!! My mom still has an AOL email address. Above I said my first internet experience was on Dreamcast and it was as in my first Personal at home. That same year a few months later we bought a Dell. That was 25 years ago...lol we've been together for 30 years now, married for 25! were both 53yrs young! Absolutely love our Spectrum 400Mbs download speeds with no data limit, I just look away when paying the bill. IT IS WHAT IT IS. 65.99 a month is steep but I ain't going back that's for sure!
  4. ........And I remember before 56k modems Kids these days have it so good. We all do for the most parts, my very first internet experience was on the Sega Dreamcast/ My now wife would wait as a picture of the San Diego baby pandas would slowly reveal it's self a line at a time!
  5. Also bought Assault Android Cactus+ on Steam! It's great and plays great on the Deck too . . .
  6. thanks alot guys! The wife just left for my Daughter house and a visit with her friend till monday! I'm trying so hard to not have a free for gaming spending spree! This game looks really fun on the steam deck!
  7. Stunning visuals Will of the Wisps has. That was the first game I played on my 83" LGC1 / Series X
  8. I'm on a 3 game rotation right now! Super Mega Baseball 3, Mad Max, and Streets of rage 4. SoR4 was added just yesterday but I see me playing it quite a bit in the rotation of the other 2 games. SMB3 is a fantastic baseball game and plays wonderfully on the deck. Actually I am playing all 3 on the SD. MadMax is a guilty pleasure game that is very underappreciated IMHO. SoR4 is a perfect SD game, and is great for 30-45 minutes sessions. Really going to try and finish MM by this weekend and move on to either Demon Souls or Elden Ring!! Side note: I have really been on a twin stick shooter craze on the SD. There are so many that are really really good.
  9. Bought Streets of Rage 4 + the DLC from Steam. I tried best I could waiting for it to come back in stock @CDKeys.com but ended up pulling the trigger at 30$. Great game and plays wonderfully on the Deck!! Also trying hard to not buy God of War: Ragnarok! My plan is to wait till it's part of the highest tier of PS+ and pull the trigger on the that and add the game to library. I know I would play this game though as the last one is fantastic though a bit tough for me in parts. I told myself I would not pay new game prices ANYMORE but I also know my reality. Especially with Dead Space remakes, RE4 remake coming down the pipe sooner than later
  10. I just watched this in 4k youtube and it's stunning of course! I'm itching to build a PC BAD! I remember when HalfLife: Lost coast came out! Thanks for listening, I feel better and your all irritated!! MY job here is done. Any credit on me not rambling "AS" much anymore, baby steps guys, baby steps!
  11. I wish I was having the problems that you guys are having! Well not the ram timings one, just the......"Man sucks, looks like I need another cable for me 4090 one lol No offence intended, I know first had what fire can do, I also do not know first hand what a 4090 can do!!
  12. Dead space remakes, Diablo 5, & Resident Evil 4 will scratch my Horror / Thriller itch. These titles are day one . . .
  13. Super Mega Baseball 3, Skul, and Mad Max all for STEAMDeck. Really liking SMB3
  14. Super Mega Baseball 3, Skul, and Mad Max all for STEAMDeck. Really liking SMB3
  15. This won't help in ANYONE in anyway as usual but I managed to get all the big games for the ps5 for $20-35 from ebay most right after release. All were seal brand new "Disc obviously", Returnal, R&C, Spiderman: MM, Horizon:FW, GT7, Demon Souls, Deathloop, Dying Light 2, and Eldon Ring! Here's the sad part, though all are installed I have 1 hour in EldenRing, and 3 hours in Returnal and that's it! I really need to look into the PS5 Premium Lineup as Gamepass Ultimate has saved me tons of money! I buy almost exclusively from CDKeys.com for PC/Steam keys and that's saved me more than I want to admit filling up the SteamDeck! most games there I've bought are less than 10bucks! Not that I needed help with that because my Steam Backlog is massive as it is! Sad thing is I told myself "No more disc games collections" because of the fire, but here I am thinking I need everything day one or close and that I'll live forever getting around to this growing collection of mine. I may have lost a few 1000 games due to the fire {More like 10,000 easily when factoring in my old console collections} but I've been catching up faster than anyone could've ever predicted. Lost my entire Switch collection because of having all games on cartridge! I was better off not being able to find the damned Series X and PS5 damnit! At least GPU was on sale for 180$ for 2 years. GPU is a fantastic value and keeps me from actively searching for the next Series X game I HAVE TO BUY and not ever get to. Will for sure download Nioh2 as I liked the first one though of course I never finished it....lol Currently playing: Super Mega Baseball 3, Skul, and Mad Max on SteamDeck.....
  16. With my i7-9700k installed PC also shows I have 2 mice and 2 keyboards with multiple hubs showing installed. I gave up trying to fix this issue. It messes with my head when I think about it but hasn't given me any noticeable issue knock on wood so I've learned to for the most part not think about it!
  17. Grabbed Super Mega Baseball 3 after it fell to under 10 bucks on a Steam sale. It's a fantastic game to play on the Steam Deck. I've played about 5 games in Franchise mode and after finding a well balanced difficulty setting It's a solid 9/10! I find that it you bump it up to EGO 55 there will be a challenge. The default setting I was winning 30-40 to nothing in normal. Up 10 more puts you in Medium, Up 10 more puts you in Tough, then 5 more up. That's #5 in the 10 slots that make up the Tough range. It's locked at 60 with very few dips at all, drains battery rather fast. Other than that yea, been playing SMB3 Franchise. My team is The Royal Pains
  18. This my 3rd favorite RE game {After 1&2} and I'm a HUGE fan of the franchise! Bummed it's March next year but we have plenty to play until then for damned sure! Can't wait to have RE4: Remake installed on my SteamDeck along with 0,1,2,3,Village and 8. This a Dead Space has my very excited. I usually frown on all these danged remakes, but for 2 of my favorite franchises EVER, these are all very welcomed
  19. Literally bought a PS3 just for R&C {and MLB2k The Show} as it was by far the best "LOOKING" game I had ever seen, gameplay wise it was also up there as very memorable and quickly became some of my favorite games to play! I'm really not a fan of cartoonish looking games, but R&C are just simply amazing and are wonderful to play though. I have the new R&C on PS5 and haven't even fired it up as of yet. I'm pretty well set up for a long cold winter. I still have all of the AAA games on the PS5 and Series X just waiting for me to make the time for them......
  20. damn, you really have been getting your gaming in as of lately! congratz
  21. Well just got 9897 on port royal, beat that........lol That was with a pretty good overclock on the 2080ti using afterburner. Trying to stay relivent with you lucky bastards!! No offence intended of course1
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