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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. My first impressions of Haque are very positive! I think I got my money's worth with it alone
  2. Here is a curated list someone is working on: https://itch.io/c/895364/racial-justice-bundle-games-to-look-at
  3. Oh that's nice! More games are being added to the bundle as developers join in (I heard over 200 are getting added today) and if you back now you still get any they add when they are added. Also seen this in there: https://supertry.itch.io/haque Looks fantastic if you like Roguelike's.
  4. I was going to post this and while I am loath to install another launcher (still haven't got the Epic launcher even though it had free Celeste which I've been wanting to play) this is for a great cause so count me in!
  5. When did the Saturn era execs return to power?
  6. Not only that but if you make it at home you can use bison instead of beef which is far superior! I like Wendy's worked there over the summer in HS and I can still eat there which is saying something.
  7. I like the PassCode song but it really could use more heavy vocals to balance it. I've been meaning to add this one for awhile now: LOVEBITES- "When Destinies Align"
  8. I have an iPad Mini that is my favorite portable gaming device so far (especially now with the controller support). I will check out Shinsekai while I have my free Apple Arcade trial going! As for my recommendation it is old but I just started playing Book of Demons and I'm really enjoying it.
  9. Yes I was very happy to hear she survived that horrible shit and his daughter isn't entirely parent-less now.
  10. Your missing an x there buddy Edit: But thanks for the free advertising
  11. I went into a Pier 1 once and after seeing what they were charging for that junk noped the fuck out!
  12. So due to Covid-19 I'm making a lot less money and I need to get my webstore bringing some income in... I would really appreciate it if everyone could like my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/TheExsul Share it if you please And! if you are in the mood to shop check out what I got: https://the-exsul.com/
  13. One of my friends got me back into playing League of Legends Senna is a really cool support now if I can't jungle I have something to do!
  14. Hmm, I never was really interested in watching it but I trust your judgment will give it a go!
  15. Currently it's just my normal routine MTG Arena (Ikoria is amazing), Langrisser mobile (Record of Lodoss War crossover going on right now) and Arknights (Tower defense gothca goodness). Maybe I will get around to some Stellaris this weekend and check out the recent updates!
  16. As much as I love Bloodstained I'm horribly disappointed that the roguelike mode turned into a randomizer mode
  17. I watched the first episode this week and it got me hooked! I really missed out on this one... I don't even remember anyone talking about it when it was airing.
  18. I would assume (I know) that most of the new IP's are targeting launch window (generally the time people launch new IP's) and between the specs, the full BC and all the companies MS has been gobbling up I was already on the tipping point! I can probably safely wait until PSVR2 comes out before I get a PS5 (I actually got my PSVR before my PS4 because I pre-ordered it and a PS4 Pro at the same time!) unless it launches with Horizon Zero Dawn 2 and I'm in a really good place financially at the time. Also I'm generally not a graphics whore and really like unique art direction more than anything else.
  19. I agree that a lot of the games look interesting and I plan to get the system at launch now... However I think there needed to be something first party in there with amazing graphics. Not necessarily a big new title but maybe upgraded Forza or Gears of War.
  20. The art direction is fantastic I just hope the gameplay is at least passable... however this is totally the type of thing I would really like to experience in VR
  21. I haven't actually thanks to Humble Bundle and Games with Prime I believe the last PC game I paid full price for was Stellaris (worth!).
  22. Lol, I used to run a forum and generally preferred people just make a new thread rather than DP Anyways if anyone starts the game and wants advice on which characters/items to invest in I would be happy to help. I'm on server Rayguard and have a very casual friendly guild with open spots too!
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