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Everything posted by DPCyric

  1. I know... I'm claiming to have a friend but here are the games I've listed for him: https://www.pricecharting.com/offers?seller=xzp453t24urv5gpgrdqfhsuzom I thought maybe there would be some stuff people here might be interested in.
  2. I ended up with 3 free months but my router is messed up dunno if I will get to try it before it's up in September. I'm honestly not that interested in it tbh Gamepass seems far superior.
  3. 10/10 I put juiced Carolina Reaper on my chicken and impressed the cooks in Thailand that I can eat on their level. @gamer.tv Where do you live? I know a great Sichuan place that has delicious fish boiled in chili oil.
  4. On weeks when everything goes well I get 80 hours of work in. Half of that is from my full-time job and most of the rest is Uber/Lyft driving. I honestly wish I lived closer to my job could probably grind another 10 hours a week if I did!
  5. Durian! I hope by New Years we have this virus under control and I can go spend time with my family.
  6. It doesn't matter that the strategy failed in Japan those games were still needed in the American market to diversify their catalog. I'm honestly shocked the Xbox One recovered from it's disastrous launch considering how bad it's exclusive lineup is.
  7. Microsoft dropped developers way too fast while holding onto some questionable ones... FASA and Mistwalker's output at the time was top notch but Rare is who Microsoft stuck with?!?
  8. Microsoft purchasing Mistwalker is what needs to happen but I don't think they realize yet how important it is to have Japanese exclusives even if they don't make bank. Microsoft made a huge mistake dropping Lost Odyssey after one game among many other mistakes last gen. Anyway without the DC license this looks far less attractive... it really doesn't make sense as a purchase for M$ maybe it's a better fit for EA.
  9. If we are just going with refreshing as the standard here Guava is far superior.
  10. Nope keeps going I thought maybe I was digging my way out of the hole but today ruined that. I have a 4 day weekend was planning on making a ton of money driving Uber and it started to go well... Then I had a tire blowout taking someone to the airport in Detroit, found out my license is suspended as of yesterday from driving without insurance (I had insurance working on getting my license back) and now I've been stuck in Ohio all day waiting on someone to come get me. I've been up since 7:30 last night even if I get things fixed with my tire today I still have no license to drive for a few days... Another grand in the hole it seems All I want to do is work and get everything straightened out, I barely ever have any free time anymore but every time I get close to just breaking even something happens. I'm afraid that I will lose my fiancee and daughter at this point I really don't like constantly letting her down I am trying so hard but the results are shit
  11. Actually from my experience the employees are really happy there too!
  12. Lol, Sweetwater is like 45 minutes away from me! Actually when I drive Uber it's in that city and sometimes I take people to work there. I would recommend a pair of V-Moda's with their microphone made for them.
  13. Oh! I like this one a lot better than the last one
  14. Because most of what we got now sucks in comparison? Pretty sure Ritual of the Night's sales were good enough to greenlight a sequel. Curse of the Moon was just good enough to warrant its own sequel Remember how worried people were with this project after Mighty No.9? This was one Kickstarter that I backed which was totally worth it!
  15. It certainly is a contributing factor
  16. I'm not sure now is the best time to be visiting old people
  17. Keep us updated I'm seriously considering getting this... Too bad there isn't VR support this seems perfect for it!
  18. It REALLY should have been Twintelle not only for diversity sake her character design is also far superior. It's a shame they have already decided on the DLC characters otherwise we should push for her inclusion.
  19. Yeah things are looking up I will figure it out eventually... It's just been hard going from a position of good credit last year and having everything planned out to this. Hopefully I will get to sell stuff for my friend online soon it pays better than Uber during the week. Then in August the Census job pays well and about the time it finishes up overtime should be starting at my full time job! I at least feel like I'm starting to get somewhere now
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