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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Yes, that's a valid, albeit horrifically energy intensive, way to track ownership of little bits of data. These NFT artwork sales are a whole different type of problem that just doesn't make sense.
  2. We're talking about the sale of the NFT art scene here. NFTs are just a use of the Ethereum blockchain to work as a non-centralized database that can be used to store any data you'd like. Tracking the ownership of things is one very common use. However, none of the NFT artwork sales I've seen so far actually track the ownership of the digital item being "sold". Instead, they're tracking ownership of the link to the digital item. Can the buyer rehost the image elsewhere? No. What happens if the seller just takes the image offline? Oops. Oh well. If the seller did that, can the buyer then bring it back online some other way? No. How do we know that's the case? The entire reason we're even talking about this again is because Evil Ape sold a bunch of NFT artwork for millions and then just took their website offline, leaving all these buyers with 404 NFTs that lead nowhere.
  3. You're skipping the part where NFTs don't represent ownership of a digital thing. They represent ownership of a link to a thing while the seller maintains the right to move the thing, rendering the link you own a 404.
  4. Well, this too. At least you're getting a cool thing to commemorate your money laundering, though.
  5. It's almost like Canada has been handling the pandemic better than the US. At least in your area 1/3 of students can elect to go remote. My Republican governor squashed that saying it was of utmost importance that 100% of students are in person this school year.
  6. COVID is killing kids because half this nation is wildly endangering them. My oldest is in school, in person. He's less at risk not because of his health but because his school takes actual precautions to prevent the spread of COVID. That includes, but is not limited to, a mask mandate; testing everyone, including the vaccinated, for COVID on a weekly basis; and vaccine mandates for all the teachers and staff. Again, the reason why there's an uptick of children dying of COVID is because adults that don't take the disease seriously are willingly exposing these children because it has a "low mortality rate".
  7. Oh, art sales in general are all a scam, but at least they're imparting actual ownership of a thing. The scam is from the curators who collude to elevate certain artists over others to manipulate the arbitrary value of the artwork being sold. However, again, at least there is a thing that is being sold. The actual ownership of the thing is actually being transferred. If artists were actually selling their digital goods with NFTs it would be far less of a stupid scam and I'd be less gobsmacked about the whole thing. However, even high profile sales like Beeple's aren't actually selling the rights to anything.
  8. There's a serious case of "COVID is only killing people that were going to die anyway" going around the Internet to justify the thousands of people dying everyday. Any excuse imaginable comes up to explain why someone died of COVID instead of just blaming the shitty response to the pandemic from half the population.
  9. I think we should differentiate here that NFT's aren't granting ownership to the thing, they're granting ownership to a link to the thing. This isn't like owning the Picasso. Instead the artist is selling directions to their house where the painting is stored with the caveat being that they're allowed to move whenever they want rendering the address they sold you a 404. NFT's are less like buying art and more like buying plots on the moon.
  10. I'm in the middle of Neo: The World Ends with You, but I'll put it aside for Metroid Dread. I've been waiting long enough for this game.
  11. Yeah, I don't understand this argument. It's tantamount to just saying there are guys that can't control themselves when they see cleavage, so they start harassing every other woman they see. How on any planet would the solution there be banning cleavage when the obvious problem is the toxic guys that supposedly can't control themselves?
  12. Looks like this comic is now getting a live action adaptation on YouTube... Popular Webtoon Batman Comic, Wayne Family Adventures, Gets Official Live-Action Miniseries - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Webtoons and Ismahawk will release an official live-action miniseries based on the hit Batman comic Wayne Family Adventures. There's even already a teaser out...
  13. My wife didn't know Sora's name and referred to him anime Peter Pan from the Disney games.
  14. I'm shocked they even got to use the Mickey logo. Sakurai did mention licensing was tricky. And I'm sure they didn't even try because licensing was already enough of a pain.
  15. The big budget game model would be dead right now if it weren't for the drastic expansion of the player base. Thinking back to when games were way more expensive, the SNES and Genesis combined for fewer than 80m units in their entire lifetime. The Xbox One beats either of those consoles and the PS4 or Switch outsold both consoles, combined, and all hree did their own thing and were successful at the same time. The market is multiple times larger today than it's ever been, even before taking mobile gaming into account. That's the only reason games have been able to maintain their price in spite of inflation. I'm not too worried about the state of games today. The major companies are all publicly traded and they're still making money with current sales figures and current game budgets. The smaller devs trying to play catch-up with the big guys and killing themselves in the process is a slowly dying practice. The public, in general, seems more than willing to buy smaller games with a more limited scope than they previously were. A sizable chunk of mobile games are funded by whales with more money than sense. I'm sure a lot of these people are rich kids with a parent's card that allows them to drop $100k on whatever the most popular gatcha game these days is. However, the unsustainable part has to be whoever is spending $10k they don't have every year on keeping Candy Crush in the top ten grossing games every year since it's release.
  16. I don't like any model that takes fairness into account. Some sort of split line works best for me. Districts shouldn't be drawn taking demographics into consideration. Redrawing districts should only really be necessary if/when the concentration of people move around within a given state.
  17. I often wonder if this shit is perpetually sustainable. The things that make Apple and Roblox so much money is based on practices that are exploitative by design. You kind of get the feeling that Google and Apple know this. Apple Arcade and Google Play Pass are basically "Hey, we know microtransactions are shitty, so how about you pay us a monthly subscription so you don't have to deal with the microtransaction BS we've been encouraging our devs to use for years now."
  18. I don't like the idea of a government body that regulates how Facebook or any social media works. That's a cool way to start off with an idea that is then taken over by white supremacists a bunch of years down the road. Something a little more hands off would probably work. Make it illegal to target advertising to users under 18. Parents of children can then just sue if they discover Facebook or others are targeting children with direct ads. Allow users to sue the platform if they're faced with harassment or threats of violence that goes ignored after being reported, BUT allow the platform to shift all blame to the harasser if they're willing to identify them for the courts. If they can't because it's a burner account, oh well, too bad. Advertisers and shareholders should have full access to internal studies performed by Facebook and others. Same should go for anonymized reports on sexual harassment, racism, and other such issues reported to HR. That should be a thing these public companies should be forced to report on during earnings call.
  19. I'm willing to get a large chunk of the negotiations were related to the Mickey logo hanging from Sora's keyblade. I was really hoping for Doomguy, but a Mii Fighter is good enough.
  20. A large chunk of my work over the last decade has been disaster prep. You know, normal stuff in a climate change world. These data centers are too close to one another in the event of a hurricane. These can't serve as backups for each other, they're both on the same coast and what if there's a tsunami? These are both on the same power grid and what if it goes Texas? What happens if these servers can't reach the domain? What if these doors aren't getting power? At my current company, all my locks are electronic. The doors have a backup physical key that only like myself and maybe two other people have. The server cages have a backup physical key that's in a literal safe within a locked room. The key to that safe is locked up in another safe. In that safe is an encrypted drive with backups of master passwords in the event that all of IT is killed in a tragic team bonding exercise and some outside consultant has to come in and pick up the pieces. The password to that encrypted drive is also locked in another safe in another building. That drive will self destruct if you enter the password wrong x number times. I have Internet connections coming in from three different corners of the actual building in case like a truck rams into and destroys one corner of the building. I have have a cellular Internet connection in case my ISPs are lying to me and all the cable and fiber connections do share a conduit somewhere on the way to my building, because what if errant construction rips that up? Damnit. These are all normal questions to ask when I'm surveying a site for disaster recovery. I'm not really any more thorough than the next guy in this field. How did Facebook not have someone that could ask the simple question "Uhhh...what if the network went down and we needed to reboot some stuff?".
  21. Like I said, if I'm going to spend money on something, I'd rather as much of it go to the people that make the something. If it's just going to some rich assholes, I don't see why Valve deserves it more than the publishers and devs. I'm not against double dipping on games, either. I've always felt that we should support the games we want to see being made, so at some point money has to leave my hands and go to someone else's or else it just becomes some giant scam and the devs I want to see succeed are the ones going to be left feeling the brunt of it. It's ok to just say you don't want your PC games library to be split up. At that point, nothing would get you to buy a game from anyone else outside of someone giving you, like, a free copy of every game in your Stream library. That's perfectly valid. All my friends are here is also pretty valid. That's a big reason why people have a hard time jumping from a Sony console to a Microsoft one. The whole "oh no, there's no shopping cart" or "oh no, there aren't any achievements" kind of rings hollow. Like, if EGS was feature for feature exactly the same as Steam, would you buy games given they're the same price on both platforms? I'm thinking that's very unlikely for anyone complaining about shopping carts.
  22. Ehhhhhh...by that token, may as well just torrent every game you can. That's splitting hairs between the rich assholes at Valve versus the rich assholes at 505 Games. What of obviously small, self published games like Kena? What already rich CEO is just going to pocket that extra EGS cut out to Ember Lab?
  23. To me the most compelling reason is the larger cut for devs. I don't really care it's not altruist because, in the end, less money is going to the platform. I mean, I'll also buy games directly from the publisher if given the chance. I have no problems buying a game on itch.io for the same reason.
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