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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. *Peeks at social media ”the solution for shootings at schools is to put more guns in schools”…
  2. Thank goodness they have a long weekend to think about it… they can celebrate, get their memorial day photo ops done. Maybe the holiday can allow the apathy of the nation to sink back in so they feel freshly offended by the gov’t trying to take their weapons..
  3. A pipe dream…as grand as that would be.. the battle cry of “ I am an America and I have rights” is the rallying cry that justifies and validates the madness of one nation under 2 gods (guns and religion) indivisible (as in you will never take my arms) with liberty and justice for some… ”This is America, I have Constitutional rights” is what we use to educate ourselves.. not to better the republic but to use that knowledge to batter each other and validate our sickness
  4. We are too smart for our own good… we can convince ourselves that even the cruelest act has a valid value… we are just too smart and act beyond logic
  5. Paul Gosar already clarified that it was a transexual, leftist, illegal alien that did this. So mystery solved
  6. The problem is Dems dont know what they really want… or they dont want the exact same thing…. at least the GOP has a very specific Kool Aid they can all drink from….. plus judging by the way the “bully/bullied” generation is heading it appears the GOP has planted very toxic seeds that will take root soon…. its a bunch of low self-esteem little idiots with no resiliency that only find “strength” and release from a firearm.. I hate to wish ill on anyone, but I honestly wonder how these lobbyists and politicians would react if an absolute tragedy of this nature happened under their roof…. Hate and racism is generational, at times we get lulled into thinking we have progressed but its an easily shattered illusion.. Trumps presidency let them know that they arent too far from getting their way… next election they may come for it all and they will be damn near impossible to dislodge
  7. The idea is that the shooter became a patsy for the Deep State so that the gov’t has the leverage necessary to take everyones guns.. he was used.. the crime here is not the murder of innocent kids, its the disgusting hit job perpetrated to demonize guns
  8. Well Mr Senator, we as gov’t officials don’t have to worry about ever having to deal with this type of tragedy on a personal level soooo…. One nation under god with thoughts, prayers, and money from lobbyist for us all..
  9. I enjoyed many of the movies hes been in… not always the main character but someone that stands out.. hell he married one of the Daniel twins so hes made the most of his time..
  10. Crap, its a good reminder to go find Grid for the Switch.. Love Forza and Horizon, but as nice as open world racing can be...it is nice to drive around in nice focused tracks.
  11. cant be hard to do it, im sure theres one of the eight iterations that might work on Switch.. The thing in discussing GTA V is how often people say that GTA IV was vastly superior as far as story mode goes.... I just dont get it. I liked Niko just fine but the campaign to me boiled down to doing a series of missions, meeting new group of handlers who would give you another series of missions that ultimately boil down to drive here and kill so and so.... GTA V has a nice chapter format where each mission functions to build towards each heist.. much more memorable and varied gameplay.
  12. That lady was trying to spin his words to guide him to speak ill of the Ukrainians.. he wasnt having it. hard to judge this on its own, more curious to see how the majority of Russians view this conflict
  13. Dr Strange 2- 8/10, went in low expectations as not a big Dr Strange fan but was curious to see Sam Raimis style applied to a Marvel movie.. It was a solid show E. Olsen as always is great and dependable.. the “cameos” were enjoyable and welcome (it helps once you get used to the idea that any Marvel fan service or cameo will be bare minimum at most)… Honestly the most unexpectedly enjoyable aspect was peeking behind the general invulnerability of Dr Strange, it was a great move for the character.. The “major” issue as always lies with the idea that you have an unstoppable force attacking you and the way the narrative twists and turns to try and justify the protagonists surviving the onslaught. …. Also an odd choice for a mothers day film
  14. Fast Furious 9…. 4/10 This was bad, above all things it felt unnecessary.. like an Adam Sandler film where it exists just so Diesel and friends can play together… I enjoy the various movies and find something in each of them, this one lacks the “great character moments” that get me to watch.. the action moments finally reached Transformers territory (as in “spectacular” action with no investment is just flash with no substance)…. The vanity of Vin Diesel was on display in Fast 8, its full out of control here (at least Statham and the Rocks presence saved enough Fast 8)… They should have stopped after 7, it managed to close out the Brian character and was a solid flick in the same vein as Fast 5. I dread to imagine how they intend to escalate for Fast X
  15. Gotham by Gaslight 7/10… not amazing but not broken Elseworld story of Batman vs Jack the Ripper.. as always its nice to see how the bat universe characters get placed in that time period.. A good story with a solid resolution, seeing an imperfect Batman is always great (heck the comics took that lesson from Dark Knight Rises and took Batmans money in the comics too)… Additionally, I have enjoyed that many of the recent movies have gone ahead and included Catwoman as a big part of the story too (Long Halloween, Hush, etc)
  16. Oof, this upcoming Trump administration is going to make us long for the “good old days” of his first administration… I expect that if Donald cant force a 3rd term (maybe old age finally kills him), I expect the brand to remain strong with junior.. Many dark days ahead, the seeds of his first administration are about to bear fruit
  17. Xbox One… my all time favorites from the Nintendo Trinity would be lost forever.. but there would be a big catalog of really great games available on ze Xboxone
  18. Clear and Present Danger 8/10… had the Ghost Recon but in film itch so I went back to this.. still a great movie with top level talent with various plots moving at once.. the plot is not simplistic but still easy enough to follow for a political thriller… its as good as Hunt for Red October and Harrison Fords Jack Ryan is always likeable… I only wish it had higher than a PG-13 rating as some of the action is clearly toned down (its high quality but needs a little oomph for maximum impact), the only other complaint is that the plot forces Jack Ryan into the field so he could be present at the climax and it definitely feels forced….
  19. A solid list, my conflict with my "all time" lists is that I have a game like Super Metroid that is one of the best ever made weighed in vs other products which actually have greater replay value/longevity.... also thank goodness for the Master Chief Collection, saves me the trouble of having to pick a favorite Halo... the story of Halo 2, vs the all-time best levels of Halo 3, vs the great campaign of Halo Reach vs Halo.....yikes
  20. Still splitting time between doing the Festival Playlists of Forza Horizon 5 and doing search and destroy missions in Ghost Recon Wildlands..... I need a new game, tried some FIFA after not playing for a while.. the "ai feels like scoring a goal right now" gameplay of the higher difficulties is as annoying as ever.
  21. Witcher 3 Bioshock trilogy remastered Tombraider the new trilogy just piling up games that I wont immediately be playing.... hopefully retirement will allow me to rediscover my full gaming mojo
  22. what did Jackie Chan do?? For myself, I dont particularly disassociate myself from movies or things I previously enjoyed but I have noticed that "negative" info on some folks does tend to affect my opinion of folks to where I would avoid stuff theyre involved in.
  23. it keeps getting better on repeat viewings.. if the sequels continue to evolve Batman his tech and techniques then this film will become even stronger down the line
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