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Everything posted by 5timechamp

  1. I wonder how much it would cost Rockstar just to be able to maintain the rights to the game soundtracks...(not that it matters, Rockstar probably covers the cost in one week of GTA Online) As someone who never played the first 2 3D games I would gladly give them a go....
  2. It was a nice game in its day…… even then there was a severe lack of combat in that game… needs a substantial redo
  3. -Super Metroid -Metroid Prime -Arkham Asylum -Metroid Zero Mission - Metroid AM2R
  4. -The best part of Days of Ruin was being able to create bigger custom maps (not shareable online) -CO Powers were finally implemented perfectly after running wild in Dual Strike (COs in battlefield) -Battle experienced units leveled up -best balance between range, indirect, direct combat units.. the more “serious” graphics didnt bother me as much as the bad blurry combat graphics All the same I will get the remake... already looking forward to Sami “mech floods” and Kanbei battlefield dominations
  5. Curious to see if they add a few more baddies... a Darknut or proper Stalfos knight to ramp up the variety... as popular as BOTW is I would hope they would take our knowledge of existing baddies and toss a few curves
  6. Dammit!!! -Re-issued campaigns are fine as long as all the MP/Map Editor advancements from later games were included -Days of Ruin had the best balance and gameplay, should have expanded on that -Nintendo is the only major company that “remasters” and comes up with inferior graphics... Nintendo, the art design is great just make them HD
  7. So the arm thing is the canon way to eliminate the slate and the Mario Galaxy 2 drill mechanic is back? Only with Nintendo do we want underwater gameplay and wind up heading Skyward
  8. so happy to have a new map pack for the 7 or 8 cars i always use... this map seems as if it will have more personality than the last one.. still Japan happens one day
  9. hopefully it veers towards a simpler stiry very well told as opposed to the “grand” ideas if the last film
  10. I keep waiting and waiting and Waiting for the heads of the Cult of Trump to be held accountable... pretty much given up hope on it.. I really want those dirtbags dragged into the light for everyone to see.. donald, ivanka, don jr.. the whole bloody lot...
  11. Finally watched it.. it was very dull. Going in I had wanted them to focus on as few characters as possible and have the tournament not even feature.., well they did, unfortunately they picked the wrong character.... the Sub-zero vs Scorpion story was legitimately great, its the highlight of the film and bookends it perfectly (fooling folks into thinking the film was better than it was)... Everything in between is just bad..Coles actor did fine.. but Shang Tsung, Raiden, and Kung Lao were all terrible... no charisma. The biggest problem though is the fights (those not involving subzero and scorpion).... If your story is bad then it should be worth enduring to get to the fights... unfortunately thats not the case here... No complaints on fatalities but the fights are too “powers” oriented as such they dont flow or tell a story.... they are not memorable in any way. Im glad they chose “mostly” expendable characters to kill off in this one.. I do hope they continue and make another
  12. Surprising.. This franchise just feels like it will never come back.. In many ways its already exists as pure profit within GTA: Online... Plus the devs were disbanded as the Rockstar San Diego team was the one in the spotlight for its work conditions. the game itself remains great...
  13. damn shame this game truly lacks boards.. if Nintendo wanted to make a splash then a free board should have been given... then sell another 2 boards a little later.. Mario Party should be a platform for nintendo to sell boards (classic boards even) snd mini games ala carte
  14. Better make room fir the Letty Solo film... I wonder if she’ll go full Black Widow insane or go a little more tuner-ish
  15. never heard of it... that being said it was only recently that I became aware that there was a Dukes of Hazzard cartoon..
  16. It always seemed that the Raiders were the more popular team out of all those who lay claim to LA.. LA is where the out of market team is more popular than the home teams
  17. Out of curiosity is LA happier now that they have 2 NFL teams.. or do they still not give a damn.., hell i figured theyd be angrier now that blackouts are more common.. also.. mark me down as making it a goal to eventually attend a Atlanta United, Timbers, and Sounders home match... hopefully a rivalry match too.. I know Columbus and Cincy got a rivalry as well.. maybe once the new stadium opens
  18. That is the thing though.. the global soccer fanbase is (to irresponsibly generalize) made up of casual fans..... folks whose attachment to a team is born of variable factors: -cant escape World Cup coverage so you become a fan of big name player.. said big name player plays for a big club.. u follow -someone is playing Fifa, you want to play.. u pick a team with high stats, through the game you learn players and build a superficial attachment.. -In my experiences a large group of fans cant name 5 teams in the major futbol leagues after they name of the main ones The reason the NA leagues are so successful is because they are the top leagues of their sports (near top), as such the best talent is there..... So why not build an attachment to only the best teams?? Because here some of the lesser teams are the local teams... maybe dad (or brother/friend) took you to a game and you inherited the fandom... maybe you watch cause a local kid or someone you know made it big..,.. you have an attachment/investment to the team completely detached from whether the team is great or not...Well its the same for the lesser soccer clubs in the other leagues. Its why im invested in MLS regardless of how “shit” the teams are, its the local league and I know the story of many of the clubs... plus I can actually go to a match instead of waiting for a big global team to come do a half hearted exhibition match
  19. guess they go back to the current system where the open player market keeps forcing teams to overpay for players while teams operate at a loss.. that system too sill start to crumble teams as well.., but what can teams really do...., Juventus had won Serie A 9 times in a row meaning they had enough talent to win yearly... the problem is that it wasnt enough to win Champions League so they have to spend even more on better players.., the top of the Leagues are too predictable.
  20. Yeah the MLS calendar has always been an issue.. but getting on the global calendar is a no-go with the cold in the northern states.. MLS clubs/fans have used that as a reason for the CCL struggles.. this is the first seadon using a new format... it spreads the games out more favorably now... honestly the CCL caters a little too much to the MLS vs Liga MX narrative.. they are the most “profitable” matches
  21. MLS Cup- Mls post season tournament seeded based on standings. Supporters Shield- Award to MLS team who amassed the most points in the season. US Open Cup- competition to crown best club in the US open to teams at all levels in the US. Mls is top of pyramid so they enter as well.. in a dream scenario a lowly 3rd string local team bucks the odds and makes a big run. Concacaf Champions League- Same concept as UEFA in that it takes the top teams from various leagues from the region and puts them into a tournament... If you win this you play in the “Club World Cup” where winners of other Champion Leagues (including UEFA) play to determine best club in the world... Campeones Cup- BS cash grab where previous season MLS and Liga MX play a one off game for a trophy.. Honestly the Concacaf Champions League should be the most prestigious in the same way that UEFA CL is... but its a hard sell given the lack of exposure... lack of quality teams etc... Mexico owns this competition... the main draw right now is the wait for an MLS team to finally break through and win. Its been close (agonizingly so) but the spending differences between leagues is still evident.
  22. All this is because the “big” clubs are responsible for drawing most of the revenue and now want a bigger slice of the pie.. this is mostly due because their spending is out of control and they overpay for players in the global market.., fans are mad and demand clubs are loyal to traditions, at the same time they want clubs to compete at high levels... clubs overspend to compete and go broke lol..
  23. Those older Japanese shows I watched while still in Central America the biggest were: Mazinger Z- It was only way later that I found out there were follow up series for it Super Campeones/ Captain Tsubasa- It was basically Dragonball Z but with soccer players (super dramatic, super shots, episode long plays, goku & vegeta stand-ins). Again it was only later I found out there were more series and that it inspired a ton of legendary players to take up the sport
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