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Everything posted by darkness35

  1. I'm still hoping for a FE4 remake on the 3DS
  2. One of those coffee + filter in a bag and brew with a machine type?
  3. Almost two weeks, and my knee and ankle haven't really recovered at all, if anything might have gotten worse. I still have this sharp pain even when I'm walking, although in a rush to catch public transportation. I wonder if it's some kind of tendonitis
  4. It's probably location dependent then. Not a fan when it tastes too sour. Definitely not a fan of their iced drinks/blends when it's heavy handed with sugar/cream. EDIT: Never heard of community brand coffee Hmm...
  5. No seriously, cold brew is that good. It has a smooth mellow taste to it when done right. I'm cheap, but cold brewing melita hazelnut coffee grinds (points if you get a french press or some kind of carafe) is just great. As far as the second point.... my shit personality over the many years here.
  6. Depends. The worst thing that can occur for me is that I get a panic attack. That isn't fun. Black for me. Black coffee at least is pretty low on calories anyway, so there's that. I'm sorry for you. Imo I think Starbucks is overpriced and would rather drink something locally or cheap honestly. Though an occasional frappaccino is nice. Would want to try drinking and making I have the occasional soda, but I don't even like it drinking it nowadays. If I want my carbonation I'll just drink seltzer. I drink it nowadays because I want to keep myself up all day long while in class and in field. Used to drink it stupidly sweet and creamy, but now I just drink it black. Although prior to finishing that disgusting maxwell brand, I had bustello because there was some odd pricing error where I got a pound and something for cheap. Was too good Iced coffee on hot days yes. Cold brew is legit not bad. Only issue is that it takes a long time to make, and you need to be kind of particular with type of bean/roast/aroma. This too. Would enjoy tea as alternative to water at times. Welll.... it's dunkin' :P
  7. I wasn't expecting this thread to be productive seeing how I'd assume people think this was a shit post.
  8. HORRAY THE THREAD REVIVES ONCE MORE. I haven't been playing jack shit on my 3DS. Sucks, because I was starting Strange Journey and beat the first area boss.... only to not save because I thought a new quest after unlocking new area was going to be easy. OH boy I forgot the golden rule of SMT games.
  9. Today was my first massive headache after a long week of drinking coffee, and it felt awful. Good news I finally finished this huge blue tub of shitty maxwell coffee, and I can buy more. Fuck I want coffee right now but I need to sleep.
  10. Bought the Girls Frontline DLC for DJMAX... it's okay I guess?
  11. To what money do I have where I can afford a fucking house?
  12. Honestly, I've (and I hope) been trying to sound less pissed off/edgy since the forums got revived. It's not like I don't feel angry (or irritated ) anymore, but a lot of the other things externally and internally have been affecting me to where I get too tired to be angry. General apathy and accepted disappointment is how I feel.
  13. I didn't want to turn it in to a liberal arts/cultural representation argument, but pretty much what @2user1cup said is how I feel. Honestly, if the general Asian consensus is they want fair representation fine, but I don't want this movie to be the magnum opus for Asians in Hollywood representation. I probably won't see/hear it anytime soon (or in my case for my age group), but this is going to put a lot of pressure for the high school and below generation, and it's going to be an earache.
  14. Tried playing some more DJMAX Respect again, but lately my mood has been in an odd funk that I'm having difficulty tracking notes with my eyes. :\
  15. I mean when you're being bombarded with "OH FINALLY ASIAN REPRESENTATION" "OH FINALLY WE'RE TAKEN SERIOUSLY" "OH WE'RE NOT THE CHING CHONGS OF THE MOVIES" it's tedious and annoying. I'm probably taking it too literally. Even if I'm taking too literal, I just don't have a fondness of "Asian culture/representation" and "socialite life." Regardless, China will just fucking eat this shit up and want more of this garbage. Or heavily change it to suit PRC morals. Can't let indoctrinated idiots have any thoughts about choice or freedom now~
  16. I've been listening to a lot more dojin circles lately. Of course there's Daoko too
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