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Everything posted by darkness35

  1. https://gematsu.com/2018/09/ps-vita-production-to-end-in-2019-in-japan F
  2. I drink coffee black nowadays. Healthier, and once you get used to the taste you can start noticing the other flavors in coffee. But yeah, before my ex and then I had that infamous spring break assignment cramming about 5 years ago, I had mine as caffeinated diabetic cream
  3. To be honest, I'm not sure why they can't be left as platonic friendly guy friends. Most guys pre-college were legit straight assholes, especially the self-proclaimed "friends"
  4. Just brewed myself a cup of Melitta French Vanilla. I actually like it over the hazelnut flavor. neat.
  5. I'm up to the episodes currently available from the BD releases. It's Gatlantis doing Gatlantis things.
  6. Not necessarily watched, but this just came in today for me https://imgur.com/a/3gVH6xv Luluco is everything a Trigger anime has, and it's great. I''m annoyed at 2202 where I'm at, but it isn't to say that it's bad, but just... The most recent episode for MHA was good though.
  7. I want credit for starting this thread I've been watching Asobi Asobase, it's probably an AotS for me :P Ep 9 - where my signature comes from Ep 10 spoilers
  8. Saw this on sale via Slickdeals. Ordered a bag to see what's the hype with this brand. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P0ZMWEC/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_15?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=c379d05ab93a11e8b4ceaec59e3f4e020INT&ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1
  9. The Shawshank Redemption - 8.5/10 Why the fuck did I always think this was a horror movie Grab yourself a nice latte to treat yourself :P
  10. I never said the occasional frappacino/treat was bad
  11. If you are ever near Port Authority, I personally like going to Corvo Coffee. Affordable price for what it offers, with the cost/taste ratio being relatively good. It's on 9th Ave at the rear entrance/exit, next to 2 Bros Pizza I should explore more around Manhattan for places to try out. I normally don't venue out in the city for new things due to money, time, and general indecisiveness. https://corvo-coffee.business.site/ Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised people are paying for iced coffee for that novelty. Cold brew normally requires at least 24 hours to steep to draw out the maximum taste. And yep, like cold brew, the beans DO matter. Speaking of which, how do you all brew your coffees? I use this. https://www.amazon.com/Bodum-Coffee-Maker-Permanent-Filter/dp/B01JLY1HSE/ref=lp_2586120011_1_11?srs=2586120011&ie=UTF8&qid=1536803257&sr=8-11 That said, I need to buy more bustelo.
  12. LOL where the fuck am I going to get an espresso machine that's affordable As far as instant... it's one of those I just need to get caffeine asap because I'm cheap and don't want to buy coffee outside. Of course it fucking tastes like sour piss.
  13. 1) Add Maxwell too 2) Agreed. Fuck those hotel coffee 3) Depends. I make drip coffee via pour over carafes. French press is annoying to clean up after though. 4) I'm sorry for your shitty mornings.
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