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Everything posted by Derek

  1. 99 cents is a great deal, but holy shit, Hulu with ads is painful. At least with Fargo, they're ALWAYS a minute and a half and happen 6? 7? Times throughout the hour show. Even with free youtube, you have the option to skip the longer ones. I still watch live tv for certain things and the commercials don't bug me as much as they do on Hulu. Even with 'Peacock' they seem to throw in a short 30 second ad break every so often.
  2. I can't wait for the next episode! I hadn't seen season 4, so after the 2 episodes of season 5, I went back and started it. I was pretty bored at first, but by episode 3, I was absolutely hooked. Can't wait to binge the rest of it. Such a fun series.
  3. Three times this week! I very rarely dream anymore, so this was a strange deal. The pumpkin is in some sort of paper bag. I take it out, slice a bit off of it (like cutting slices off an apple) then I eat it. The pumpkin is already hollowed out, but nothing carved on it. I lift the top and see the bottom of a crow (or some sort of medium-sized black bird) that was stuck inside. Then I gag, throw up and then wake up. This morning was kind of a sequel. I did the same thing, but remember telling someone 'oh, God. I did it again' before retching and waking up. The last reoccurring dream I remember, was probably 30+ years ago. Running down a hallway, which somehow lead to the top of a building. I'd jump off, hurt my legs and then do it again. The hallway reminded me of the one from The Shining, so maybe that was a factor. Maybe I'm just going insane? You folks have any reoccurring or F'd up dreams?
  4. As long as ole jaggy doesn't accidentally snag the skin.
  5. My family almost made it through Thanksgiving without any political talk. We made it to the last quarter. And within 5 minutes, it went from the BLM corruption, to Trump, to abortion, to my Uncle leaving very abruptly without saying good bye to anyone. And it was strange because, for years (since my grandma passed), everyone tried and successfully, stayed away from political conversations during family gatherings. I don't even know how it spiraled so fast tonight. I even tried to interject with a joke, letting them know that the news said to stay away from this type of conversation during the holidays, but the ship had sailed. But up until that last hour, we had a very nice time.
  6. Such a great thread! Hello, Brazil! Wishing you all the best.
  7. I'm not that far in, but the Midas River bit didn't hold up to well with me. I mean it was ok, but not very exciting.
  8. Does it have a satisfying 'end' or is it like most slashers where the killer gets shot, stabbed, burned, bludgeoned and electrocuted all at the same time, but still manage to come back? I don't mind either way, but I'm at the age now where I don't know how many sequels I'll be around for!
  9. My kids aren't super into it, but I would still make them watch it because I love it so much.
  10. Sorry to hear that, Best. Hope things turn around for you. Life seems to be full of hurdles, but you'll be alright!
  11. Alright. I'm more than half-way through the regular game. It's fun, but I do miss the comforting familiarity of the Mushroom Kingdom. I want to collect stars, not seeds. The few power-ups are fun. I like the badges, but it gives me anxiety trying to choose the best one for a level. Also, I am not good at rhythm games, so the few rhythm levels don't do it for me. I am enjoying it, but the rumor of a Super Mario Bros. 3 remake has me even more excited.
  12. Last night, someone at work, told me this war was over and Russia is going to win. He said Zelensky was begging for more money and that we aren't giving them anymore. I asked him who was reporting that and he said some youtuber named Tim Pool? I don't know who that is, but he sounded very confident!
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