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Everything posted by Derek

  1. I actually thought they stopped this awhile ago. Every other day, I used to see a fellow walk by my apartment with a Netflix envelope in his hand, but I haven't seen him in probably a year. That was my only basis for thinking they had stopped shipping physical media already.
  2. Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true liberation, Aquiris Aquiris
  3. I didn't think it was a secret that those songs 'fucking slap'? Toto's Africa is one of the best songs ever.
  4. I'd really like to take the kids to see this. Maybe we'll do a double-feature and catch John Wick, as well.
  5. It was mostly a fun time. Surprisingly, I think I was too hyped for this. The unique cast was a lot of fun. A lot of people that you wouldn't expect to see in this type of movie, but It also felt like things dragged on a bit. If Keri Russel and the kids weren't in this, I don't think it would've hurt the film. Loved the chaos of the ranger station/ambulance scenes, though.
  6. I'm so out of the loop on what's popular these days. I thought Angry Birds fizzled out years and years ago. Also, Sega making deals in the billion dollar range is quite interesting. All that Sonic Frontier money!
  7. 'One of the members of Thug Shaker Central, a 17-year-old who recently graduated from high school, told the Times that Teixeira wasn't trying to be a whistleblower, and that the documents he shared in Discord weren't meant to go any further.' But they did, 17 year old member of 'Thug Shaker Central', they did.
  8. Dude's in big, lifted pick-up trucks with over-sized wheels. In my area, at least, they all seem to be Q-anon level Trumpers. I went to a local party store the other day and watched a few 50-something, blue collar guys struggle to get out of a pick-up that was almost twice my height. They followed me in and spent five minutes, in the beer aisle, teasing one of them about wanting a 'gender neutral' Bud Light. It was around noon, so I guess it was their lunch time. I was actually going to get a beer, but didn't even want to interact with them because they were standing there for so long. Also, anyone that drives a Jeep Wrangler.
  9. Not on my watch! I shall warm you up from the inside.
  10. Going to watch this at home, while drinking a Bud Light.
  11. The trailer did a great job of introducing new people to the source material. I think it's going to be a hit.
  12. Oh 😞. My bad. No, I don't believe in any conspiracy theories.
  13. Yeah. I meant manned. 69 and 72 were it? I mean I'm not a nut about it.
  14. I like to think that I don't, but the 69 Moon landing confuses me. We 'did it' over 50 years ago, have been wanting to do it again, but can't for some reason or another. I don't get it. Did we just need to win the space race?
  15. This just popped up on my Google feed. John Leguizamo used Steven Seagull as inspiration for his failed actor part in this movie. John Leguizamo Says He "Hates" Steven Seagal and Used Him as... DECIDER.COM "I used Steven Seagal because I hate him."
  16. Did I see that this was now the second highest grossing R-rated film? Right behind Bad Boys for Life? Congrats, Mr. Reeves!
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