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Everything posted by jaethos

  1. The Bluetooth revision also included completely new molds for almost everything. They changed the faceplate, removed the IR leds that worked with Kinect, changed the bumpers etc. So it was a pretty big change from a manufacturing perspective. I have zero interest in the triggers as I turn them off on PS5. The last thing I need are the triggers fighting me. Haptic feedback would be very nice though. It's not the life changing experience a lot of the early PS5 hands on videos made it out to be, but it is better than rumble.
  2. I'm not sure if I want to play Crimson Skies or not. I have very fond memories of it, but I fear it really won't hold up now.
  3. I am very interested in this. I'll probably wait for reviews/final impressions before I decide on whether to get it or not.
  4. I got Fire Emblem for $30 last Black Friday. I don't have a Switch though, so I haven't played it. I was hoping for a Switch pro, but all we're getting is the oled, so I'm still not going to play it.
  5. The ending of the last one is the perfect place to pick up the series. You can have a new game that is a direct sequel while simultaneously giving the story a reimagining, because breaking the cycle and changing things is the entire point of what Kain and Raziel were trying to do.
  6. What's SquareEnix going to do now? All of the PC versions of their games were done by Nixxes.
  7. I just bought the PS4 version a week or two ago for $30. I'll wait on reviews and impressions to see if this is worth another $30 for the PS5 DC.
  8. I'm not going to check out the anime until after I beat the game. I've only put in about an hour last night, so I can't really say too much about it yet.
  9. All of the other reviews I've seen have been pretty positive, even Gamers Nexus are optimistic and they trashed DLSS 1.0.
  10. I've always answered how I or my Shepard would answer. Luckily that's never felt constraining as I always end up with full paragon and maybe up to a third renegade filled. As such I've always been able to pass the hard conversation checks.
  11. It's not surprising. The team said they were still trying to figure out what the game was going to be after the reveal, as it was basically just a bunch of pretty art at the time.
  12. I backed this. I'm glad to see them get a Gamepass deal, it means more money for a better game. They were always open about the Kickstarter being just that and that they would be working with a publisher for the rest of the funding.
  13. If it comes to gamepass I can just request a refund and go for something else. So it's not a big deal if that ends up happening. Edit: I guess I should have read the gamepass thread before responding here. It doesn't look like it's happening, so I'm good.
  14. I went with Scarlet Nexus. Now I just have to wait for it to release. At least I'll have E3 to distract me with news in the meantime.
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