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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. They may not be the most in shape athletes but baseball players are the most gifted by far. Hitting a baseball is the most difficult thing to do in sports.
  2. Braves squeak out a win again tonight. Guess that’s better than not winning.
  3. Very low risk but potentially high reward
  4. Braves Sean Murphy walks it off last night to save the Braves from losing 4 in a row. Braves are really beat up right now.
  5. You to buddy boy
  6. Braves walk-it-off against the Padres in the home opener.
  7. Braves off to a fast start which is unusual for them.
  8. It’s so good his eyes can’t keep up with the actual frames and the Ray tracing is burning his retinas.
  9. Biggie


    Dang that’s terrible @Phaseknox.
  10. I’m worried about the new Zelda being more of the same.
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