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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. My cats just start surrounding me as soon as the sun rises and at the first sign of any real movement get all up in my face to wake me up so I can feed them.
  2. Been all into Red Dead Redemption 2 this week, haven't touched anything else since I restarted it.
  3. Walmart has been open the whole time doe. Sure was nice of this virus to just officially crush the remaining opposition to Amazon and Walmart. Just wait until Amazon buys Walmart, then we're really fucked.
  4. Doesn't matter if we re-open if there are no businesses open for you to go to!
  5. So AC was the only heavy hitter. It seems like every time they do these game show cases they are smaller scale "indie" games where maybe 1 or 2 look interesting and the rest is filler. Though they did get 2 Japanese games in there.
  6. They'll be shutting up and taking my money day 1, not gonna lie. Even when they fuck it up, because they will.
  7. Guess I'm never leaving my house. Ugh, I'm really ready for all this shit to end. I understand why it can't, but this blows.
  8. Sure, the GOP are the ones that basically say hey come vote for us we're going to oppress some brown people wink wink. Then liberals tell some white guy making minimum wage at Walmart fuck your white privilege, white people are the devil. So one group tells them what they want to hear, the other tells them fuck off. But then after they fuck off, the other group gets mad at them for actually fucking off.
  9. As long as identity politics are at play and there are enough white people around to have any power left, we're going to get people like Trump, and the shit GOP. People either don't realize or just plain don't care that telling some poor uneducated rural white person with limited job prospects that they have "white privilege" is royally pissing them off, and causing them to be Maga chuds. There is no privilege in being poor. I suppose it's slightly better to be a poor white than a poor POC, but not by much. As long as continue to piss all over poor white people, which this board alone does on basically a daily basis, we're going to continue to have MAGA and the GOP exploiting these people to line the pockets of the rich. Of course it doesn't really matter, because even if we get Diamond Joe elected, coprorate democrats do basically the same thing, they just throw us a bone here and there to make us forget we're still being robbed blind by the elite. They just don't care if you get gay married or have an abortion while they do it and we're supposed to celebrate them for that.
  10. If you live anywhere near Phoenix it isn't that bad at all. It's basically California Junior in Maricopa County. Sure there are white Maga Chuds and maybe more of them than in CA, but those are everywhere. Honestly, the only time I feel it's any different here is that people REALLY love guns here. You will see people wearing pro gun hats, shirts, and bumper stickers all over the place. Oh, and Walmarts are everywhere here. It's the rest of the state that's mostly suspect. I work with a few people who came here from NM, and none of them are trying to go back.
  11. It's going to be 106 tomorrow in Phoenix, I live about 40ish miles from Phoenix. I've been here for the 115 days, I came in summer in 2018 like an idiot. So this is going to my third summer. Hottest it's been since I've been here is 117 a couple times, 116 a few times, and a few 115 days as well. So no 120 yet.
  12. I had a solid morning shit today, but definitely nothing thread worthy. So congrats on the massive shit.
  13. I want to say that when I moved to Arizona after I switched over my drivers license they gave me the voter registration form and all I literally had to do was check a box to receive a permanent ballot by mail, which I did.
  14. I thought I saw before that Absentee ballots favor the GOP since they mostly come from rural/conservative areas. And lets be honest, mail is an old people thing, Republicans should be all over it.
  15. What's even the difference between vote by mail and absentee balloting? People already vote by mail, and honestly I don't see why we even bother going to the polls. We should all just be mailing in our ballots instead of fretting over what day of the week elections should be, if it should be some sort of holiday or whatever. Just mail everyone a ballot and let them mail it back. We still have a post office until Trump cancels it.
  16. They barely did, story says they thought it was a drunk driver until they pulled him over.
  17. Go LG Twins fuck it why not I have 2 LG TVs.
  18. It doesn't specifically have to be Amazon, and you don't have to be a "fresh off the boat" illegal immigrant that got here yesterday to be exploited. Companies want a large, downtrodden poor underclass pool of labor because people like that are easily exploitable and replaceable. Those people don't all have to be here illegally. There are plenty of people here completely legal, born here or otherwise that are so bad off that being treated like shit at Amazon is still better than the alternative.
  19. they don’t have to be illegal. They just need low wage labor ready to replace you the second you think about quitting or protesting. I saw an article on Amazon how amazon has an algorithm for Whole Foods stores to see how likely a store is to try and unionize. Apparently a high risk factor for unionizing is low diversity in the store. Fuck I work in insurance claims and we don’t even have this kind of statistical accuracy. The efforts being used to suppress our wages go far beyond political lobbying.
  20. Is this that comedian you were talking about earlier? How does a show at the drive in even work, are you going to have a stage for them and everyone just attends in their cars like a drive in movie or are they going to play a pre made video?
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