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Everything posted by 69los

  1. We Own This City: Release Date, Cast, And More WWW.SLASHFILM.COM The team behind The Wire is back on HBO with another story of crime (of all kinds) in Baltimore.
  2. What gets me is anyone calling that BS penalty a make-up call for Ramsey getting facemasked for a TD. That non-call on the facemask was actually a make-up call for the non-call of Ramsey holding Higgins at the goal line which led to a FG instead of 1st and goal at the 1. They were even before the phantom hold.
  3. The OGs meet the Dino Whisperer. I hope the OGs got massive bank for appearing in this. Never saw the 2nd of the new trilogy so I'm not really interested.
  4. I'm guessing he loses use of his right arm but the mods will make him the quickest draw on Tatooine.
  5. I want to see Fetterman powerbomb republican senators so if I lived in PA, I'd vote for him.
  6. My lol reaction was before edit 2. I agree with the RR point. This was his best episode of the season but he was also at the helm of the worst (e03).
  7. I think all I really needed was the hug and the final scene. And the post-credit scene. You cannot take Deadwood out of Star Wars!
  8. You're right I don't care but Don't Look Up being nominated annoys me. I guess it fit the Crash-mold of bait.
  9. At the time, I was very upset that there would be no 20th anniversary of the Miracle on Ice seeing as how the winter games would be in 1998 and 2002. Of course that didn't matter much when the NHL sent players starting in '98 thus negating the main reason why it was a miracle was because it college players vs. the best team of seasoned professionals. Of course, also, then the US team of "professionals" utterly embarrassed themselves on and off the ice by getting eliminated earlier than anticipated and then destroying the hotel rooms at the Olympic village.
  10. Finally got around to this. Been listening to the soundtrack for months before and didn't realize how much of it influenced the main character. EW and James Gunn are my favorites at picking out a soundtrack. Puppet on a String kinda makes me sad now. ATJ has such a wonderful voice. Love what I saw the first time. Gotta give it another go when I'm less high.
  11. I've seen a lot of photos of how unauthentic or un-winter these Olympics look but this one takes the cake.
  12. Mackey definitely sounded different to me
  13. That's the kind of nickname I'd expect to see in an old NES game that couldn't get the rights to actual names. Starting at QB Jake Nebraska!
  14. Not even a big fan of the PT but when I saw the modded N1, my first thought was "I need a Lego UCS of this!" And how cute is it that they replaced the astromech with a bubble pod for Grogu?
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