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Everything posted by 69los

  1. Officially boosterized on the same day the FDA approves it for all adults. Now I play the waiting game to see if I get Return of the Living Dead side effects again.
  2. Still waiting for an Age of Apocalypse adaptation. I would prefer it in animated form. Don't know if D+ is willing to do it though. One character's name would likely be changed even though it fit the narrative.
  3. I luckily bought my 2018 Kona in January 2020. Haven't put as much mileage as I would have because the lockdown and WFH for the most part.
  4. Patrick Wilson's character's last name isn't Stamper so I'm slightly less interested in this.
  5. Anybody still in on Ocugen? I checked their reddit and it shot up today because EU and approval is expected soon.
  6. My bar trivia night has been back for the past month and I was there day one. I've missed it so much. It's just mentally pleasing to be there. If you're sitting, you don't have to wear masks. If you're standing/ordering at the bar, you do. Unfortunately, they got rid of my street tacos when they homogenized their menu to be more bbq/burgers. All they really need are the tortillas though since I only ate the carnitas. They got rid of their cheap/specials menu but I actually don't mind putting money into the bar. Hopefully, it comes back though.
  7. It was just pointed out to me the nod to Halloween III. That was pretty cool I guess.
  8. 6 out of 10 That may be generous since I'm kind of okay with the ending. Good share of horror movie gripes and bad characters really bring it down though. I'll probably watch again tomorrow.
  9. It was an okay slasher but disappointing compared to 4. Things that made me groan: Psychic Jamie Rachel being replaced with another sister-figure. The director or producer agreed this was a misstep. The wild gunman. Also, the explanation in the part 6 Producer's Cut. IIRC, there may have been too many hands in the cookie jar for part 5 but not as bad as 6, which had 2 different cuts.
  10. I believe it's been said that Halloween II had to "up the ante" because of Friday the 13th, hence more blood and gore.
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