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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. The problem with this discussion is the reasons and means by which people choose to emulate are quite varied. While we might not legally have the right to do certain things, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have that right, especially when it comes to software put out by a company who takes every advantage of its consumers and shuts down old means of access. So if you’re just a fan of law and want it to be withheld for the sake of law and order, I guess i see a world where it’s like “you know Nintendo is well within their rights here guys!” But I hope that’s not where you want things to be.
  2. I think this is semantics Unless this is some kind of StarCraft inside joke I’m not privy to
  3. I should jump on and play some of this this week. I’ve been more playing with Ken than anyone but I wanna see what Ed’s all about.
  4. I was foolishly hoping to get some context in the article to see if this was actually an issue or if they’re doing what everyone else is doing and just taking a few forum posts about how a couple jerks want to play the game and then stating there’s an issue and it’s “sparking debate” in the community. Good lord god forbid any outlet take the time to do a shred of fucking work.
  5. One of my missions none of my weapons spawned and they were just literal purple question marks. But that’s been the only major thing I’ve seen.
  6. I really liked it. Worth a play through for sure. They do some really cool stuff with music.
  7. Good but flawed game with questionable politics and ending
  8. I am kinda jumping between discussion on Stewart and discussion of political discourse on the whole, so I think some of the nuance of what I’m talking about isn’t well explained. It’s hyperbole for me to say there is no criticism of democrats, but what annoys me specifically is this protection of Biden under the fear that if we criticize him you are contributing to the election of Trump. Trump definitely has a media machine behind him who parrot his fascism, but he’s using like fascism 101. Literally if you just look at how other fascist leaders have come into power he’s just copying them haha. I think one reason it hasn’t completely worked is that the economy is doing well, even under the circumstances, and typically when fascism really takes hold you need to have a country that is in a much rougher place than we are economically. Who knows tho, most people seem to believe the economy is shit right now so maybe that’s enough. I don’t think half the country necessarily thinks Trump is strong or even good, but far too many do for comfort. But agreed 100 percent the traditional media powers have failed us and have been failing us for decades. It perhaps lends to people’s frustration with Stewart: he’s NOT a journalist but at times shows more ability to do things that a good journalist might do than any at least TV journalist in the national spotlight.
  9. An argument I would buy against myself is this: that it’s all fucked. None of my belief in how traditional media should operate matters because the cat is out of the bag. There’s too much misinformation out there, and even accurate information as well but it just can’t be synthesized by most people in any meaningful way, and not enough people watch and / or trust the primary news sources who are at least theoretically trying to bring objective news as it were to the public for it to matter. And if that’s the case those places then have to just play the game and prop up the lesser of two evils as much as they can. But if that’s where we’re at (and if probably is), that path is just a slow descent into hell anyway. The reason I want criticism of democrats is cuz that’s the party I am gonna have to vote for and this kids glove bullshit that we’ve been doin since Obama left (some may argue even before) has led us to two of the weakest candidates I could have imagined. And then we spent 4 years just assuming eh we’ll be fine and here we are again. And they never wanna blame themselves. The party is weak and deserves multitudes of criticism, and any time someone tries we get this “the time isn’t right cuz we’re in the biggest election in the history of our country.” I reject all that shit. The other side ain’t getting any better. It’s gonna be like this every 4 years. We need better leadership and bowing to the Democratic establishment because of some incoming crisis on the other side has got to stop.
  10. Goodness gracious. I believe my standpoints on the topics you've pinpointed here are well documented over years on the forum. I have long been disgusted of the portrayal of trans people and fully believe Trump to be a fascist. You are assuming a loooottttttt and painting a picture of me that isn't accurate. That's fine though, I don't need to convince you otherwise, you're welcome to believe what you want. I will say this. Trump is not winning because people don't know about his fascist ways. They're not some secret kept from the public from Stewart and his ilk. People are voting for Trump BECAUSE of his fascism. What I am getting at is that anyone with a platform doesn't have any responsibility to get a person to vote for one political party over another. In the case news media in particular, it's directly counter to what their purpose should be. They should provide information to the people to inform their voting, and absolutely that information should include that Trump openly wants to be an autocrat and is racist and all that. But no, it is not their responsibility nor should it be to tell people which candidate to vote for, even if one is clearly worse than the other. I can get more into the nuances of why I think that, but I am late for work and I am apparently blocked anyway. If you want to have that discussion, I'm game though.
  11. This is a fair criticism! But it's a Comedy Central program that is hit and miss like any comedy show. And if you don't like Stewart's schtick then it's unlikely you're gonna find much genius in ANY of his shows. He does the same shit every time. I happen to get a kick out of it. Understand how many people don't.
  13. But this implies he has some kind of responsibility to get someone elected over another in the first place. He doesn't. And as we poked at above you are assigning way more power to the man than he actually has anyway. But they proport to be. Stewart doesn't. That's the difference. As he covered what like two decades ago with his brilliant response to Tucker's same accusation. About the show before him being puppets who make prank phone calls. Liberals need to get over their obsession with leftists. John Stewart cannot be both nearly a right wing anti woke proponent and also a guy who will convince the far left to not vote.
  14. What you can't imagine the on the fence voter who watches the first episode of John Stewart's new daily show and realizes that Joe Biden is old and decides they will vote trump now and enough of them do this that it changes the election and then Steward is responsible for the downfall of the country?
  15. Blizz had everyone beat, but there were some hardcore Nintendo fans who were maybe more sincere than blizz ever was. Nibz was pretty hardcore Sony and there were def some Xbox guys too. Hell I leaned pretty hard Sony back then but seeing the dedication of some of the other guys turned me away from that life lol. I remember arguing with some dudes I think on negative world at that point that doing Wii U promotion at pottery barn was a bad idea, and they were convinced it was genius haha.
  16. I believe you, but I do think most of his time was spent on the Sony boards.
  17. I used to argue with him a lot too, but I can't for the life of me remember what about.
  18. I think he liked Nintendo a lot too, but I think he spent the majority of his time on the Sony boards. Though now I can't remember if he was doing that to troll nibs or if he was a Sony fan.
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