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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I think it’s fair. They tried some new things, but I was disappointed how much it was just elder scrolls in space. It’s gonna be a lot of the same writers writing quests, I assume, for instance, and while Starfield’s quests aren't bad on the whole, they are certainly very safe. I will play and enjoy a game in the ES universe that plays it safe, don’t get me wrong, but I will be disappointed if that’s all it is. And I think that would probably be the last straw for me in terms of hope that Bethesda as we know it now could make a game that hypnotizes me into playing it for hours on end like several of their past games have. It is hard for me to determine what exactly it is about starfield that bores me. I do think a lot of it is the universe traversal…I would have rather they pick a single planet or couple of planets / moons. Because I get no true sense of space with the way the game is designed now. It FEELS like I’m just loading in different areas, not like I’m traveling between galaxies. Cuz often times in the moment to moment gameplay I do have a lot of fun with the combat and the looting and what have you, and then it’s like ok… I’ve done essentially all there is to do on this planet I guess. Time to move on. I guess one of the things I love about Skyrim is walking around and stumbling into something I wasn’t planning on doing because I thought a cave looked interesting or I found a new town. You don’t get those moments in starfield. You do your shit and you fast travel back.
  2. If I can be guaranteed a true leap in the systems / engine / quest design / what have you for Elder Scrolls, I would pick that. The problem is, while I didn't hate Starfield, it seems like Bethesda is at "we're making the same games but they basically work as they should now and they look pretty good." And I'm afraid that even with that fantasy setting that I love, that might not be enough for me. I have a lot more confidence in the overall quality of the next GTA game. So given real world conditions, I would pick that.
  3. We got like 8 inches Monday and then like 10 inches Friday and it ain't going anywhere soon. I think the high is -8 today. Doing awesome.
  4. I see the shovel knight influences, but it's absurdly the same as the NES games outside the modern flare
  5. I enjoyed the first two seasons. I think I ended up liking season 1 more than season 2, but the last couple episodes of 2 were pretty awesome. Definitely will watch season 3.
  6. Yeah especially since I'd be adding a subscription on top of it. It did make me boot up the game though. It still has the ability to suck me in for a few hours.
  7. A gen old card pry wouldn’t do so hot eh
  8. “Energy drink” is so broad it’s not helpful to label them all unhealthy. Without doing any research I imagine it comes mostly down to sugar intake and at some point caffeine becomes a little iffy in large quantities.
  9. a nice pallet cleanser from chiro influencers: nutrition influencers!
  10. Apologies if I’m a little prickly but inciting the bud light controversy while saying generally that it’s a tough time to be a white man did set me off a bit.
  11. You are cherry picking anecdotes while I am using actual data that directly contradicts claims you are making. Also your claims are pretty vague in general and based solely on your personal experience at a company or two that you have personally worked at. I’ve already acknowledged that it would not shock me if a company chose to eliminate a higher paying position held by a white male (who, you know, holds that position disproportionally in every industry, not just the “male dominated fields.”) If we can agree on that then maybe we’re done here.
  12. I would love to see a breakdown of data, which I'm sure does not exist, of the nearly 7,000 gaming industry layoffs this year. That's a lot of out of work executives.
  13. The bud light "campaign" was a single tik tok or something that was targeted by grifters acting in bad faith to run a nonsense hate campaign at trans people and the stupid beer company, which, you're right, sure did work real well. Which is something. But it has little or nothing to do with what we're talking about. Let's not stray too far from the point I'm pushing against. I mean wtf are we even talking about at this point. Here's what I took issue with: This is baseless nonsense - the evidence being that you guys "are in meetings" and the real data is being hidden. Essentially every metric says you're wrong. White men in that age group have some of the lowest unemployment in the history of the tracking of that statistic. Activision's demographics are easily surfaced. In 2022 (the next report will come out in March) their workforce was 73 percent male. 68 percentage of their hires were male. 56 percent of their hires were white. Now, if you want to sell me the idea that a white male making a lot of money is more likely to be laid off than a black woman making a fraction of that, I would totally believe that! But it is not a challenge for white males 40-55 to find a job by any metric, and they in fact have the LOWEST unemployment rate of any demographic except for white women 55-64. You're operating on "I'm right because I can feel it."
  14. Wait what does bud light have to do with this? If anything that whole situation would encourage these companies to release the “real” data that proves the white guys are getting the short end of the stick.
  15. Apropos of nothing white male unemployment age 45-55 rate is 2.1 right now, a full point below the national average.
  16. This does not move the needle much for me in the “middle aged white guys have it tough right now” argument.
  17. “Hey guys our executives are 75 percent white. We’ve got to bump that down to 70. Sorry frank?”
  18. I don’t doubt those conversations happen, but conversations are a far cry from impact on a systemic level.
  19. I’m sorry but I’m going to need to see some hard data before I believe this narrative that white males are being disproportionally targeted. I am guessing any data you can find will show you quite the opposite. I take no joy in people being laid off… but I did find the language used by this man and his legal team to be quite funny.
  20. I just think it’s safe to make light of this particular situation and the language like I initially quoted without tying yourself in knots trying to be respectful
  21. Listen I understand what you’re saying, but this man is saying he was fired for being old and white because Bobby K said offhandedly that they need fewer old white executives. You can clown on this guy while still being sensitive to the issues you're bringing up.
  22. if we find out this is a beloved employee who made grand contributions to a game I’ll gladly eat crow lol. The claims he is making are based on some offhand comments made by Bobby K. The article is so absurd I couldn’t tell if it was satire at first.
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