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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Two words: Poop Portals Think about it...
  2. Sadly, this is the logical result of building Olive Gardens in the first place.
  3. So you're saying that, to some degree or another, most blind people are LIARS!
  4. Does anyone know if its a record for fastest entry and suspension on Bloomberg's part? Its got to be a contender? Certainly he just spent a shit load for the month he was in? May be that's a record? I feel like there is some kind of record here!
  5. Its not a great look, but it appears to be superficial. It could use a better cleaning and dressing though. 5/10
  6. Ewww, god. no! Burn it with fire! I truly destest "gamer gear". When I picture this stuff, I feel like its falls in the neighborhood of our dear friends the incels.
  7. A chronological list of grievances, hand typed, is an absolute must!
  8. Its almost as if society's smartest slackers shouldn't be in charge of things that can cause large scale impacts.
  9. I use reddit for tech stuff like Nvidia, Intel, AMD, etc. Its a lot more than just politics and racists.
  10. https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/2/21161635/nvidias-gpu-technology-conference-gtc-online-only-coronavirus What: Nvidia's yearly "what's going on in the land of green" conference Why: Maximum schilling of products such as new Shiny GPUs + Huang's leather coat! When: March 22nd-26th Where: Online, where Covid-19 can't touch it! Key note event (when new GPUs get announced!) March 23rd from 4-6pm PST or 7-9PM real time!
  11. Absolutely! This is really for those that have their PC in the living room along with their consoles. My TV is my monitor, but I'd prefer my living room not look like a PC desktop environment.
  12. Reading, history, facts. These are words and concepts for those who don't simply FEEL America in their souls.
  13. https://www.pcgamesn.com/nvidia/ampere-33-tflops-gpu
  14. Whelp, between this and RvsW, we're clearly ready to re-enter the 20th century, which I think we can all agree is great for 20th Century Fox...
  15. What I've learned is that I need to A.) Back off on the coffee and B.) get a full night's rest before doing one of these! I sound like I ran up 10 flights of stairs and then was handed a microphone to do a local news segment.
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