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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Once again, Bautista has seemingly taken this into the realm of a "moral issue". He used the word "nauseating" to describe working for Disney after this incident. That's a pretty harsh indictment of Disney management and one that I simply don't see how he can reconcile with continuing to work for them. He honestly seems to think that he can have his moral cake and eat it too which is where my entire disdain for his actions is coming from.
  2. For Bautista, it really does "appear" to have transcended from being solely a business disagreement into something that that has an actual moral component. Once it crosses that boundary, the options to display dissatisfaction or opposition become far more limited and those that remain are necessarily more drastic.
  3. It's the epitome of "social media slacktivism": "Look at me! I'm doing the absolute bare minimum for a cause that I supposedly believe in, but I'm not actually gonna take any real personal/professional risk because that's too hard!" Screw that noise and screw him. Hell, if I'm a Disney executive right now, I'm having my attorneys comb through his contract thoroughly to see if any grounds could be discovered to fire his ass.
  4. Apparently it's one that's not "moral enough" to opt out of the contract and incur the financial penalties. Until he's willing to do something that actually requires "pain" or "sacrifice" beyond making meaningless Twitter pontifications, he should just keep his trap shut.
  5. Modder thekempy has altered the emotional cutscene away from the limited 3rd person of the original game and into an intimate, focused first-person camera that allows you to see the work that went into the motion capture and facial animation for the scene.
  6. Just how "Japanese" is it? I mean, is it anime/Final Fantasy level Japanese which will make me want to drop more nukes?
  7. I'm surprised Ray has managed to keep this shtick going for as long as he has. And, lest we forget, Ray "obstructed justice" in a double murder investigation. If you're keeping score, the Pro Football Hall of Fame has two inductees "linked" to a pair of double murders (Ray Lewis and OJ Simpson) and one inductee who all but definitely murdered a guy (Marvin Harrison).
  8. Pretty much everyone in Venezuela is convinced this was staged by the government to give Maduro justification for an even harsher crackdown on the opposition.
  9. I'm not sure anyone will be able to muster the energy over the Antman Saga to debate this with you
  10. Venezuelan officials say explosive drones went off as President Nicolás Maduro was giving a live televised speech in Caracas, but he is unharmed.
  11. Awww yeah! Some sweet-ass Chinese government spyware comin' your way to an Android device near you courtesy of Tencent!
  12. Swedish police investigated for shooting man with Down syndrome who was reportedly carrying a toy gun I'd give anything to compare/contrast how the Swedish authorities handle the post-shooting investigation compared to how American authorities typically handle ours.
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