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3 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

What’s this groups thoughts on Pre-Workouts and Creatine?


  • I use this pre workout

HEAT ACCELERATED is an award-winning fat burner combining high-quality, fat-burning ingredients to help cut fat while retaining muscle for healthy weight loss.



  • This protein during workout

With 30 grams of protein per scoop, QUATTRO is a pure isolate protein powder that guarantees easy digestion with no bloating or gas. Perfect for lactose sensitivity.



  • These during workout

Powered by 7g branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), supporting muscle recovery, and a cool, refreshing flood of icy blue raspberry to ignite your tastebuds.




I have a few others but these are my go tos. 







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1 hour ago, Remarkableriots said:

Went from working in a parking booth to working at a convenience store helped a lot. I was also walking 35 minutes from the bus stop to my job and back after work.


That's good. Hopefully you can lose more weight from your new diet. 

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Bad thing about getting old.


i can’t tell if these symptoms are age related to me not being able to handle depletion training and competition like volume as I used to or actual neuro/cardiovascular symptoms I should get evaled for.



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On 7/23/2022 at 5:00 AM, TUFKAK said:

Bad thing about getting old.


i can’t tell if these symptoms are age related to me not being able to handle depletion training and competition like volume as I used to or actual neuro/cardiovascular symptoms I should get evaled for.



Right after this I ended up throwing up so hard I vomited blood. Just a small Mallory Weiss tear so nothing to be concerned about but my gods I hate getting old.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Think I'm gonna start posting here as well... lost a bunch of weight last year and got below 200lbs for the first time since my early 30's. Gained it back in recent months due to working a lot and eating shit. Just got back from New Orleans I and I'd guess I'm somewhere around 220. About to start training again. Will keep track of my progress here with you guys.

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I’ve decided to relax until around 9/6. Then I can go back to hard training. Seychelles in November so I need to prep for that and I’m gonna be a plus one twice in October as well.


feels real weird training for normal reasons. And I absolutely need to get off aas.

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Started working out harder since my dog passed away. I was feeling very strong and ended up tearing a tendon in my shoulder. Working through it, the biggest limitations is curls. I was curling 60lb dumbbell and I had to go down to 20lbs. 😭 


Dumbbell press is strong tho. Been doing (X10) 80s, 85s, then down to (X8) 35 all the way to 95. 


Squatting I haven't been pushing, I'm stuck at 335 at the moment. With pulls and overhead presses I can do the whole weight stack. It's getting easy so I'm gonna have to figure something out. 


Gained 25lbs since he passed away, gotta get back down. I miss him. 

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My diet was so strict for so long I’ve bloated like a mf the last two weeks as I relaxed a bit and retained way too much weight. I can likely use an old bodybuilding trick to lean out by Thursday but not holding out much hope.


my gf will just have to accept shirts in Cabo 😂

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I’ve had two sessions with an oesteopath to try and sort out my hip. It turns out my left hip was about…an inch and a half higher than the other side (rugby trauma) so that was causing me a lot of issues running. That’s been fixed and I’ve gone from constantly having hip tightness pain on the left and calf pain on the right to…nothing.


Ran five miles today and the only parts that hurt were my legs and lungs running up some hills. It was genuinely ace.

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Also signed up to a running club tomorrow (at least…I think I have). So that’ll be running tomorrow, rugby on Tuesday, clean, tidy house then off to a festival for 4 nights. I’m planning on bringing my gear as there are fitness sessions etc to recover from a nigh on guaranteed horrible hangover. 

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11 hours ago, gamer.tv said:

I’ve had two sessions with an oesteopath to try and sort out my hip. It turns out my left hip was about…an inch and a half higher than the other side (rugby trauma) so that was causing me a lot of issues running. That’s been fixed and I’ve gone from constantly having hip tightness pain on the left and calf pain on the right to…nothing.


Ran five miles today and the only parts that hurt were my legs and lungs running up some hills. It was genuinely ace.

What exactly did they do to fix the difference in height? I went to an osteopath a couple years ago and they told me something similar but it wasn't entirely clear to me what the treatment was going to be, and then I left the country. :lol:

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9 hours ago, Nokra said:

What exactly did they do to fix the difference in height? I went to an osteopath a couple years ago and they told me something similar but it wasn't entirely clear to me what the treatment was going to be, and then I left the country. :lol:

After warming my hip up for around 30 minutes he pulled really, really hard on my leg. Then a few more stretches and then a ‘drop’ - so forcing it down a bit more. Repeated it the next session with more mobility work. 

When I say he pulled it hard, I mean if it was my head, I’d be dead.

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I decreased my caffeine content by 

more than half 2 days ago. I now am only drinking a few cups of green tea each day.


Holy shit is this difficult! Massive headaches and I feel extremely tired and unfocused. I just have to fight through it and I'll be healthier for it. 

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I’ve already decided that my New Years resolution will be no caffeine at all for a year. This years ‘no bread’ has been great, with the odd pizza because I’m not a lunatic, and one I’ll keep up. 

Did a few runs around my local area now school has started. Nothing like a nice 3 mile run with about 8 hills, carrying a 12lb back pack. 

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1 hour ago, gamer.tv said:

I’ve already decided that my New Years resolution will be no caffeine at all for a year. This years ‘no bread’ has been great, with the odd pizza because I’m not a lunatic, and one I’ll keep up. 

Did a few runs around my local area now school has started. Nothing like a nice 3 mile run with about 8 hills, carrying a 12lb back pack. 


Well be sure not to cut out the caffeine all at once. You must lower the amount slowly and then you can eventually stop caffeine use all together.


What I'm doing now is extremely difficult and I'm not trying to get off caffeine all together. Just a healthier amount and from a better source in green tea. 

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3 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:

What's the purpose of quitting coffee?


For me it was 5 hour energy drinks and monster energy drinks daily. I was consuming way too much caffeine in a day. My heart was beating out of my chest to go along with the other medical issue I have now.


So it's been 3 cups of green tea a day for the last two days. It finally hit me this morning big time. Massive headache, body is sore, blurred vision, and extremely tired.


I just have to let my body adjust 😩 

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