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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Up at 4.30am as daughter decided she wanted to wake up then. Took her downstairs to play and eat breakfast then at about 7:45am we went back to bed for a snooze until 10am ish.
  2. I don’t know. Konami haven’t started to re-build their gaming division and remakes of fondly remember games is a great way to generate easy income.
  3. Can’t get a PCR test in England at the moment. Great time for this to happen with New Years tomorrow, no restrictions in place and a load of Welsh and Scottish people are flocking to England to go out out.
  4. At my in-laws so using my phone so like the rest of the world, tried out Wordle. Got the answer on the fourth go.
  5. More Spiderman. I could quite happily play it for about 10 hours straight, it’s hooked me in the right way. Sadly, with life, I have more like…30 minutes a day. Resident Evil 3 (remake) and Doom Eternal both turned up today, so I’m set for a while with games. Not to mention, I have Skyward Sword HD to play and cash in the bank to get Metroid Dread at some point.
  6. Only when I was younger. Most heartbreaking, a Pokemon dream.
  7. Don’t look up: 9/10 Loved it and the message behind it. The premise was interesting and it all worked for me.
  8. PS4 (base). Looked and played well - definitely worth the 15 hours I spent with it.
  9. Spoke to my sister about running and now we’ve decided to have a go at a half marathon in May. Just did my first training run (a very relaxed 5 mile run) which felt easy. Tomorrow is supposed to be a three mile run, so I may add in some speed work to see if I can increase my pace at all (I’m terrible for running further but never faster). Only downside is. I wife bought me some new running shoes for Christmas and it’s rubbed the top of my heel, so I may have to use them for strength sessions and get some other new ones for running.
  10. Being off ruins my sleep pattern. Had a lie in until 9:40am, couldn’t get to sleep till 12pm. Daughter woke up at 2am hungry and is now awakens-awake at 6am so I feel a tad sleepy.
  11. Shockingly (and I mean this), ‘Do you like dancing…I do…wanna?’ has been successful. can confirm no super model here.
  12. I have definitely been part of the problem when it comes to working when ill. Sadly, although I know I wouldn’t be impacted (employment wise) by being ill, I still have a hangover from a previous job where being off was a terrible thing. I remember being in a manager meeting where it was agreed we wouldn’t give someone a chance to progress (well, a very small sideways move) as they’d been off twice in 6 months. It was senior management opinions that we just went along with.
  13. People can’t? Up, over the shoulder and down the back. Easy.
  14. Well you’re not going to have sex with someone with a smaller dick, what’s the point?
  15. Since I had the time, I started Spiderman and I’m really enjoying it. Normally I dislike everything about this type of game (look out points to find, stupid amount of things to do), but the IP really helps keep it ticking over. So it looks like I’ll be doing something I hate, that being a few games on the go at the same time. Update: had a spare 30 minutes so did two more missions in Perfect Dark. Two more to go!
  16. I ended up bringing one of my copies of MGS from my parents back home to play (as if that will ever happen…) and it made me look at a review for Twin Snakes. Then the current selling price. Apart from the legal nightmare of a Silicon Knights game, using a Konami property for a Nintendo system, it does feel this very much came and went. I’ve read some criticism that the first person view can break the game a bit, though even still, surely someone, somewhere would be able to work out how to re-release the game.
  17. In-laws are over so the plan is, wake up when daughter wakes up. Open presents, nice breakfast, mill about and maybe go for a walk, snacks at 1pm and dinner at 3pm. Daughter has a cold though so she’s been waking up the past hour or so (now being midnight) - so hopefully the paracetamol I’ve just given her helps her sleep till about 5am. Vaguely hoping as well that mid-morning, everyone will snooze and I can give Spiderman a go.
  18. Tried a mission on Perfect Dark twice and died. I mean, I know I’m bad at games but this is just a little sad. Update: did the mission, then the next after about 5 minutes of gameplay and 15 wandering around (a trope of the generation I don’t miss much) and the one after. I felt like I was on a role so did one where I had to disable a weapon, had a time limit finish, though I had to follow the alien wanker, he went too slow, we both died, mission over. I don’t have the patience to restart right now, but will when everyone gets snoozy later in.
  19. The Revenant is one. The ordeal was great to experience the first time, but I wonder how impactful it would be a second time. I also can’t see myself rewatching Midsommar any time soon.
  20. Finished: I Don’t Give a Shit Miss and it was a good overview of SEMH issues and strategies in a children, but it definitely wanted more depth - so might tweet the author to ask for where else to look. Mow reading the first four Earthsea books, which I haven’t before. It’s like every fantasy novel I’ve read, but it doesn’t stop it being fun.
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