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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. That is stunning. How is this happening? Honest question. There are global shortages of hardware. The games library is paltry at best, and most stuff can still be played on the last-gen system. The cost is even financially obstructive for (I assume) at least some people. Yet the PS5 is selling like hot cakes. Playstation 5? More like Playstation Juggernaut. UNSTOPPABLE!
  2. This is great. Been playing a bit of this game and yeah - it’s actually pretty solid! Pleasantly surprised and now hyped for the new DLC coming soon. Hadoken!
  3. Pokémon Shield. Easiest decision ever. I still need to fill out a good chunk of the Pokédex and I’ve barely touched the DLC. 5 days no Internet? No problem, I’ll be a Pokémon Master by the end of the week!
  4. Yeah I guess Dark Alliance II, then. I’ve never played either, despite owning both years ago. Thought maybe I could make up for it in HD, but seems like it will be the first one only.
  5. Same. Also kind of a personal bummer for me that it's not coming to Switch. The game looks like it'd be a no-brainer to put on that system.
  6. At GameStop. MSRP $29.99 for today only. Half off! Here’s the link. CLICK! Get it now and save some money. If you want. Cheers!
  7. Ah yes, that's it. Wanna know something weird? I was going through the games in my basement just now and I actually own the original Dishonored on 360. Obviously never played it, though. D'oh.
  8. There was a Dishonored part 1? I thought I knew what game this might have been a sequel to, but the way it’s described is totally different than what I had in mind. I thought this was a game about Vikings fighting knights or samurai or something?
  9. R-Type Final 2 is today. Man this game pulls zero punches. Which is par for the course for this franchise, haha. Good stuff.
  10. True. But my original point still stands; buy now, sell it later!
  11. The game was a hit with my kids back on 3DS. It is actually pretty funny, but very shallow as far as RPGs go. It's silly and enjoyable, but obviously not something you can really sink your teeth into. It's...cute. Probably not worth the $60 or whatever Nintendo will be asking for it. But buy now so in 5 or 10 years you can sell it SEALED CiB for two to three times the price! It's not worth playing, but it's a worthy investment! (probably)
  12. Today’s the day! Actually looking forward to this weird spin-off. Not sure if I’m going to like my social media feed though, suddenly being flooded with screenshots and videos of this game and not much else, haha
  13. I think indies are still making games for it, actually! Mostly just SHMUPS for the most part, but apparently some of them are quite good. Yeah that’s not surprising. Isn’t that why the game was cancelled in the first place? I feel like I remember some news story (probably IGN) from back then that reported development of the game wasn’t really going as planned and Konami decided to just can it.
  14. I was always pretty bummed this game never got an official release. I was pretty bummed how the Dreamcast turned out in general, come to think of it. Such a great system. Died too young.
  15. I still have a difficult time wrapping my head around the idea of this franchise on consoles. So weird.
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