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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. A lot of my favorites have already been mentioned, so I’ll shout out a few that don’t get much praise: Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Metroid: Samus Returns Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue Blaster Master Zero
  2. The Pro and One X aren't really next-gen systems though? They were just upgrades. Like, I don't think anyone thought the DSi was a next-gen handheld when it came out, for example. Or that the NEW 3DS was a next gen system and Vita was suddenly last-gen. Switch is a completely different system, not an iterative upgrade to the Wii U.
  3. All kinds of stuff! Here's my job: Video Games Monthly We mostly do retro, but we recently started shipping Xbox One and PS4 games too.
  4. This is true, Raid Mode in Revelations 2 is fantastic!
  5. Yes the first one. To be fair, all subsequent games in the series are going to feel like a trashy spin-off of 4. But Revelations had a cool setting on the cruise ship, some interesting new enemies, a couple of very memorable bosses, and wow. Raid Mode was an absolute blast. It's not a masterpiece, but I really enjoyed it. I played the original 3DS version, and the stereoscopic 3D helped the immersion factor as well. It's worth checking out on any platform.
  6. @chakoo Might have to take you up on that offer for your 2nd copy. I’ll try again today but yeah it chokes and has that spinning loading wheel that prevents me from finishing my purchase. EDIT: OK, finally got it to work! Got my copy reserved! SUCCESS! Thanks for the heads up on this!
  7. @chakoo Oh hell yeah let's gooooooo....! EDIT: Hmm, can't seem to checkout. The website seems to want to reload/update the page or something.
  8. They could cause some discord by creating discord among gamers by rebranding Discord to something other than Discord. Yes.
  9. I concur. Also, I recently came upon some Discord trivia: Apparently, they chose the name "Discord" mainly because it was one of the few single words not currently in use for a product or service, then came up with the meaning of it attempting to solve the discord that was happening with gamers trying to find ways of communicating for online games! So yeah, please don't rebrand it.
  10. I really like how this game seems to be shaping up. Looking forward to playing it.
  11. Oh really? I thought I had been pretty vocal about how terrible I felt the Wii U was over the years. Maybe it was drowned out by how much praise I gave the 3DS, LOL. But yeah, the PS3 ended up being fine, but in the early years it was kind rough. Hyped up games like the ones you mentioned, plus stuff like White Knight Chronicles, Lair, and Haze all ended up being pretty disappointing and put the system in a bad light.
  12. Hey, when people said that? BOTH my eyes batted! ...the Wii U sucked. For the record.
  13. Huh. Y'know...I think this is the first time I've ever seen or heard anyone say this. I'm not arguing anything, just interesting to see anyone just lay it out like that.
  14. It is pretty different and it is easier just to not lump them in. So I’ll just adhere to my opinion that Nintendo just has a handheld on the market now and not a console. Easier that way!
  15. Okay, but now I’m more confused. How is Wii in the same gen as 360/PS3, despite the power difference, but launching a year apart from 360? Wii U is looped in with PS4/XBO but it launched a year’s difference from those and also had a big power difference. But Switch is somehow not a new gen? Pfft. Whatever.
  16. My personal perspective is actually even more different, now that I think about it. I view the Switch more as a successor to the 3DS. Nintendo has just a handheld/portable system on the market now, and no actual home console. That’s just me, though.
  17. @Brick Ah, Wikipedia. What generation was the Wii? That system was underpowered compared to the Sony and Microsoft platforms.
  18. Well, technically is the PS5/Series X joined the Switch’s generation. Generation = era of *when* hardware is released. Not what the hardware specs are. Dude, you knew that! C’mon now! Also, apparently Japan is really looking forward to this game! A Japanese Company Has Made Monster Hunter Rise Launch Day an Official Holiday - IGN WWW.IGN.COM A Japanese company saw so many employees booking the day of Monster Hunter Rise's launch off of work that it's giving all its employees the day off instead.
  19. That could make sense. There are apparently multiple parties looking into it. Maybe Google? Because they buy everything anyway it seems. Why not.
  20. You underestimate my power...! But probably spot on with the money.
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