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Everything posted by ort

  1. So, word is that there were only like 53 arrests all day yesterday? There's footage of hordes of people leaving the capital building next to officers? How is every person who stepped into that building not in jail? I really don't get it. What kind of message does this send?
  2. Is there live coverage of this? Is it escalating or are these isolated incidents?
  3. Unfortunately, Jason's penis is only 4 and a half feet long, so there is no way to do it safely.
  4. There are rumors that the next apple tv will have a much stronger focus on gaming. It has also been confirmed that apple and Microsoft are working toward giving Xbox Series X controllers full native Mac and iOS support.
  5. Any time some GOP fucknut starts screaming SOCIALISM! they should have their face caved in with a fucking hammer. Remember when the tea party was a thing? What happened to all of those people? It's almost like they don't actually believe in a single fucking thing they pretend to. Politics is literally nothing but tribalism at this point.
  6. All of the previous incidents the republicans point to to justify this are like saying, well, it's okay that I walloped you in the face with a pillowcase full of doorknobs because 10 years ago someone flicked my ear. It's intellectually dishonest bullshit. Our entire democracy is built upon the concept of a peaceful transfer of power. That's really the core concept of a functional democracy. I fucking hate all of the treason/sedition hyperbolic talk, but seriously, if that's not what this is than what is it? Why are we pussy footing around this? Either the democrats pulled off the biggest scandal/crime in the history of the country or they didn't. I mean, if they really truly think that's what happened, fucking put it out there. Have a press conference, lay out your arguments. What they are doing, all this, well, you know, it seems fishy bullshit is just nonsense. Why are we acting like this is politics as normal? This isn't fucking normal. This is probably the most insane political event I've ever witnessed. What's fucking crazier than this shit that is happening right now that like half the country is playing off as something normal? It's fucking terrifying. What is even happening? Why are allowing this to happen? I feel like everything has just broken down. The whole system is just so fucked. None of these congresspeople/senators should be able to show their faces in public. When they walk on the senate floor all the other senators should boo and hiss at them. They shouldn't even be talking to these people. They should be shunned. Forever. This should end the political carrier of anyone involved. It should be an immediate disqualifier for ever holding public office ever again. Make your fucking case or shut the fuck up. I fucking hate everything about this.
  7. Sorry! Something went wrong! WWW.AMAZON.COM This is the power supply I'm using. I would like to do more testing on it, but my kids are monopolizing our TVs. I don't remember it being weird at home (but I barely used it here), but when we took it out to our family's cabin this weekend it was performing like butt. Could it be the TV or the HDMI cable? (It's a newish 4k TCL TV bought like a year ago) My main question I guess is... is this normal? I'm guessing no.
  8. I just put together my first ever Raspberry Pie / retro pie mini console... and honestly I'm not very impressed.I'm getting stuttering, frame rate issues and screen tearing on SNES games and others making them not much fun to play. When I emulate them on my Mac on OpenEmu they all play smooth as butter... but on the Retro Pie it's a different story. Specifically, when I play pretty much any NES or SNES game it feels like the game is moving like 5-10% faster than it should, it kinda flickers and feels like it's dropping frames or something. It's not smooth, it feels stuttery and jittery. There is also screen tearing all over. It's both kinda subtle and kinda not. If you know what you're looking at with these games, it stands out instantly. Others couldn't see what I was talking about, but they weren't used to games from this era, so they assumed it was normal. I can immediately see a difference. Is this normal?It's the kind of thing that might not even be noticed by some, but I notice the hell out of it, and in my mind it makes the games completely unplayable.I was also expecting the whole experience to be a little more polished in general. So many screens of 4 point type... am I powering up a game console or hacking into the FBI? What the hell? The overall UI experience is pretty hacky and bad. And this thing is buggy as hell.Is this normal? Everyone always praises Retro Pie's like they are the second coming... but my experience has been pretty different.Am I being too picky here? I feel pretty disappointed by the whole experience so far.
  9. I really disliked Cars 3. Not a fan of that series at all. Brave felt like a movie that had been rewritten like 10 times. It was a mess. There are aspects of it that are truly great, but it always felt like a really great movie trapped inside of a mediocre one.
  10. Fuck this piece of shit. Even in his own version of the story, he dug around in one of his customers laptops looking at all of their personal information. I don't give a shit if that's within the contract if the laptop is abandoned... it's shady as fuck and no one should ever bring a computer to him again. What a fucking loser this guy is. He deserves every bad review. He deserves to have his life ruined. His story doesn't make sense anyway. There is no way it unfolded the way he said it did. Either way, why would ANYONE ever trust this shady ass piece of crap ever again? Why would you take your computer to someone who has admitted to snooping around and then turned the information over to try and get his client in trouble? FUCK THIS MAN. HIS LIFE SHOULD BE RUINED. HE DESERVES EVERY BAD THING THAT IS HAPPENING TO HIM AND MORE. I hope he gets counter sued into oblivion and lives the rest of his life in financial ruin.
  11. People are confusing the two because right wing media is purposefully confusing them.
  12. So, I'm paying way less attention to the news lately... does this congressional vote thing on the additional funds for COVID relief ($2,000 instead of $600) actually have a chance or is it all just political theater that is doomed to fail? It feels like political theater that is doomed to fail, but what do I know.
  13. I also liked how they were all freaking out about that 10 million for gender studies in Pakistan or whatever. They just picked that because it had the word "gender" in it and they knew people would associate it with trans stuff and be turned off. It's a program to promote women's rights in Pakistan and its $10 million bucks out of $2.3 trillion. That would be like making a $230,000 budget for something and having everyone freak out over where a single dollar of it was going. That's how insignificant a $10 million dollar item is on a national budget scale. And yet, how many headlines? How many Republicans led with that "gender" program thing? And it had nothing to do with COVID relief anyway, it was part of the normal budget... bleh.
  14. Soul was very good, but isn't among my Pixar favs. My wife cried and loved it though. Kids also really liked it. Don't get me wrong, it is great, but it just didn't land all the punches for me personally. It sorta felt like a mash-up of Coco and Inside Out. I felt like everything worked better when they were on Earth, and all of the afterlife stuff just didn't move me. Whenever a movie goes to strange lands like this, I always feel like they are just making everything up as they go along. The stakes don't feel real, because they just keep introducing new rules for the setting and they always feel arbitrary. Still a big thumbs up from me.
  15. I'm sure it was a favor to his billionaire buddy Erik Prince (Betsy Devos' brother). Makes his guys look better, sends a message to the rest of his mercenaries that they have got their back. It's disgusting.
  16. I'm not really paying that much attention to this, but it sounds bonkers... how bad are these bugs? Is the game unplayable? What percentage of people do you think are frustrated enough to want their money back? I feel like most gamers would just hold onto the game... but who knows.
  17. Correct or not, he sounds like a total fuck stick. I've heard speculation that this is fake and/or staged. I was ignoring this story, because really, who gives a shit... but I finally listened and I don't think this is staged. He would have tried harder to not sound like such a total ass if it was staged. I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. He sounds like one of my old bosses... he keeps framing the whole situation around how it effects him... "This is what I go to bed with each night..." yeah, shut the fuck up with that shit. You're not the victim here you multi-millionare cult leader fucker. You probably earned more during the 2 minute duration of your rant than the two people listening to you berate them will make all year. That said, I know someone who spent an hour or two with Tom Cruise and they said he was shockingly normal and down to earth... this was like 20 years ago though, so who knows.
  18. Yeah, just come up with some new idea. Why is everything a sequel, remake or a redo?
  19. I mean, I'm pretty sure we all laid out very clearly that none of us actually really care about this, and that we all understand this is ridiculous and pointless...
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